Thursday, April 19, 2012

Josie Knows

Okay, so we all know The Wizard of Oz, right?  Well, what if Glinda and her sister, whom I have come to call Cecilia, were really evil, and the West witch, who I'm calling Esmerelda and her sister, Amaria, were really good?  Well, here's how the story would work.

Dorothy would come back to Oz three years later, when she was fourteen, with Toto, to what looks like Munchkinland gets an extreme makeover from Hell.  It's not fire or anything, it's just all black.  But there's this one little four-year-old boy munchkin named Mickle who tries to help her, but then they get taken to Glinda's gothic palace where she explains her story:

When she heard about the silver shoes that Esmerelda made for her sister, Amaria, who had a twisted leg, and that the shoes had enough power to make her walk, Glinda wanted the shoes, so she came to Munchkinland, where Amaria was visiting, to kill her, but the house landed on her instead, so she started brewing a plan in her head.  She quickly told the munchkins to pretend that Amaria was really bad and that they were so ecstatic that Dorothy had killed the "wicked witch" so that they could attack her and kill her at the proper moment.  Whenever the shoes were in the hands of evil, they would turn ruby red.  So, Dorothy found them as ruby slippers instead of silver.

When Esmerelda received the news that her sister was hurt, she immediately went to Munchkinland to help her, but it was too late.  She was dead on spot.  So, the last thing she had of her sister were her shoes, so she wanted them in remembrance of her.  But Glinda zapped the shoes onto Dorothy, so she might be killed by Esmerelda, and then Glinda could kill her afterwards.  She, then, sent Dorothy on her journey down the yellow brick road, and when it was clear she wasn't turning back, she turned Munchkinland into something much more utterly depressing and dark.

The scarecrow was originally a farmer who was turned into a wimpy scarecrow without a brain, so of course, he would have no recollection of what really happened: Glinda turned him into a scarecrow because he grew wormy corn.  After Dorothy left, the Scarecrow was brainwashed into thinking wickedly.

The tinman was originally Amaria's husband, but he treated her badly and seemed to have a cold, black heart, so she turned him into tin and took away his heart.  The rusting was completely by rain, none of the witches' fault.  He did not want to do bad ever since he lost his heart, and ever since he gained one, so as punishment for not obeying her, she placed him under a waterfall until he was rusted brown.

The lion's parents were killed by Glinda's obedient hunters who went to retrieve a lion steak whe she requested one when he was very young, so he was frightened of everything because there was nobody to protect him from the predators of the forest, so he grew up being a coward.  She took away his sense of humanity and turned him into a killing beast.

Dorothy and Mickle are thrown into a prison cell with a teenage boy, not that older than Dorothy, named Ranchard.  Together, with the help of Toto, they escape from her palace.

Ranchard explains that the Wizard never made it out of Oz -- Glinda made a thunderstorm that caught his balloon on fire and caused him to crash and burn to his death.  Then, she made a rule outlawing the colors green and yellow in any sort of form, so he was thrown in jail because of his sea green eyes.

Together, they lonely foursome tries to make their way to Emerald City, and then along the outskirts of Oz, trying to destroy Glinda and Cecilia and finishing what Esmerelda and Amaria had started, but they have a strong feeling that the other witches aren't dead just yet.

It's called Black is Slimming because that's why all the witches enjoy wearing black.  It is rather slimming.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

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