Thursday, May 31, 2012

Josie and the End of Middle School

Actually, I meant to post this around 10, when I really got out, but I was watching a movie and eating.  Teehee.

I received two awards at the awards ceremony: Most Outstanding Chess Player (aka Highest Ranked Eighth Grade Girl) and Outstanding Soloist at the Solo and Ensemble Contest (that was from choir).


Tonight, Mom is going to get Redbox for me to watch while she's still at school tomorrow.  She has to transfer all her music equiptment from her small, suckish, downstairs room to the use-to-be music room.  Yay for Mom!  So she's getting The Help, Chronicle, and The Woman in Black for me to watch, which I requested.  Yes, I requested The Woman in Black.  I want to see if I can laugh at the movie.  Because I was freaking out so much in the movie theatre that I couldn't really pay attention.

Now that I think about it, that thing where WIB (Woman in Black) screams in the mirror almost made me pee my pants.  But I know what happens now (partially) so I shouldn't be as scared.

Funny scene from Poto25 (Phantom of the Opera 25th Anniversary), or at least my rendition of it.

Giry: Monsieur le Vicomte!  When you go down to save Christine and kill the Phantom, keep your hand at the level of your eye!
Raoul: Why?
Giry: The punjab lasso! (mimicks lasso movements, country accent) WEE HEE!

Too disturbing?  Sorry.

You just got PUNJABBED!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Josie and Cosplay

I finally found out what a cosplay is on Wikipedia!

Cosplay (コスプレ kosupure?), short for "costume play",[1] is a type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture centred around role play. A broader use of the term "cosplay" applies to any costumed role play in venues apart from the stage, regardless of the cultural context.

So, basically it's the adult way of saying, "We're playing house!  Care to join us?"


There are seven stages of your life:

Stage 1) When you're a little kid and playing pretend and bounce houses and Chuck E. Cheese's is fun.
Stage 2) When you mimic the older kids and start to think that Elmo and Disney Princess and bounce houses and playing pretend is not fun and that you're too mature for Chuck E. Cheese's.
Stage 3) Teenage years, when everything that was fun in stage 1 is even funner now!  Except playing pretend is called cosplay.  It's just playing house, but FUNNER!
Stage 4) You grow up.  Now it's all about being cool and grown up and knowing everything.  Mocha frappucinos replace chocolate milk, shopping replaces cosplay, and sensibility replaces randomness.
Stage 5) You have kids and love to go through the stages with them and you almost kind of live it all over again.
Stage 6) You're either really crappy or wish you were back in stage 1.  You have grandkids now, and they love to see you imitate Lady Gaga.
Stage 7) If you are in heaven, you can stay in Stage 7 FOREVER!!!  WEE HEE HEE!!  But if you're in hell, you're stuck in stage negative 7 forever.  Sucks for you.

I'm just kidding!  Kidding!  Don't sue me!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie Has Field Day

Yeah, that's right.  There was a big storm coming our way and there was lightning, so we ended up watching Kangaroo Jack and Matilda.  I was so glad I didn't have to get wet.  I just wanted to go home, have some Starbucks, and write my screenplay.

I'm writing a real life version of an anime, and it's been changed a lot, but here's the first episode.

The show's called Mermaid Melody, in case you don't speak Japanese, and, yes, it is in Japanese.  Trust me, mine is not a Disney ripoff as well.  But why is it that the girls have blue, purple, green, and orange hair?  I mean, ???

I'll put out the screenplay to the first episode when I finish.  I'm halfway there, but I'm taking a break.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Josie and the Birthday Wish List

I figure, I'm free to express myself on my blog, so here is what I want and why.

  • Sewing Machine - I want to complete my mermaid tail and this might speed up the process, considering my grandma refuses to help me.
  • Erik Plushie - This is from the Phantom of the Opera.  I took one look at it and fell in love with it.  If I ever end up being Christine when I'm in high school, that plushie will be my good luck charm.  Sort of.  Or just keep me company whenever I'm not on stage.  It's at this website right here.
  • The Dario Argento's Phantom of the Opera MP3 Commentary - This is played during the entire, worst movie of all time, and the reviewers are hilarious (although, without the sexy voice, that kind of takes away everything) and I would love every minute of it.  Perhaps.
  • Webcam - Well, do you guys want me to Skype and YouNow with you or what?  People!  We need a webcam!
  • iPad - For obvious reasons.
  • Rosetta Stone in Japanese and/or French - I either want to move to Japan and become a famous singer/actor/voiceover for anime person or move to Paris and become a famous opera singer.  Yeah.  I'm weird.
  • The entire manga collection of Yu-Gi-Oh! - The anime is completely sugar coated.  Unless it's the abridged version.
  • Recording Kit - If I ever plan on recording songs, I need a recording set.
  • Drum lessons - You can't have good music without good drums.  Or I could ask my cousin Aaron, but he's with his own band, With Shaking Hands.  I could ask Zach?
  • Betty Botter's All-Flavor Beans - Need I say more?
  • Wii - WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!   Would like to play.
  • Puppy - I really don't want this.  I NEED IT!!!!  GIMMEE GIMMEE GIMMEEEE!!!!!!!!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie and the Three Last Days

I only have three more days until school is finally over!  But I'm kind of happy and sad.  I probably sound crazy writing this, but I'm gonna miss middle school.  Mrs. Page, the theatre teacher, likes me a lot, Mrs. Carrasco, I'm not so sure about her, but she's still hilarious dancing to Shakira in the gym, and Mrs. Behne especially, you guys know how emotional the concert was, and even the LUNCH ladies!  They know I'm always putting up the chairs with a few other people, but I've always (usually) been the last one out.  So one of the lunch ladies told everyone else, "When you see her, you know this is it."

Today we are going to be learning absolutely NOTHING!  I'm pretty sure we're watching My Friend Martin in History.  I love that movie.  I saw it when I was little and loved it.  It's about these kids that go back in time and keep running into MLKJ and they realize how nice a guy he is, so they take him to the future to see all the improvements he's made in the world, but when they do, Martin and one other kid are bullied by their best friends because of their skin color and their Mexican friend cleans at the school and doesn't even speak English, and it's because Martin was taken out of time.

Theatre?  Maybe we'll watch the play.

Math?  Hopefully Shrek or Monsters Inc or The Lion King.

Band?  Concert.

Science?  Bill Nye or Ice Age.

English?  Tom Sawyer.  Don't see how we're gonna finish it today, though....

Choir?  West Side Story.  Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria.

Bernardo: Come, Maria. (rolls the "r", says quickly and with a Portugese accent)
Tony: Muh-REEEEEE-uh!

Mom's kicking me off.  Buh-bye!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Monday, May 28, 2012

Josie Writes Haiku

I love to read books.
Some people don't like to read.
Read it anyway.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie and the Amazingness of Acting

I have seen two movies and a play and am ready to give reviews.

Written in Time by Matthew Edwards - This was very heartfelt and impressive, considering all the sappy love letters were written by a guy who ISN'T gay or incredibly feminent.  Written in Time's world premiere was only Friday, and it was written by a good friend of Mom's who's been trying to publish a series of books he's working on.  I think I talked about the first one, The Sleeper Wakes.  Anyway, Written in Time shows two stories at the same time.  One in the present, about a solitary girl who tries to figure out the sercret to her grandmother's love life and trying to figure out her own at the same time.  The other is about the grandmother who meets a nice young man named Richard Smith who is in the navy, writes poetic love letters, and sweeps her off her feet.  It's very sad, heartbreaking, but also one of the best things ever written, not to mention hilarious.

