My Favorite Quotes

It's the good girls that keep diaries.  It's the awesome girls that keep blogs. -Me

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

You know you're crazy if you start talking to yourself and you go "Huh?" -Mrs. Behne

Don't mess with the pickle. -Me

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Be the change you want to see in the world. -Ghandi

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. -Kelly Clarkson

Listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye. - Roxette

When the dark unfolds it wings, do you sense the strangest things, things no one would ever guess, things mere words cannot express?  Yes! - Mister Y and Gustave Chagny

If I had a world of my own, everything would be Nonsense.  NOTHING would be what it is, because EVERYTING would be what it isn't.  And contrary wise, what it is, it WOULDN'T be.  And what it wouldn't be, it WOULD. - Alice

Blar! - Kinsey, Life as a Techie or Something Like It

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