Saturday, May 12, 2012

Josie and the Big Dance

Mom, if you're reading this, I already miss you.  Grandpa's behaving nicely (lol) but still, I miss you.

The dance was incredibly lame.  I think the DJ was the same one they used at the high school prom, who thought that the only thing people liked was rap music.  Gosh.  He only played one other thing and that was country.  Kasiah got Her New Boyfriend Trevor to dance with her on that song, then this one girl Joy and her best friend interrupted them.  That was the chick's one chance!  After a little while, he went outside to go hang out with his friend Dustin, and once you go out, you can't come back in.  So Kasiah was lonely.  I got her to dance with me and this guy who sits at our lunch table, Dakota.  He's only 12!  But still, so she left kind of happy afterwards.

The set-up didn't work.  The conversation went something like this:

Anthony: (to Her New Boyfriend Trevor) I don't even know the girl!
Her New Boyfriend Trevor: (to Anthony) Just talk to her!
Me: (to Kasiah) Why are you doing this to me?
Kasiah: (to Me) Because I'm your friend!
Me: (to Kasiah) Yeah, and friends don't do this to eachother!
Her New Boyfriend Trevor: (to Anthony) Say something!
Kasiah: (pushes us together) Anthony, this is Josie.  Josie, this is Anthony.
Anthony: Hi.
Me: Hi.
Kasiah: Congratulations!  You guys are now best friends!
Me: (thinking) I probably look like such a dork.
Anthony: Um... I like Star Wars, I like Star Trek, and I hate church.
Me: (thinking) I'm not a big fan of Star Wars, I have never seen Star Trek in my life and really don't want to, and I love church.  Bye!

I think around there is when the conversation went downhill.

Not to mention that I didn't have anything to eat, so I bought two bags of hot fries, an orange Gatorade, and a Kit-Kat.

For king and queen I voted Monterek and Lizbeth (who is one of my fellow Frenchies [her nickname is Icky]), but AJ was voted king.  Thankfully, Lizbeth was voted queen.  Way to go, girl!

So, Mom, thank you for waking me up in the middle of the night before you were about to leave to Ohio to see Jared and telling me goodbye.

Happy Mother's Day.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me
You know you're crazy if you start talking to yourself and then go "Huh?" - Mrs. Behne
Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs. -Me

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