The Avengers by Joss Whedon - I finally went to go see this amazing and extremely pee-your-pants applaud-it's-so-good comical movie at Studio Movie Grill.  My mom got Groupons.  It's seems like that the only reason we go.  The Avengers started out kind of slow for me, but it was also confusing.  I didn't recognize The Hulk, mainly because I haven't seen the movie before.  I haven't seen Captain America (but I would marry him in a heartbeat), all of The Hulk, Thor, to put it simply, I've only seen the Iron Man movies.  But they should have made Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Spiderman BEFORE The Avengers.  Basically, there's an alien attack from Thor's brother, Lori, I think, and he's wanting this cube called the Tesseract because it can open up a portal from one side of space to the other, bringing in monsters to destroy the world so that Lori can rule.  I was going through the movie in my head, and I thought, Okay, Captain America has super strenghth, Iron Man has super smarts, Black Widow has super... stealth, The Hulk has super anger issues, Hawkeye has super sight, Thor has a super... hammer, but what about Spider-Man?  He's supposed to enter in the next movie.  Hm....  SUPER WRISTS!!!

Beastly by Daniel Barnz - I know, this movie is nothing like the book, but I still found it enjoyable.  Now, if it weren't based off the book, then I would enjoy it.  But they messed up on names and characters.  But I thought that Neil Patrick Harris, Lisagay Hamilton, and Mary-Kate Olsen were fantastic.  The dialogue was still terrible in the beginning, though.  However, my biggest complaint was the looks.  Tattoos?  Being bald?  Scars?  Nothing like the book.  Kyle was supposed to be a full-out beast.  You know, like the Disney version, but in here he just looks like a San Fransisco Freak.  Or maybe Vegas.  But Lindy was supposed to freak out at the sight of him, not say, "I've seen worse."  But I wish they had made the reference to the yellow Linda roses.  That would have been cute.  The ending was satisfactory, but I still wish that Lindy had been kidnapped or something and then Kyle go to the rescue.  But whatever.  Can't add action into it.

That's it!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie and the Mermaids

I've heard about this convention, sort of like Animazement and sort of like Comicon, only still nothing like it.  Mercon.  The merfolk convention.  The first Mercon was held in 2011 and was held in Vegas.  This year, in 2012, it will still be held in Vegas, and Guiness World Records will come and count every mermaid and merman there.  This will go as the largest gathering of merfolk.  I would like to be a part of that.  If I could finish the tail I've been working on since I was twelve.  And if I get the money.

Nope.  I don't think I'm gonna be able to go.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Josie and Opera Garnier

One place I want to visit when I go to Paris someday is Opera Garnier.  I would have to say this is probably one of the weirdest places in Paris, even though I have never been there.  But just by the description!  It would be nice to see a show there, preferrably Faust or The Magic Flute, but I would just love to explore the place.  There's several creepy underground cellars and even a river or lake or something runs under there.  One time, in like 1896, the chandelier fell on top of the audience in the middle of a performance and surprisingly killed only 1 person.  I think.  This is also the place where a television movie was set, and it turned out to be very good.  The movie, I mean.  But if what I've heard is correct, there are trap doors everywhere, and the really creepy thing is the 5th box.  People used to say it was haunted in the late 19th century, but later it all stopped.  I think it would be worth the 9-10 bucks (7-8 euros) for admission.

Has anyone been there?  If so, what was it like?  Was it as creepy as I've heard it was?  And also, are you allowed to go into the cellar?

Why is it that I'm getting more views from Russia than I am from America?

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Josie and the Weirder Blogs

You know when I was complaining about the type of blogs I was getting lead to?  Well, before, they all lead to Christian organizations, horses, families, and wedding stuff.  Now, everything I was lead to by the Next Blog button was Muslim.


The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Friday, May 25, 2012

Josie is Stuffed and Confused

I just got back from the mall and I am stuffed.

The reason I went to BJ's is because Miss Carrasco, the choir teacher, wanted to do something special for the varsity choir, who got sweeptstakes at UIL.  Only five students showed up: Me, Meghan, Abby, Katie, and Leah.  I had fettucini alfredo and some cookies 'n' creme pizookie.  Pizookie is an amazing cookie pizza.  Now, if only they had chocolate chip cookie dough icecream pizza....

Afterwards, we roamed the mall and tried to find Gameboy and Nintendo64 games in GameStop (or at least this was Abby and I).  Of course, they didn't have any.  Figures.  But we looove the classics.  It's like, you can't beat 'em!

Afterwards, we were having our mom's pick us up.  It was just Leah, Abby, Meghan, and me.  We told Meghan to tell her mom we were upstairs, but then she told them to pick her up downstairs, and so we waited forever for her parents when our parents were on the upper level (currently my mom) and we talked about how to get a kidnapper to return you.  Abby said act like you have mental problems, Leah said act like Helen in The Miracle Worker and I said act like an austistic child.  But, like, my brother, not like, a kid that can't talk.  Well, that would fufill its purpose either way.

My mom was so confused as well as me.  Eventually (and obviously) I got home safely.

Happy Friday.

UPDATE ON POLL: I might not be able to open my poll until I do have 1,000 views.  My computer is being stupid and keeps on saying I'm not entering a valid date.  So, when I do get 1,000 views, the next beginning of the month, I'll open the poll (unless I am away and not able to) and it will be open until the end of the month.

Only three more days until school's out, and Mom won't let me skip school on stupid field day.  Phooey.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie's Sexy Workout Session

I can just see the look on everyone's faces now.  You guys are probably thinking (or saying), "Psh!  Yeah, right.  And I have a griffin/rainbow unicorn hybrid as a domestic household pet.  Yeah.

Basically, I am going to list my sexy workout session, aka, 10 things I need to do by the time I'm eighteen.  I'm calling it a sexy workout session because it sounds awesome.

1) Get rid of my chub.  This is what everyone's putting.  I have a really high metabolism, except I have this tiny chub that keeps sticking out on tight-fit t-shirts.  I hate it.  Do ab workouts to get rid of it.
2) Release an album.  Preferrably with singing original songs on it.  That means I need to get to work.
3) Publish FINISH a book.  I'm serious.  In my lifetime, I need to write thirteen books.  Maybe fourteen.  I need to write the seven books belonging to The Memories, the Forest Wonders trilogy which is based on a webshow I promised the creators I'd write, and another series I've started that can have thirteen to fourteen books, but I have a feeling that book #4 would be suckish.
4) Scubadive in the ocean/swim with dolphins/swim with sharks.  That would be amazing.
5) Go to a foreign country.  Either Japan or New Zealand.  Or at least Canada.
6) Win a talent contest.  I don't care whether it's Rockwall's Got Talent or The X Factor.  JUST DO IT, GIRL!
7) Fill up a diary.  I mean, I start diaries and I never finish them.  Why is that?
8) Have regular YouTube videos.  You know what I'm talking about.
9) Finish two, older TV series, such as Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Heroes or at least Kyle XY.

Crap.  It's 4:24.  I need to be at BJ's right now.  I'll tell later, but right now I need to get dressed.

