Thursday, May 24, 2012

Josie and the Back Activities

I hate it when people talk about someone behind their backs.  Even when it's not me.

Yesterday, I told Aris, who is a friend of mine in Math, that Meghan had gotten voted Class Favorite in choir.  You know what she said?  "Eww!"  That is so rude!  Meghan completely deserved that award!

Also, when people talk about Bree, they say she's mean or annoying or something, or she acts completely different around adults.  So what if she wants to help Mrs. Behne!  Do you know what her life is like at home?  Her mom left her with her grandparents who hardly take care of her.  She's always helping and with Mrs. Behne because she's the mom Bree never had.  And she'll tell someone who's nice to her about her life at home, so don't start saying all this stuff about her.

My biggest problem was Vittorio.  He was being talked about.  Vittorio is one of my friends who moved here in the third grade from Argentina.  Everyone bullied him.  One guy in chess would always go, "Don't cry for him, Argentina, the truth is he never loved you."  I wanted to slap him silly.  Maybe I did, once.  But people have the nerve to say that he was the bully to Lauren.  Sure, he hit her, but those were provoked.  Hey, here's something, guys!  Lauren has been and is a bully to me, so I know exactly why Vittorio slapped her, why he talked to me, and the REAL reason why he transferred to a private school: he was sick and tired of being bullied.  He told you guys that this school wasn't challenging enough, and that might have been partially true, but Kasiah and I know that he wanted a fresh start.  He wanted to go to a school where people didn't think he was a dork, even if it's just for a year.  He wanted a break from all of you guys.  And because you keep on talking behind peoples backs, backstabbing, and spreading rumors, I wouldn't mind a fresh start myself.

You know, I really hope that Meghan, Bree, and Vittorio are reading this, so that way they know the truth.  And I hope the people talking read this too, so that they know the truth as well: they are idiots and should just SHUT UP!

Honestly, I don't even care if I lose friends by posting this.  I am PISSED OFF!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

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