Thursday, April 19, 2012

Josie Writes a Poem

A poem by me:

You ever get that feeling?
A feeling when someone is watching you
The feeling that someone has been watching you
And you just want them to keep watching you?
I love that feeling
The feeling that I get when I'm thought about
By someone
Right now
But who?
And why?
Who would bother to think about a nobody like me?
I'm nobody
I have never been loved
I am not loved
And I never will be loved
Of course, I have friends and family
But not any romantic love

I long for that feeling
Where you don't think you are thought of
But you are
And you embrace the feeling
The feeling someone loves you
The feeling someone longs for you
Someone wants you
Someone needs you
Someone craves for you
Someone obsesses over you
Someone writes music just for you
Someone draws your portrait
Someone is writing you a letter right now
Someone would do anything for you
Someone would kill anyone who keeps them from getting to you
But isn't that kind of creepy?
That someone would kill for you?

Sometimes I think that I have that feeling
When I really don't
Like now
Wait a second
That's not just me
I do have that feeling
Right now
But who in their right mind would kill for me?
I think I know.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

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