Well, I guess it's goodbye for now!

GoodBYYYYYEEEEE!!! *holds out for infinity and beyond!*

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Josie and the Video Vote

Okay, so....

Does anyone else notice that I start way to many of my posts with "Okay," or "So," and most of my paragraphs with "Anyway,"?

I'm considering getting a YouNow account.  Thing is, I have no webcam.  Do you need a webcam?  Or at least a camera plugged into your computer?  Either way, if I get a webcam and a YouNow account and 2,000 views, I will.  Want me to add PayPal?  Cause I will, if you guys are determined.  Yeah.  I'll add a PayPal, you guys can send in money to donate to my webcam (or an iPad.  Either one.  But preferrably iPad) and just tell all your friends and I will have a live broadcast!  And it's completely free as far as I'm aware!  Woohoo!

Another thing about videos: I am going to be making a music video over the summer.  If I get 1,000 views, I will make the video.  I'll hold a poll to the right on what I should perform.  Not sing, perform.  Here are the choices:

Sing Adele - NOTE: The only Adele song I know is Rolling in the Deep.  Rolling in the Deep is my title song.

Play Adele - This is kind of suckish but also might have to wait until I get my high school French Horn because I won't have Suzie (yes, I name all my French Horns Suzie, just like my ukes are all Bon Jovi and my cameras are all Georgie) over the summer.  Yes, it is on the French Horn.

Sing AND Play Adele (Suzie) - Singing RITD with a cool jazzy French Horn solo.

Sing AND Play Adele (Piano) - Singing RITD with piano instead of karaoke

Sing AND Play Adele (Bon Jovi) - Singing RITD with ukulele instead of karaoke.

Sing Adele with ALL instruments - RITD singing, piano, French Horn, and uke.  Extremely hard to perform and edit.

Original Piano Compositions - I would play Waterlillies, Love is a River, Pshycopath, and the new piece I can't finish or find out a name to.

Crazy Opera - I would sing The Jewel Song from Faust.  This is in French, but freaky.  Or I could sing Queen of the Night, which is the even freakier one and would have you flip out of your seat.

Crazy Opera Duet - Singing one of my favorite opera duets, The Phantom of the Opera, with some guy who sang the Phantom part on YouTube.  I told you guys about the crazy high note at the end, right?  Well, now I can sing it perfectly and hold it out.  Unlike some people I know.

Crazy Opera on Piano - I created my own piano part for Love Never Dies and can now sing it.  Very hard to sing, but not too hard.  But I'll post the lyrics with it so you can understand what I'm saying.

Rap About My Blog - Why do I have a strong feeling this is going to be picked?  I can't rap, just warning you.

All songs (and rap) will have lyrics posted below.

Start viewing!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie and the Back Activities

I hate it when people talk about someone behind their backs.  Even when it's not me.

Yesterday, I told Aris, who is a friend of mine in Math, that Meghan had gotten voted Class Favorite in choir.  You know what she said?  "Eww!"  That is so rude!  Meghan completely deserved that award!

Also, when people talk about Bree, they say she's mean or annoying or something, or she acts completely different around adults.  So what if she wants to help Mrs. Behne!  Do you know what her life is like at home?  Her mom left her with her grandparents who hardly take care of her.  She's always helping and with Mrs. Behne because she's the mom Bree never had.  And she'll tell someone who's nice to her about her life at home, so don't start saying all this stuff about her.

My biggest problem was Vittorio.  He was being talked about.  Vittorio is one of my friends who moved here in the third grade from Argentina.  Everyone bullied him.  One guy in chess would always go, "Don't cry for him, Argentina, the truth is he never loved you."  I wanted to slap him silly.  Maybe I did, once.  But people have the nerve to say that he was the bully to Lauren.  Sure, he hit her, but those were provoked.  Hey, here's something, guys!  Lauren has been and is a bully to me, so I know exactly why Vittorio slapped her, why he talked to me, and the REAL reason why he transferred to a private school: he was sick and tired of being bullied.  He told you guys that this school wasn't challenging enough, and that might have been partially true, but Kasiah and I know that he wanted a fresh start.  He wanted to go to a school where people didn't think he was a dork, even if it's just for a year.  He wanted a break from all of you guys.  And because you keep on talking behind peoples backs, backstabbing, and spreading rumors, I wouldn't mind a fresh start myself.

You know, I really hope that Meghan, Bree, and Vittorio are reading this, so that way they know the truth.  And I hope the people talking read this too, so that they know the truth as well: they are idiots and should just SHUT UP!

Honestly, I don't even care if I lose friends by posting this.  I am PISSED OFF!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Josie and the Sight-Reading Award

I got an award in choir!  Woohoo!  I got the award for best sight-reading!  Yeah, buddy!  Diamond got the award for best improved because at the beginning she was really offkey and couldn't read music and now she sounds like an angel, Katie got Best Teammate or something like that because she's the one we always talk to if we need a schedule worked out, and get this: MEGHAN got class favorite!  I guess falling off the risors had some benifits!  GO MEGHAN!

The concert was amazing, I got glitter headbands for everyone in 8th period choir, and I even got Meghan to wear glitter.  Of course, she hid the headband behind all her hair (it's that thin) and we rocked! 

Mom bought me bottled Starbucks frappucinos and hot fries.  I can't wait until tomorrow when I can have one.  Unfortunately, they have caffine, and it's 9:35, so it would keep me up.

Today, I forgot my belt, so I tied together a bunch of headbands.  Leah said that I should have one the Most Creative Award for my belts.  I have made belts out of black cardboard paper, notebook paper (that didn't work out to well), a Cheez-It box, and now this.

We presented half of the history projects today, and the 9/11 project couldn't find a video to show, so they put on some music and had a slide show from the History channel.  One of the pictures was someone jumping out of the building.  Tomorrow, our group presents, and I have a bad feeling that we're missing a slide.

We finished watching Never Say Never in theatre and we're going to start watching the monologues and iMovies we were working on.

We took a test in math that is supposed to take two days, but I finished mine in about 30 minutes.  We're going to start graph drawings, which is hard to explain.

We're working on high school music in band: Maroon and White, which Mrs. Behne congratulated us on for playing such hard music almost perfectly. She said she had the hardest time teaching her French Horns last year.  We're also playing Texas Fight, which we're obviously going to play long due to the excessive amount of chormatic sixteenth notes.

Test on microscopes in science. I got at least a B-.

I presented my Tom Sawyer project yesterday in English.  I made a newspaper, while almost every person made an A-Z book.  I got tired of hearing "H is for Huckleberry Finn." so I just daydreamed until class was over.

Choir, we rehersed for the concert, which went fabulous.


Many thanks to Marcus Murphree for featuring me in the article!

I changed the last names of the students and the name of the school.

