Sunday, May 20, 2012

Josie and Church

It's been a month since I invited Kasiah to church in the first place.  The first time I invited her, I had a bell choir concert and we had to wake up early, so scratch that weekend, the next Sunday, I was at a sleepover at her house, but I was too sick to go, so scratch that weekend, and so on and so forth.  Finally, we have nothing this weekend and can go to church!  It's gonna be great!  She can meet Ms. Connie, and Wes, and Brandy, and Sherah, and Aaron & Tripp "The Russians", and everyone else, OOH!  AND WE GET TO HAVE HOT CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE AND CAKE AND SODA AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT'S GOOD AND SWEET AND YUMMY AND AWFULLY DELICIOUS IN THE WORLD!!!

I just looooooove church.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

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