Friday, May 4, 2012

Josie and Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you!

I am so happy!  And burned on my arms!  Okay, let's start from the beginning:

6:00 AM ~ I wake up early and end up wasting my time doing... I forget.  But I got to wear my band polo tucked into jeans with a belt.
7:00 AM ~ I arrive at the Smith's
7:45 AM ~ I arrive at Chess.  By the way, there's a 7th grade neo-Nazi there.  Awkward....  Anyway, I talked with Christa, another Chess girl and another Frenchie, about her solo and ensemble contest last night.  She said she did bad.  I told her that she was better than me when I was this far into the school year.  I didn't even know the fingerings to high F while her and all six beginners can hit it with ease.  I wish I had Mr. Clark teach me instead of Mr. Patricia.
8:15 AM ~ School starts.  Mr. Kilgore announces that our final history project will be about a 20th century conflict.  My group chose the Oklahoma City Bombing in the 90's.  He approves of the choice and we begin to realize that there isn't as much information on this topic at school.
9:07 AM ~ I enter the computer lab, happy to see we are working on our videos.  I am almost done with mine.  Mrs. Page announces that since she broke her arm and was not able to plan out the play, we our having what I call a monologue festival, where people select monologues and perform them by themselves.  Of course, I signed up and she gave me a big packet of monologues I could do.  I CAN'T DECIDE!!
10:09 AM ~ Math is boring.  We're doing pre-algebra questions and I get so distracted that I only did one problem.
10:30 AM ~ I get out of class with every other band member who was carefully watching the clock and head to get our things.  When we enter the band hall, I soon find out why the orchestra got a 2, a 3, and a 4 at UIL.  They weren't so good.  The last note was extremely out of tune, but I saw Meghan playing her violin.  I get my French Horn and go to the cafeteria, where we recieve snacks.
11:10 AM ~ We depart from school to go to Canton where we perform.  After, that I had no idea what time everything was.
We had antifreeze leak from the bus and had to exchange buses to get to Canton.  We sit outside for a while waiting for the bus, and I'm singing my head off.  "O-oh, sometimes I get a good feeling... Popular!  You're gonna be popular, and with an assist from me to be who you'll be instead of dreary who you were, well, are, there's nothing that can stop you from becoming populer.  Lar!... Loathing!  Unadulterated loathing.  For your face, your voice, your clothing, let's just say I loathe it all... It's time to try defying gravity, I think I'll try defying gravity and you can't bring me down... 'Til I hear you sing once more!... He's just ten years old!  Ten years OLD!"  Yeah, I'm kind of nuts.  But the bus finally got here, and I'm not having as hard a time finding a SEAT!  But I do have a hard time opening my instrument.
We perform Pride of the Regiment (which we've been playing for a while) and Serengeti Dreams (which we've only played for two weeks) and came out with a 1!  WOOHOO!
We, then, drove all the way to Splash Kindom and I found it kind of lame, so, as usual, I spent my time getting a tan in the lazy river and trying to stay afloat in the wave pool.  Then I got sunburned.
5:30 PM ~ The park announces that they're closing in 30 minutes, so I try to get out of the lazy river as fast as I can to get back with my group.  A bug has died in my Coke and Sprite.
6:00 PM ~ We get on the bus, the park closes, and we head back to school.
7:00 PM ~ We arrive at school half an hour early, so I help set up chairs and drink lots of water.  But mainly I just talk to Katie about dance class.
7:30 PM ~ Mom arrives and takes me home.
9:00 PM ~ We head to Grandma's since there's a tornado warning storm heading our way.
10:03 PM ~ I publish this blog post.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

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