Saturday, May 19, 2012

Josie and the Story That Never Ends Well 2

I got written in the story.  I wrote the story (originally) and I got written in three sections later!  ???

1) If you are "written in the story" (tagged), the story is passed to you.
2) You must inform the person you write in the story that they are written in the story, and they have to be willing to pass it on.
3) You must write one paragraph to the story.
4) Try to make the story flow.
5) Yes, there are tagbacks.
6) Whatever you write has to be in a color that isn't black, and don't change colors.
7) You can only write one person into the story.
8) Make sure to keep up with the story, even when you have passed it on already.
9) If someone writes "The End," the person who had it last must pass it on to another person.
10) Write something original.

Yeah, so, here it goes.  I'm writing in red, as usual.

"You're kidding me, right?" Violet questioned her teacher. "A C+? Why?" Mr. Guidierez sighed and shook his head. "You want to write your creative writing project on a video game?" Violet's eyes practically bulged out of her head. She grabbed her idea proposal from her teacher. When she skimmed through, she realized that her older brother (well, older by about 6 minutes) had switched his proposal for a fanfiction for Yu-Gi-Oh! with her topic about a war between angels and demons on earth. She crumpled up the paper in her fists. "SETH!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Mr. Guidierez, I'm so sorry, but my brother mixed our paper's up, and-" she tried to say, but Mr. Guidierez interrupted her.

He shook his head, indicating "No exceptions". Violet sighed, and left the classroom. "Argh! Seth, I am going to strangle you when I find you!" She thought while angrily walking towards her locker. She opened her locker, and threw the crumpled up paper into it. She shut the door, revealing her best friend, Cadance. "Yo." Cadance said, leaning against her own locker. "Um, hi." Violet said, not really sure what to say. "How's your so far?" She asked finally. Cadance looked at the floor. "It's good, they STILL haven't reached the island, yet." Cadance sighed.

Violet smiled at Cadance. "Don't worry, your parents will be fine! It's just a little experiment, no worries, they should be back in two weeks like they promised. Let's forget all this for now and just get something to eat, I'm STARVING!" Cadance smiled, her best friend always knew how to cheer her up. Violet sighed, Cadance hasn't been the same since her twin brother had died and her parents have gone off to trips more often. The two girls walked to the cafeteria to the sound of kids screaming 'FIGHT FIGHT!' and Seth on the floor with a bloody nose.

Violet dashed into the action to get Seth out of the fight.  "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" she screamed in fury.  She dashed at Tory Stoneman, who was the butch criminal kind of guy at Steinmetz High School.  He pushed her on top of her brother, who groaned in pain as he was squished by her bony elbows, trying to cushion her own fall.  Tory didn't matter if Violet was a girl or not.  He would still rip her to pieces.  Violet sprang up onto her feet and into a weird defense position.  Everyone gasped at how she got back up, even Cadance, who had seen some of the weirdest of people in her lifetime.  Knowing that this trick worked with every guy, she sent her oncoming kick practically flying to Tory's groin.  He keeled over in pain, and Mr. Guidierez rushed into the cafeteria.  Seth wished that other teachers were fast enough to come and break apart a fight.  "What is going on here?!?!" he demanded an answer as he assisted Tory up onto his feet.  "Who did this to him?"  Everyone pointed at Seth and Violet.  That awkward moment when you just want to curl up into a ball and die from embarrassment. Seth thought.  Strangely enough, Violet was thinking the same thing.

Since I'm not a big fan of tagbacks, I guess I'll pass it onto Zel.  Good luck, Zel.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

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