More Than A Game

by Marcus Murphree

Josie Bakerson’s world felt like it was spinning 1,000 mph, all day every day.
Wake up, go to class, grab a binder, turn in this geography work sheet, read the chapter about the water cycle, eat lunch, practice an instrument, go home and repeat.
For a 13-year-old with attention deficit disorder, organizational skills were not easy to come by, and daily tasks seemed to pile up with few signs of improving.
When her mother suggested she start playing chess, Josie did not foresee the positive changes that would start coming her way.
“I made bad grades and would forget homework,” Josie said. “The concentration from chess has really helped.
“It builds me up for the day ahead.”
Josie, like dozens of other young chess wizards at Smalltown’s Lincoln Middle School, spends each morning in the portable room on campus practicing her craft against other students and the school’s chess coach, David Barrett.
“I didn’t play it much as a kid. I just found it to be a great tool to help kids with learning disabilities,” Barrett said of the centuries-old board game. “They are using their mind. They are controlling their emotions, and for a lot of kids, they are now a part of something.”
With the basic rules provided by a square two-tone grid, the young chess players have developed not only their game technique, but also their overall work and life skills.
“It helps with things like planning ahead,” Barrett said. “We do a thing called touch-move, where if you touch a piece, you have to move it, and that helps with impulse control.
“Sometimes a kid will grab at a piece, and it’s one of those ‘too-bad,-you-have-to-suffer-the-consequences-of-your-action’ situations.”

Fostering sportsmanship
At Lincoln, every game is a challenge, every move a situation, every match a battle where the competitor cannot and will not quit.
“I tell the kids they cannot resign even if they are losing, because at this level someone may make a mistake,” Barrett said. “Win, lose or draw, you can set small victories within the big picture.”
Before and after every game, the students shake hands with their opponent, a friendly gesture showing that the participants will remain gracious in victory or defeat.
“I try to act like I’m not winning,” said seventh-grader Jonathan Wall. “After a game, I shake their hand and leave.”

The great equalizer
Chess’ simple move combinations, but limitless ways to win, enable competitors of all ages to test their knowhow and abilities.
At tournaments where Lincoln competes against high school students from around the Dallas area, students can see where they stack up against players of a higher rank and grade level.
“Sometimes they are intimidated,” Barrett said. “I explain this isn’t basketball, they can’t swat your shot, and his brain is as big as yours.”
For Montgomery Buckett, the school’s top-ranked player, being in a position of where every game starts exactly the same makes for a unique challenge every time he begins a match.
“It’s probably the best board game, because you never know the outcome,” said Montgomery, 14.
“It’s a level playing field,” Barrett said. “Money doesn’t matter; age doesn’t matter; ethnicity doesn’t matter; it’s just putting in the time and effort.”
Every morning, that time and effort are put to the test in Portable No. 2 at  Lincoln, and every day brings a chance for a new winner to emerge.
With a fresh start coming in every game, optimism can go from the tile, to the classroom and beyond.


The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Monday, May 21, 2012

Josie is Extremely Emotional

I am so emotional at the moment.  I just had my last band concert at my middle school, and tomorrow will be my last choir concert.  But I was really tearing up tonight.

Mrs. Behne is like a second Mom to me.  Sure, I love Mom, but Mrs. Behne is completely my Mom at school.  She's everyone's Mom.  We go to her with our problems, we help her when she needs it the most, we make her happy when she's sad or angry, and she taught us all how to sound remarkable.

I am coming after school in high school to help Mrs. Behne, Mr. Patricia, Mr. Clark, Miss Davis, and Mrs. Davis out with whatever they need.  The main reason is because they really appreciate it, and also because I never want to leave them.

I cried hard tonight.  So did Abby, Kasiah, Bree (who loves Mrs. Behne most of all), Lizbeth, and many others.

Below is the song that is my absolute favorite that we've played this year and last year, because it describes our time at middle school without even saying anything.

Music has a gift of touching people's hearts where it's never been touched before.  Music fills the vacancy within the untouched part of the heart with a feeling of... beauty.  Music should not be kept from someone because of who they are or what they believe in.  Music should be shared with everybody.  Music is what brings us all together in some sort of way.  And that is why I love Music.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Josie and Church

It's been a month since I invited Kasiah to church in the first place.  The first time I invited her, I had a bell choir concert and we had to wake up early, so scratch that weekend, the next Sunday, I was at a sleepover at her house, but I was too sick to go, so scratch that weekend, and so on and so forth.  Finally, we have nothing this weekend and can go to church!  It's gonna be great!  She can meet Ms. Connie, and Wes, and Brandy, and Sherah, and Aaron & Tripp "The Russians", and everyone else, OOH!  AND WE GET TO HAVE HOT CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE AND CAKE AND SODA AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT'S GOOD AND SWEET AND YUMMY AND AWFULLY DELICIOUS IN THE WORLD!!!

I just looooooove church.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Josie Goes to the Movies

In the trailers, We Bought a Zoo looked incredibly boring and sappy.  I was wrong.  It was hilarious, and I was in love with Benjamin Mee.  No, I don't, like, have a crush on him or anthing, but when I get married, that's the kind of man I want.  I want a Benjamin Mee.

We Bought a Zoo was hilarious and only had some language.  Surprisingly, Elle Fanning had worse language than the guy playing her older brother.  She was talking to the zoo inspector and she shouted out after he was done inspecting, "Everyone around here thinks you're a d**k.  I don't know what that means, but I don't think you are."  Now what parent agrees to their six year old daughter saying that?

Either way, she was still fricking hilarious.

I also found out shortly before the movie started that Fathom Events is having a Phantom Marathon!  Woohoo!  They're showing Phantom of the Opera (stage version) and Love Never Dies back to back on May 21 and May 23!  It starts at 7:30 both nights, and I'd have to go to the 23.  Only thing is, Fathom Events' tickets are always expensive, and I don't have the money to go, and neither does Mom.  Sigh.  Maybe they'll come out with Phantom of the Opera on DVD, like they did Love Never Dies.  But Mom doesn't want to go.  She hated Love Never Dies.  But I'll tell Kasiah about it tomorrow when I pick her up for church.  If I do.

I am a total Phanatic, aren't I?

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie and the Babysitting Sleepover

Last night, I was babysitting.  Every month, Ms. Connie, my Sunday school teacher, holds a babysitting thing once a month, and several of her students come and help.  This time, there were a lot of kids there.  There was Ms. Connie's grandson, Cayden, who was being a pain, ALL of Jerry and Sharon's kids, Chase (he's my age), Harley, Jenna, Jaylee, and Liam, Lauren's tiny and smart baby girl, Ryleigh, Adam and Julie's three, Bella (who we dressed up as a purple princess), Drew (who dressed up as Batman), and Levi (who is extremely heavy), and last but not least, Wes and Brandy's sons, Braden and Camden.  So thats... *counts the only ones we watched*... ELEVEN KIDS!!!  And only six girls!  That's about two kids per person!  Crap!

I started writing a song, and it is beautiful.  I swear, it is!  Other songs I have written are very slow and pretty (except for Pshycopath, but that's another story), but this one, I only have about ten seconds written to and my mom is in love with it.  I was listening to The Great Divide by Emmy Rossum (yes, she was Christine in Phantom) and I noticed that it was in D flat, and I just decided to write a song in D flat.  It turned out to be beautiful.  They say some masterpieces take a lifetime to create?  Heh.  Heh heh.  Heh heh heh heh.  HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!  MWAH HAH HAH HAH!!!

Whoopsie!  Got a little too excited there!

They say some masterpieces take a lifetime to create.  Mine take a minute.  That's how awesome I am!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie and the Story That Never Ends Well 2

I got written in the story.  I wrote the story (originally) and I got written in three sections later!  ???

