Sunday, April 29, 2012

Josie Gets Tagged

Oh, gosh.  I don't know who to tag, so I'm just going to say some of the people that I follow.  I got tagged by Miki, who, BTW, is awesome and hilarious, and I think you guys should follow her.

1) What is your favorite hobby?  Well, I can't decide between music and writing, so... writing music.
2) What did you wanna be when you were little?  One time I wanted to be an orphanage owner because I felt that the kids in Annie needed to be treated better.  But then I realized that I was meant to be in music or in writing.
3) What is your favorite food?  Chester's Hot Fries.
4) What are some childish things you used to do and still do today?  Why would I tell you?  Okay, I'm just kidding.  Enjoy Chuck E. Cheese's.  Personally, I do feel that they start gambling habits in children, but they have a helicopter.  Now, how many places do you go to where you have a helicopter or a giant mouse?  Or both?
5) Funniest moment?  Cracked my toe while dancing to Party Rock Anthem on film.  Now a hit on Facebook.
6) What is your dream job?  Actress, singer, composer, model, and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author!
7) What traits do you see in a good friend?  Integrity, Honesty, Christianity (says the girl with Atheists as best friends), Kindness, Humility, Patience, Love, Joy, Peace, Goodness, Faithfullness, Generosity, and Self Control.  And a bag of Hot Fries.  But that's not a trait, is it?
8) If you could get any animal as a pet, what would it be?  Easy.  A capuchin monkey or a dolphin.
9) Would you rather get eaten alive by a kitten or walked on to death by a pig?  The pig.  I do not want to imagine myself as kitty crap in a litter box.
10) What is your favorite thing about your family?  You mean besides them being nuts?  Well, that's the whole reason I love 'em!
11) Do you like fruits or vegetables better?  Fruits.  They don't taste like crap.  And strawberries rock.

Now, here's my eleven facts.

1) I.
2) Find.
3) It.
4) Very.
5) Annoying.
6) That.
7) Everyone.
8) Loves.
9) My.
10) Little.
11) Pony.

Here is eleven questions:

1) What is your favorite book genre?
2) Have you ever been in a relationship before? (Gender and breed do not matter.  Lol.)
3) Do you find me offensive?
4) Do you read my blog?
5) What is wrong with you if you don't?!
6) What will it take for you to follow me?
7) If you do read me, why?
8) Does anyone like my voice?  It's on one of the attached pages called, "All Existing Videos" and you should check out the one called Skyscraper.
9) Are you on YouTube?
10) Do you enjoy Gelato?
11) What is your middle name?

I think that's good for now.  I will comment you if you have been tagged, as it is that I don't have that many people to tag.

Curse the no tag backs!

I'll make a list right here:

1) Zel
2) Hannie
3) Savannah
4) Bessie
5) Dawn
6) Esuterra

What is it with the number 11?

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for being a follower of my blog. Also, thank you for tagging me. I really appreciate it. I think your blog is really spunky and different, just be careful with the font colors and backgrounds, it makes it a little hard to read your lovely blog. Thanks again!



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