1) If you are "written in the story" (tagged), the story is passed to you.
2) You must inform the person you write in the story that they are written in the story, and they have to be willing to pass it on.
3) You must write one paragraph to the story.
4) Try to make the story flow.
5) Yes, there are tagbacks.
6) Whatever you write has to be in a color that isn't black, and don't change colors.
7) You can only write one person into the story.
8) Make sure to keep up with the story, even when you have passed it on already.
9) If someone writes "The End," the person who had it last must pass it on to another person.
10) Write something original.

Yeah, so, here it goes.  I'm writing in red, as usual.

"You're kidding me, right?" Violet questioned her teacher. "A C+? Why?" Mr. Guidierez sighed and shook his head. "You want to write your creative writing project on a video game?" Violet's eyes practically bulged out of her head. She grabbed her idea proposal from her teacher. When she skimmed through, she realized that her older brother (well, older by about 6 minutes) had switched his proposal for a fanfiction for Yu-Gi-Oh! with her topic about a war between angels and demons on earth. She crumpled up the paper in her fists. "SETH!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "Mr. Guidierez, I'm so sorry, but my brother mixed our paper's up, and-" she tried to say, but Mr. Guidierez interrupted her.

He shook his head, indicating "No exceptions". Violet sighed, and left the classroom. "Argh! Seth, I am going to strangle you when I find you!" She thought while angrily walking towards her locker. She opened her locker, and threw the crumpled up paper into it. She shut the door, revealing her best friend, Cadance. "Yo." Cadance said, leaning against her own locker. "Um, hi." Violet said, not really sure what to say. "How's your so far?" She asked finally. Cadance looked at the floor. "It's good, they STILL haven't reached the island, yet." Cadance sighed.

Violet smiled at Cadance. "Don't worry, your parents will be fine! It's just a little experiment, no worries, they should be back in two weeks like they promised. Let's forget all this for now and just get something to eat, I'm STARVING!" Cadance smiled, her best friend always knew how to cheer her up. Violet sighed, Cadance hasn't been the same since her twin brother had died and her parents have gone off to trips more often. The two girls walked to the cafeteria to the sound of kids screaming 'FIGHT FIGHT!' and Seth on the floor with a bloody nose.

Violet dashed into the action to get Seth out of the fight.  "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" she screamed in fury.  She dashed at Tory Stoneman, who was the butch criminal kind of guy at Steinmetz High School.  He pushed her on top of her brother, who groaned in pain as he was squished by her bony elbows, trying to cushion her own fall.  Tory didn't matter if Violet was a girl or not.  He would still rip her to pieces.  Violet sprang up onto her feet and into a weird defense position.  Everyone gasped at how she got back up, even Cadance, who had seen some of the weirdest of people in her lifetime.  Knowing that this trick worked with every guy, she sent her oncoming kick practically flying to Tory's groin.  He keeled over in pain, and Mr. Guidierez rushed into the cafeteria.  Seth wished that other teachers were fast enough to come and break apart a fight.  "What is going on here?!?!" he demanded an answer as he assisted Tory up onto his feet.  "Who did this to him?"  Everyone pointed at Seth and Violet.  That awkward moment when you just want to curl up into a ball and die from embarrassment. Seth thought.  Strangely enough, Violet was thinking the same thing.

Since I'm not a big fan of tagbacks, I guess I'll pass it onto Zel.  Good luck, Zel.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Josie and the Festival

After my monologue (which I will post soon), Mrs. Page congratulated me and said I did phenomonal!  EEEE!  I feel special!

Kasiah performed the Kim monologue from 30 Reasons Not to Be in a Play, AND she hosted the entire thing, and that was ah-MAY-zing!!!  She wore her MSO outfit and looked B-E-A-Utiful!  Abby performed the hacker monologue from Blaster, and now I wish I had performed that monologue, because it explains everyting about hackers, where the name came from, how it turned into a bad title, and why hackers hack.  Well, why some of them hack: to explore.  Like an old, abandoned house.  You want to see how other people live, you want to see how they took care of their house, what secrets they had, stuff like that.  Like going through a box of letters.

Today, I bought my yearbook and got a lot of people to sign it.  Mitchell said that I had a really good voice, probably because he couldn't think of anything else to say.  Mrs. Carrasco signed the page, which is one of my biggest pet peeves.  I hate it when people write on the pages.  Either sign on the front or the back, NOT in the middle!

Remeber that the band concert is on Monday and the choir concert is on Tuesday, and that the marching orientation is on Thursday, and that the babysitting at Connie's is tomorrow.  *whistles* I have a busy schedule!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Josie and the Whistle


The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me

Josie and the Monologues

You remember when I said that I was going to be performing the Common Ground "White Crayon" monologue?  I'm not.  I'm performing After Math by Jonothan Dorf.  I love this guy's last name.  I'm playing Shaking Student.  It's about a man and woman in dark gray suits that come to a math class in the middle of a major test, and the teacher gives the evil eye, but then the man and woman take this kid Emmett out of class, and Shaking Student thinks he/she saw the teacher's hands shaking.  I'm curious to find out what happened.  But I need to rap.  Oh, boy.

Remind Mom to be at the school at 5:45.  Play starts at 6 PM.  I'll ask her if she can film it.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me
You know you're crazy if you start talking to yourself and then go "Huh?" - Mrs. Behne
Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs. -Me

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Josie and the Sort-Of Vacation

I woke up at around 8 on Saturday, which is unusual for me without my birds. I got dressed and headed for the computer. Grandpa came in and said that Aunt Nadine wouldn't be picking me up until about 4. I could wait. I got onto Netflix and found two cool and weird new shows: Dark Oracle and Kyle XY. Dark Oracle is, I think, a Canadian show cause it's always snowing and the main characters attend a secondary school if that tells you anything. But it's about these twins named Cally and Lance that find a comic book that turns out to predict what will happen in their lives, with the main characters Violet and Blaze being their alter egos. Kyle XY is about a teen with complete amnesia who is brilliant, has incredible reflexes and strength, and has no belly button that gets adopted by a caring family.

When Aunt Nadine picked me up, we went to her house, then went with Uncle Kevin (who is missing his left ring finger, and that wasn't from birth) to Chik-fil-a. We all ended up getting the same meal. Afterwards, we went shopping at Wal-Mart and they let me get a bunch of snacks: two bags of hot fries, two things of vanilla yogurt (I never get to have yogurt because Mom loves it but she can't have it), some spicy and sweet beef jerky, and a 2-liter bottle of sparkling strawberry lemonade. When we get home, we watch the first season of 3rd Rock From the Sun.

The next day is Mother's Day. My cousin Micah comes with us to church, then we drop him off at his apartment and head on back to the house. Uncle Kevin makes pork chops while Aunt Nadine and I shuck corn. I only shucked one, but so what? Then the other cousin Bethany comes with a load of laundry and begins to put her first load in the wash. When Micah comes, he has a CRAP-load of laundry, but Bethany got her stuff in first. She suggests to grill the corn, and they agree. I didn't have any. I filled up on pork chops and parmesean noodles. We watch 3rd Rock while we eat.

When everyone is gone, I take a bath and realize that Sadie, the pug, has apparently been sleeping in the tub, because the water was filthy with short black fur. Blech! But the bathtub is awesome! It has armrests, a step, and best of all: JETS!

After I fix my hair (well, it's still dripping wet), Aunt Nadine drops me off at Kasiah's house. I put my stuff in Kasiah's room and we went out to eat Mexican food for Mother's day. Kasiah had like $60 and paid for her meal, my own, and her mom's. I called Mom and told her happy Mother's Day.

The next day was school. UGH! The good news was that the Dallas Morning News was coming to interview us, and I ended up being interviewed! WOOHOO!!

School was boring as usual, but surprisingly, I had a fairly good day.

After school, I walked home with Kasiah, and Her New Boyfriend Trevor was coming to her house to hear the piano part I added to the song we wrote. It's really easy, just an A chord, F#min chord, D chord, Esus chord, and an E chord. But it fit really perfectly. Trevor suggested that the intro on the guitar be played on the piano, though, but Kasiah and I like it on the guitar.

Later, we headed to Kasiah's ortho and I got her further in her Angry Birds game. Hers is as hard as, well, it was level 2, stage 4, I got to stage 8. A little bit afterward, we went to the high school. Here's how it goes:

In the band, the different members audition for section leaders, meaning they teach the newbies how the procedures go, how to march, things like that. This guy, Kyle, was really looking forward to being tuba section leader, because they hadn't had one in four years. Kasiah, Her New Boyfriend Trevor, Anthony (yes, THAT Anthony), and Gabriel (from the rock band) had been training for two months in the art of marching band. Kyle was to do the standard procedure in front of Mr. Patricia, Mr. Clark, and most importantly, Mr. Monroe. I began to learn how to march from Kasiah's older brother Saxton. There's so much to remember! Where to put your feet, how far to go, not to bounce, lean forward, and even when your standing! "Posture Check! Feet! Touch! Stomach! In! Chest! Out! Shoulders! Back! Chin! Up! Eyes! With Pride! Eyes! With Pride! EYES! WITH PRIDE! Get on back to the house or...? WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE!" Confusing, huh? And you have to lean forward. I got most of it down, except for reverse march. That was about where I got with everybody else. Kyle was a lot more helpful than Saxton.

The next day was horror. One of my partners for history, Chris, did all he could to agitate me: sing loud and badly right in my ear, give an attitude, take his shoes off (which he always does), mess with my hair, and worst of all: HE LICKED THE NOTECARDS! What eighth grader does that? Seriously!

The rest of the day, I was just waiting to walk to the high school for the big test for Kyle. But when we got there, Kyle said that the reason I was having such a hard time with reverse march is because I was trying to keep my footsteps in a straight line, like a tightrope. He said that I needed to fix it or I'd need to get out of the group. He said it in a nice way. You know what happened?

I got kicked out of the group.


Well, I sit in Kasiah's mom's car until they were done, which took forever, then we dropped off Anthony and Gabriel, we went to go get my things from Kasiah's house, then they dropped me off at my house because MOM WAS BACK!!! YAY!!! She talked to Kasiah's mom about how it all went for a little bit while I was snacking on the pecan divinity and chocolate rocks Mom had bought for me in Ohio. Thank you, Mom!

Mom went to get her meds from Tom Thumb and got pizza on the way. I enjoyed it.

Well, I guess I better get to sleep. I'm sore from all this marching.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me
You know you're crazy if you start talking to yourself and then go "Huh?" - Mrs. Behne
Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs. -Me

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Josie and the Story That Never Ends Well

For those of you who enjoy being tagged, this is something similair.  It is a never-ending story.  The story is NOT, I repeat, NOT a comedy or mushy romance and extremely continuous.  Here are the rules:

1) If you are "written in the story" (tagged), the story is passed to you.
2) You must inform the person you write in the story that they are written in the story, and they have to be willing to pass it on.
3) You must write one paragraph to the story.
4) Try to make the story flow.
5) Yes, there are tagbacks.
6) Whatever you write has to be in a color that isn't black, and don't change colors.
7) You can only write one person into the story.
8) Make sure to keep up with the story, even when you have passed it on already.
9) If someone writes "The End," the person who had it last must pass it on to another person.
10) Write something original.

So, I guess I'll start.

"You're kidding me, right?" Violet questioned her teacher.  "A C+?  Why?"  Mr. Guidierez sighed and shook his head.  "You want to write your creative writing project on a video game?"  Violet's eyes practically bulged out of her head.  She grabbed her idea proposal from her teacher.  When she skimmed through, she realized that her older brother (well, older by about 6 minutes) had switched his proposal for a fanfiction for Yu-Gi-Oh! with her topic about a war between angels and demons on earth.  She crumpled up the paper in her fists.  "SETH!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.  "Mr. Guidierez, I'm so sorry, but my brother mixed our paper's up, and-" she tried to say, but Mr. Guidierez interrupted her. 

Hmm... who do I pick?  I choose... HANNIE!!!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me
You know you're crazy if you start talking to yourself and then go "Huh?" - Mrs. Behne
Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs. -Me

Josie and the Big Dance

Mom, if you're reading this, I already miss you.  Grandpa's behaving nicely (lol) but still, I miss you.

The dance was incredibly lame.  I think the DJ was the same one they used at the high school prom, who thought that the only thing people liked was rap music.  Gosh.  He only played one other thing and that was country.  Kasiah got Her New Boyfriend Trevor to dance with her on that song, then this one girl Joy and her best friend interrupted them.  That was the chick's one chance!  After a little while, he went outside to go hang out with his friend Dustin, and once you go out, you can't come back in.  So Kasiah was lonely.  I got her to dance with me and this guy who sits at our lunch table, Dakota.  He's only 12!  But still, so she left kind of happy afterwards.

The set-up didn't work.  The conversation went something like this:

Anthony: (to Her New Boyfriend Trevor) I don't even know the girl!
Her New Boyfriend Trevor: (to Anthony) Just talk to her!
Me: (to Kasiah) Why are you doing this to me?
Kasiah: (to Me) Because I'm your friend!
Me: (to Kasiah) Yeah, and friends don't do this to eachother!
Her New Boyfriend Trevor: (to Anthony) Say something!
Kasiah: (pushes us together) Anthony, this is Josie.  Josie, this is Anthony.
Anthony: Hi.
Me: Hi.
Kasiah: Congratulations!  You guys are now best friends!
Me: (thinking) I probably look like such a dork.
Anthony: Um... I like Star Wars, I like Star Trek, and I hate church.
Me: (thinking) I'm not a big fan of Star Wars, I have never seen Star Trek in my life and really don't want to, and I love church.  Bye!

I think around there is when the conversation went downhill.

Not to mention that I didn't have anything to eat, so I bought two bags of hot fries, an orange Gatorade, and a Kit-Kat.

For king and queen I voted Monterek and Lizbeth (who is one of my fellow Frenchies [her nickname is Icky]), but AJ was voted king.  Thankfully, Lizbeth was voted queen.  Way to go, girl!

So, Mom, thank you for waking me up in the middle of the night before you were about to leave to Ohio to see Jared and telling me goodbye.

Happy Mother's Day.

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me
You know you're crazy if you start talking to yourself and then go "Huh?" - Mrs. Behne
Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs. -Me

Friday, May 11, 2012

Josie and the Best Day Ever

I had the best day ever!  I got an A on a big part of my history project on the Oklahoma City Bombing, I finished my video in theatre and now we're making songs with garage band, I (almost) completed all my work in math, we're playing a Spanish March, a piece called Serengeti Dreams, and a medley of Superman, James Bond, Batman, and Austin Powers in band, we finished the sex ed course in science, we finished Tom Sawyer in English and we're working on writing more stories (like you're SUPPOSED to do in English.  We've been treating English like it's Reading class all over again), and in choir we're singing the Abba medley and Build Me Up, Buttercup in choir.  But you wanna know the best parts?

1) My Aunt Nadine (who can shop at Forever 21 and can do the perfect impression of Curly from The Three Stooges whilst I can do Carol Channing) is coming today to help me look all pretty for the dance tonight.
2) The dance is tonight!  But I still have to dance with Anthony (who apparently sometimes goes by Alfredo.  ???)
3) Monday, The Dallas Morning News is coming to our chess club to do interviews for the GoNeighborhood feature article!!!!  WOOHOO!!!

GO FRIDAY!!!!!!!!  :-)  WOOHOO!!!!!!!

The reason I'm always happy is because you only have one life to live and you never know when you're gonna die, so celebrate life and stop being sad. -Me
You know you're crazy if you start talking to yourself and then go "Huh?" - Mrs. Behne
Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs. -Me

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Josie and the Eighth Grade Dance

I am super nervous about tomorrow!  It is going to be the first dance I've ever been to!

In case you have no idea what the heck I'm talking about, it's the 8th grade dance.  This year, the theme is "Black and White Ball."  I'm thinking, "Rascist much?" and "Why can't they do 'Masquarade?'  At least that has some depth and creativity!"  But here's the bad part:

I'm going to be with some total stranger.

Yep.  Kasiah tells me not to go telling everybody, but it's just freaky!  She said she got some guy in orchestra who's going to dance with me, and his name it Anthony.  He's pretty tall, he's in my science class (I'm going to DIE if he's in my English class.  Remember when I sang?), he only plays cello, and obviously he's going to the dance.  Kasiah and her new boyfriend Trevor are going together, too.  They are totally in love.  It's so sweet!

The problem with me dancing with Anthony:

1) I don't know the guy.
2) No one likes me.
3) He doesn't know me (I overheard him talking to Kasiah and Trevor saying "I don't know the girl!).
4) I've never been to a dance.
5) I've never danced with someone.
7) And that is exactly why I DON'T dance!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Josie Gives/Gets Nicknames

Okay, so I realized that all my besties should have nicknames, so I figured I should write them down, even if they aren't my besties.

Abby ~ Jewbie: Everyone calls Abby a Jew (or at least they used to) for who knows why, and it just kind of stuck.
Kasiah ~ KK: Obvious reasons, that, and when we pass eachother in the hall, I shout "HEY HEY KK!"
               Mom: We have this thing at our school where you're kind of adopted into "families" which consists of all your friends.  Apparently she's my mom, Jewbie's my sister, Dakota's my brother, Corn's the dog, Son-of-a-Pich is the evil babysitter, and my fellow Frenchie, Giggles, is my dad???
Cheyenne ~ Chy/Shy: Two reasons!  Obviously, that's the beginning of her name, and she's also very camera shy.
                     Squirrel: Here's how the story goes.  Whenever she sees her criminal friend Dustin walking in the halls or just anywhere, she yells Duck, which is his nickname, and he yells Squirrel in reply.
Kallin ~ Giggles: She got this nickname last year from Mr. Patricia because she laughed at everything and she had the funniest laugh.
              Dad: I already said.
John ~ Corn: One day, last year, in the middle of 8th period band, after we finished playing a song, his hand shot up and he asked, "Do you like corn?" in an all-serious voice.
Zarahemla (I think that's how you spell it) ~ Zara: It's short!
Mr. Kilgore ~ Herminator: His first name is Herman.  Don't ever call him this.
Mrs. Behne ~ Mom: She's the Mom of our band!
Jonothan ~ Son-of-a-Pich: No one likes him, and his last name is Pich.
Jared ~ Buddy: He's been called this ever since he was a baby for no apparent reason.
Meghan ~ Poke: She used to poke a lot, and she loves Pokemon, but it turns out that she detests this nickname.
                 Possum: This was a last resort nickname in case I couldn't think of anything else to call her.
                  L: Because apparently she loves lemons, and usually her username on websites is Lemondrop209 or something like that. 
Josie (MEEE!!!) ~ Flapjack: This is my current nickname by many.  They say I look and sometimes sound like Flapjack.  I like the name, but I do not believe this.
                               Brady Bunch: Mr. Patricia just said that I reminded him of The Brady Bunch because of my blonde hair (that I no longer have)
                               Yo-yo: I used to always bring a yo-yo with me to school.
                               Claw: I almost got called this when I made my hands into claws whenever I played the horn.
                               Jo-jo: I was called this since the first grade, but then one girl, Jordan, said that I stole her nickname, which she's had since the second grade.  I told her I had it first, but no one let me have it, not even after she moved away.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Josie Gets Sunburned

Oh.  My.  Gosh.  I feel even worse than yesterday!  My feet, arms, shoulders, legs, and back are burned to a gentle pink (the burn isn't gentle, I can tell you that) and the balls of my feet still sting from the hot concrete.  Usually I would take the Lazy River everywhere, but it was closed.

We performed our Mamma Mia! Medley and received a 1!  The beginner choir did their Queen Medley and recieved a 2.  I have to admit, after the "For MEEEE!" thing, that was a high B flat, and sometimes I have a hard time hitting that in the morning.  So, yeah, I can understand why they got a 2.

Whenever the wave pool was open at Hurricane Harbor, I tried to just float in there, but that was impossible.  There was too much thrashing.  So whenever it was closed, I read my book.  Besides that, I read two rides.  On the way down the Sea Wolf, I was singing Dancing Queen badly the entire time.  Katie was in the lifeboat with me, and she's a Soprano 1 also, so we sang it together.  Then, on the Tornado, it was Katie, Leah, who is an alto, and me, but I was the only one singing.  I didn't even get half-way done with the song before we reached the bottom, though.  I got a wedgie.  And a sunburn.

Kasiah's coming with me to church tomorrow.  Better tell her when we're gonna pick her up.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Friday, May 4, 2012

Josie and Star Wars Day

May the Fourth be with you!

I am so happy!  And burned on my arms!  Okay, let's start from the beginning:

6:00 AM ~ I wake up early and end up wasting my time doing... I forget.  But I got to wear my band polo tucked into jeans with a belt.
7:00 AM ~ I arrive at the Smith's
7:45 AM ~ I arrive at Chess.  By the way, there's a 7th grade neo-Nazi there.  Awkward....  Anyway, I talked with Christa, another Chess girl and another Frenchie, about her solo and ensemble contest last night.  She said she did bad.  I told her that she was better than me when I was this far into the school year.  I didn't even know the fingerings to high F while her and all six beginners can hit it with ease.  I wish I had Mr. Clark teach me instead of Mr. Patricia.
8:15 AM ~ School starts.  Mr. Kilgore announces that our final history project will be about a 20th century conflict.  My group chose the Oklahoma City Bombing in the 90's.  He approves of the choice and we begin to realize that there isn't as much information on this topic at school.
9:07 AM ~ I enter the computer lab, happy to see we are working on our videos.  I am almost done with mine.  Mrs. Page announces that since she broke her arm and was not able to plan out the play, we our having what I call a monologue festival, where people select monologues and perform them by themselves.  Of course, I signed up and she gave me a big packet of monologues I could do.  I CAN'T DECIDE!!
10:09 AM ~ Math is boring.  We're doing pre-algebra questions and I get so distracted that I only did one problem.
10:30 AM ~ I get out of class with every other band member who was carefully watching the clock and head to get our things.  When we enter the band hall, I soon find out why the orchestra got a 2, a 3, and a 4 at UIL.  They weren't so good.  The last note was extremely out of tune, but I saw Meghan playing her violin.  I get my French Horn and go to the cafeteria, where we recieve snacks.
11:10 AM ~ We depart from school to go to Canton where we perform.  After, that I had no idea what time everything was.
We had antifreeze leak from the bus and had to exchange buses to get to Canton.  We sit outside for a while waiting for the bus, and I'm singing my head off.  "O-oh, sometimes I get a good feeling... Popular!  You're gonna be popular, and with an assist from me to be who you'll be instead of dreary who you were, well, are, there's nothing that can stop you from becoming populer.  Lar!... Loathing!  Unadulterated loathing.  For your face, your voice, your clothing, let's just say I loathe it all... It's time to try defying gravity, I think I'll try defying gravity and you can't bring me down... 'Til I hear you sing once more!... He's just ten years old!  Ten years OLD!"  Yeah, I'm kind of nuts.  But the bus finally got here, and I'm not having as hard a time finding a SEAT!  But I do have a hard time opening my instrument.
We perform Pride of the Regiment (which we've been playing for a while) and Serengeti Dreams (which we've only played for two weeks) and came out with a 1!  WOOHOO!
We, then, drove all the way to Splash Kindom and I found it kind of lame, so, as usual, I spent my time getting a tan in the lazy river and trying to stay afloat in the wave pool.  Then I got sunburned.
5:30 PM ~ The park announces that they're closing in 30 minutes, so I try to get out of the lazy river as fast as I can to get back with my group.  A bug has died in my Coke and Sprite.
6:00 PM ~ We get on the bus, the park closes, and we head back to school.
7:00 PM ~ We arrive at school half an hour early, so I help set up chairs and drink lots of water.  But mainly I just talk to Katie about dance class.
7:30 PM ~ Mom arrives and takes me home.
9:00 PM ~ We head to Grandma's since there's a tornado warning storm heading our way.
10:03 PM ~ I publish this blog post.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Josie Learns Sex Ed

Please, will one of my readers tell me that they are going through the sex ed phase in science, too?  Or, for readers older than me (Savannah and Hannie mainly), can you please reassure me that this will not end badly?  Or worse: that this just persuades people to have sex in high school instead of after you're married?

Mmm... de-fish is de-lish!  And PhantomReviews (only God [and of course himself] know his real name.  What?  Are you trying to hide yourself?  Then again, your theme song's lyrics are this:

Beneath the opera house
He's always there
He watches Phantom films
Down in his lair
And though he's too ugly
To play the game [I think that's what she said]
The Phantom Reviewer will watch
Each version made

I mean, come on!  If the real Phantom can tell Christine "I am Erik!" maybe you can say, "I am John!"  Come on!  I'm dying here!) is awesome.  Wow.  That was a long parenthesis.  To make sense of the sentence, I have re-copied it down here: And PhantomReviews is awesome.  There.  You happy?

Wow I am a dork!

I have recently watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer.  I find the plot interesting, a bit confusing, but it hasn't grabbed my attention.  It's too, I don't know, predictable!  It's like, when that vampire is about to bite her neck, and then it says "To Be Continued....", that's way to predictable.  You know the chick isn't going to die!  I mean, it's called Buffy the Vampire Slayer for a reason.  I have a pretty good feeling they wouldn't kill off the main character in the first episode.  And if the title says, "To Be Continued....", that usually means it will end happy.  I mean, you can already tell she's going to be hooked up with her best friend or a vampire, everything will end good, Buffy will not die, she'll ditch the popular girl for the dork, and that vampire that gave her the cross is obviously in love with her!  I mean, where is the surprise in it?  It's the same in every movie!  Except in Serenity. 

Washburn: (crashes the huge ginormous space ship on some evil planet of some sort [I think]) I am a leaf in the wind. (pause) Watch how I--- (gets stabbed in the chest by something large.

And in Love Never Dies.

Phantom (Erik): (singing) He's just ten years old!  TEN YEARS OLD!
Me: Wait, what? (around here is when it all came into focus) Oh, crap! (thinks) Wait a minute, when was he conceived?!?!

And The Muppets.

Walter: (walks onstage in a tux and starts whistling an opera song)
Me: Okay....

Or this other time in the same movie.

Walter: (into the mirror, showing a reflection of him as a man instead of a Muppet, singing) Am I a Muppet?
Jim Parsons (as reflection): (singing, echoing) Am I a Muppet?
Me: (too busy to give a comment because I'm bursting out laughing that Sheldon is playing this guy)

Yeah.  So, there aren't too many surprising movies.  Now, if there's a Phantom movie where the Phantom is brutally killed by Christine as an act of self defense, yeah.  I'd go see that in a heartbeat.  As long as it isn't the version where he isn't repulsive, haggard, or just a little bit ugly.  If it's that one version with the totally gay and average looking Phantom, you can count me out.

I have to go wash up.  Not for dinner.  I have to go take a bath.

Oh.  My.  Gosh.  I just remembered: I have two contests this week.  I am absolutely doomed.  I have band on Friday, and choir on Saturday.  I NEED TO GET THAT SOLO!

Oh, yeah!  Forgot to say: I'm feeling much better and not as utterly boring and depressing as I did in my previous post.  After my Mom got me spicy pork rinds (which I now do not care for, since almost none of them are soft) and a vanilla bean frappuchino with caramel drizzle and whipped cream from Starbucks, yeah.  I guess I'm feeling better.

Mom is completely and amazingly awesome!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Josie and the Foreigners

I have enabled translations for my blog.  They are directly underneath my profile.  In case English is your second language, or your practicing for Japan club (Miki) you can click on it and it translates the entire blog without taking you to another page.  Thank you.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie is a Horrible Singer

I was in choir today, and in the beginning there's this one part where a solo sings "I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything," and we were all singing it at the same time, and I sang it in my chest voice, and she STOPPED us because of it and said, "Whoah, whoah, don't sing nasal like, 'Eih hehve a dreeeem,' sing it like this:" and then she sang it in her all proper choir voice, when she specificly said NOT to do that!  And she was talking to the "whole class", but she looked directly at me straight after and you can tell she meant me.  She thinks my chest voice is bad?  To me, that's like stepping on me with a boot that still had dog poo and gum stuck to the bottom.  I'm totally crushed!  I am so thankful that we have only a month until school lets out!  If anyone from school is reading this, please don't tell her: I just want Mr. Golden back!  He was nice to those who behaved well, and he was funny and talented and gave everyone the bright side of life (when he wasn't shouting at the class trying to control them) and he was never insulting.  AND he played the cello!  And could play our parts on the piano at the same time, which is more than I can say for THIS woman!  Sure, she's a great instructor, but she's not so good at teaching!  She's offensive in this sickly sweet manner.  She insults people (Meghan a lot) while saying it with her "everything's perfect" tone and it makes me sick!  The only thing I really can say thank you for is getting us sweepstakes.  But besides that, I can't wait to go to high school.

I am a horrible singer.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry