Monday, April 30, 2012

Josie and Tom Sawyer

I have to read Tom Sawyer for English, do pre-algebra in math, eh, who knows what we're doing in history, we had a sub today, learning marine biology in science (we're watching Dolphin Tale, but at least it has dolphins!), watching a documentary on LeBron James in Theatre, working on our Mamma Mia! tribute in choir, and getting ready for yet another contest in band, not to mention we're getting ready for high school band auditions, AND we saw a musical today instead of learning in English.  I don't know why Mrs. Page teaches theatre.  She's not that good of an actress in my opinion, and she always picks this chick named April for one of the leads.  Why?  I don't know!  She doesn't underact, she overacts.  It's ridiculously over-the-top!  Come on, girl!  Just say it like April!  Not like Barney!  But still say it LOUD!

Sorry, gotta go read Tom Sawyer!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Josie Gets Tagged

Oh, gosh.  I don't know who to tag, so I'm just going to say some of the people that I follow.  I got tagged by Miki, who, BTW, is awesome and hilarious, and I think you guys should follow her.

1) What is your favorite hobby?  Well, I can't decide between music and writing, so... writing music.
2) What did you wanna be when you were little?  One time I wanted to be an orphanage owner because I felt that the kids in Annie needed to be treated better.  But then I realized that I was meant to be in music or in writing.
3) What is your favorite food?  Chester's Hot Fries.
4) What are some childish things you used to do and still do today?  Why would I tell you?  Okay, I'm just kidding.  Enjoy Chuck E. Cheese's.  Personally, I do feel that they start gambling habits in children, but they have a helicopter.  Now, how many places do you go to where you have a helicopter or a giant mouse?  Or both?
5) Funniest moment?  Cracked my toe while dancing to Party Rock Anthem on film.  Now a hit on Facebook.
6) What is your dream job?  Actress, singer, composer, model, and #1 New York Times Bestselling Author!
7) What traits do you see in a good friend?  Integrity, Honesty, Christianity (says the girl with Atheists as best friends), Kindness, Humility, Patience, Love, Joy, Peace, Goodness, Faithfullness, Generosity, and Self Control.  And a bag of Hot Fries.  But that's not a trait, is it?
8) If you could get any animal as a pet, what would it be?  Easy.  A capuchin monkey or a dolphin.
9) Would you rather get eaten alive by a kitten or walked on to death by a pig?  The pig.  I do not want to imagine myself as kitty crap in a litter box.
10) What is your favorite thing about your family?  You mean besides them being nuts?  Well, that's the whole reason I love 'em!
11) Do you like fruits or vegetables better?  Fruits.  They don't taste like crap.  And strawberries rock.

Now, here's my eleven facts.

1) I.
2) Find.
3) It.
4) Very.
5) Annoying.
6) That.
7) Everyone.
8) Loves.
9) My.
10) Little.
11) Pony.

Here is eleven questions:

1) What is your favorite book genre?
2) Have you ever been in a relationship before? (Gender and breed do not matter.  Lol.)
3) Do you find me offensive?
4) Do you read my blog?
5) What is wrong with you if you don't?!
6) What will it take for you to follow me?
7) If you do read me, why?
8) Does anyone like my voice?  It's on one of the attached pages called, "All Existing Videos" and you should check out the one called Skyscraper.
9) Are you on YouTube?
10) Do you enjoy Gelato?
11) What is your middle name?

I think that's good for now.  I will comment you if you have been tagged, as it is that I don't have that many people to tag.

Curse the no tag backs!

I'll make a list right here:

1) Zel
2) Hannie
3) Savannah
4) Bessie
5) Dawn
6) Esuterra

What is it with the number 11?

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie and Her Sunday

Actually, that title is incredibly false.  I just needed to combine my two topics.

I was at Sunday School and we've recently began a tradition of doing nails whle we listen.  I put on two coats of hot pink nail polish and then put on a clear coat over it, and then realized it was all over the edges, so I tried cleaning it up with those cotton squares, but the cotton stuck to the sticky nail polish and I just had to remove it all, and it was still stuck in the crevises.  So, I got home and doused them in nail polish remover while watching Lie to Me* and there was still polish left.

When I got to my grandma's straight after Sunday School, I found my grandpa soaking his foot in some sort of clear liquid which was supposed to help his big toe, since then nail had a fungus and had recently been removed.  Eww!

Yeah, so I guess that's the only big thing.  Oh!

I got a Starbucks gift card from Ms. Connie as a reward for winning the monthly sweepstakes and got a vanilla bean frapp with caramel drizzle.  The dude asked me what my name was and I said, "Josie, J-O-S-I-E." but apparently he heard me wrong and put "Josae."  That looks kind of cool, but I don't know how that could sound like Josie.  I thought he was going to put "Josey" like how some guys do it.

I want Kasiah to be My One for youth camp.  A My One is someone who is unchurched and you bring to camp, but as soon as they register, your church starts raising money so they can go for free.  I want to do that with Kasiah, to show that there's a church that does care about her.  I'm gonna tell her that tomorrow.

I have Collide at 5 and after that I have handbell choir.  Busy, busy, busy.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Josie is Stuffed

I am so stuffed.  I went to go see Mirror Mirror and had popcorn covered in hot butter, tons of strawberry lemonade, and fries made like curly fries, but straight.  I am so stuffed and farting like a pig.

Mirror Mirror was really good, but not as funny as I imagined.  Julia Roberts was fabulous.  I could really hear Tinker Bell when she used her American accent, even though that was 21 years ago.  But it was still a good movie, even though it wasn't as funny.  The girl would make a perfect Christine.  She looks like Christine Day in the 1989 version, and if they made their promised sequel, they should used this chick if she can sing.

Yeah, so I just wanna go home and finish the Moonacre movie or write.  Yay for being lazy!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie Sees a Mockumentary

Mom and I decided to go see a movie at the last minute.  We saw Chronicle was at the dollar theatre and went to go see that.  Mom thought it looked interesing, too. 

Mom just laughed out loud at my hair!  She scared the crap out of me!

Anyway, the last showing was in 20 minutes, and we just got a drink since their popcorn is so expensive, and then we waited a few minutes before the movie started.

It starts out with this guy named Andrew filming his door, and you can see the camera in the mirror.  His dad is banging on the door telling him to open it and I can tell already that he's either abusive or Andrew's in some serious trouble.

The movie has no overlapping music, no titles, and it's all from the view from at least somebody's camera, whether it's Andrew's, this girl named Casey who vlogs, an iPad, cell phone, security camera, bird's eye view from a helicopter, or anything like that.

Chronicle is a little weird.  It's about a guy named Andrew who decides to start filming everything in his life.  He's kind of a dork at school, though.  When he's at his cousin's birthday party, this guy running for student body president (who is not a dork) says to bring his camera, because his cousin found something really cool and wants to get it on film.  The three guys find this tunnel that leads to this big... well, we never found out what it was, but apparently it gave them telekenisis, the ability to move things with your mind.

After some time, Andrew starts getting angry at everything, stubborn drivers, bullies, his dad, and eventually he goes bizzerk.  I'm not telling the rest of it, because there are a lot of people that die.  There isn't any music layovers, the title, or saying who starred in it until the very end.  I can tell you this now: there isn't going to be a soundtrack for this movie!

We got some coupons for Studio Movie Grill, a movie theater where you eat dinner while you watch.  We're going to see Mirror Mirror.  It looks absolutely hilarious, and if it's got Julia Roberts, it has to be good!

Yesterday was the big history test.  I thought I would spend all day on it, but I finished an hour before lunch.  It was okay, and it didn't ask any direct questions such as, "Who was the Great Comprimiser?" or "What year did the Civil War end?" and stuff like that.  It was all kind of complex questions.  Same with the science test.  But I'm pretty sure I got higher than a B-, maybe even a B.

I have been coughing up my lungs ever since I was done being sick!  It's like what Jared had for a long time: I can hardly breathe!  My chest hurts when I do and it doesn't when I don't!  If only I could breathe underwater.  That might help.  But I keep on coughing so my chest feels better.  Mom kept on thinking that my throat was sore even though I kept on telling her, "I CAN'T BREATHE!" over and over again.  She finally got it last night.  I said, "Mom, my throat isn't sore.  It's like what Jared's problem was: I CAN'T BREATHE!"  That finally got to her.

I'm so antsy!

Mom edited some lyrics one of her students wrote.  They're very good, if I do say so myself.  Here they are!

Now Romeo and Juliet
Bet they never felt the way we felt
Bonnie and Clyde
Never had to hide like we do
We do
You and I
The others can work
Till someone gets hurt
and I won’t let that be
you and me

Now you don’t wanna let go
And I don’t wanna let you know
that there must be something real
between us too
Who knew
Now we don’t want to fall
But we trip
In my heart we seem clumsy
I know you can love me
I wish we had another day
I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
but everything we had is stuck in the moment
and there is nothing my heart can do but fight with time and space
Cause I’m still stuck in that moment with you.

My love tragedy
Was destiny
Like Sonny and Cher
I don’t care
I got you baby
We both fight every inch of our fever
‘Cause any way, it’s going to end right
But we are both foolish to stop now
You don’t want to let go
and I don’t want you to let go
Now that there may be something between us too
Who knew

And we don’t want to fall now
but we’re tripping in our hearts
and expect to seem clumsy
and now you can love me
a wish we had another day
a wish we had another time
a wish we had another place
but everything we have is stuck in a moment
and it’s nothing my heart can do
fight with time and space
‘Cause I’m still stuck in the moment with you
just because it’s a cool, cool world said we can’t be
baby, we both have that need
to disagree
and we cannot
and I don’t want to be so old and gray from it
isn’t it about this better day
but confusion telling us to let go
so we never know

I wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
‘cause everything we did and everything we had
Is stuck in the moment
wish we had another time
I wish we had another place
‘cause everything we did and everything we had
is stuck in the moment
and there’s nothing my heart can do
but fight with time and space
cause I’m still stuck in the moment with you.

By: Diana Morn

Pretty good, isn't it?  Good job, Diana!  Even I can't write lyrics!  But I told Mom that I'd put some music to it.  There's one song in my head that might work with this, but it's not the particular rhythm I had in mind.  The one I was writing was called "Let Go". (Diana's song was called "Stuck in the Moment", by the way) My lyrics went something like

Let go
Cause it's a long way down
I right beside you
And your troubles are hellbound
Just trust me
As long as you need me
Trust me
Let go
Cause it's a long way down, down, down

But these will work, too!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Josie Sings on the Street

You remember when I sang Rolling in the Deep to my English class last year?  Well, we had the STAAR test today (it wasn't while I was sick.  Crap!) and I didn't have chess, so I called Grandma after singing for a little bit in the choir room.  Let me explain that little bit for a second:

While we were using the final two hours of the school day to watch John Carter, I told Coach Bailey that Miss Carrasco wanted us for practice (I mean, I missed two days of practicing the new dance, and I suck) so I went over.  We finished one quick runthrough and then I went to go get my stuff.  When I came back, the instrumental was playing, so I started singing along.  I got out of the school at 3:35.

Anyway, I walked to the front of the school, where we wait for our rides, and I started singing Thank You For the Music to myself.  One guy overheard me (a seventh grader) and asked me to sing something.  Then his two girl friends (not girlfriends) asked me, too, and I said that I didn't know what to sing.  They said, "Sing Adele!"  And then I realized what a lucky break I got.  I started singing the chorus really loud and everyone was dead silent.  Then, they started clapping.  I was so embarrassed!  I mean, they say I'm good, but still!  Haven't those people ever seen High School Musical?  Apparently not.
Anyway, they wanted me to sing some more, so I just gave them the links to the videos of me singing (which you don't have to search for: they're over on the other page.  Courtesy of me.  You're welcome!)

So I guess today was a little... nerve-wracking.  Tests, coughs, figuring out how to say "No, you can't have any Milk Duds" without hurting the persons' feelings, trying to memorize a dance, and singing spontaneously once again in front of a large crowd at school.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Josie Gets an Idea

Here's an idea!  Watch the following video, leave a comment about how you reacted, vote for it being your favorite video if you go to it's YouTube thingy and click on the website in its description, and don't hate on me like a normal person!

Not trying to be sarcastic with malice or anything, I'm just saying, don't hate on me.

**EDIT**  Ha!  After all that, I forgot to put the video up!  My bad!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie Breaks a Record

I just realized that I reached 400 views, 100 posts, and 500 views in 1 month!  If this keeps up, I'm gonna have 1000 views before the end of the year, and maybe even before high school starts!  That might get me some reputation for high school: a viral blog!  Come on, people!  I'm tired of being a dork!  PLEASE!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie Takes the STAAR Test

Is anyone taking STAAR later today?  Is anyone currently taking STAAR?  Is anyone already done?  Well, I don't think you're out of school yet.  TURN YOUR F^(&!~G PHONE OFF!  You could get arrested for cheating on a test!  YOU COULD FAIL A GRADE!

Hey, what test are we taking today?  History or science?

For those of you who have no absolute idea what the heck I'm talking about, it's the nationwide test.  I think.  Apparently it's part of the No Child Left Behind Act or something like that.  I have a doctor appointment at 2:15.  I'm still sick, but my tempature has gone down a lot.  Unfortunately, last time I checked it, it was 98.9 farenheit (37.167 Celcius) when my normal is 97.2 farenheit (36.2222222 Celcius), and I can tell I'm sick.  I have that pressure inside my head, stuffy nose, blocked ears, scratchy throat/voice, and I'm cold.

I'm listening to Viva La Vida.  I'm running the dance we did at church through my head.

When everyone comes out and does dance solos, I'm the one on the right in the far back doing the funky chicken.  I should have stepped out some more.  The one doing the coffee grinder is Tripp, he's the Russian that proves that white baptists can dance, and the one doing the chicken dance is Chase.




Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Monday, April 23, 2012

Josie Has 500 Pageviews

I am so happy!  And so sick.  Yeah.  It turns out that I am really sick.  I can't stop coughing, my nose is stuffed up, I was super cold, and all I wanted to do is sleep.  But I got really bored, and there's nothing to watch, so I got on the computer.  I'm going to watch Love Never Dies again or a different version of Phantom.  Obsessed, am I?  Well, my friends, you are WRONG!  It's just very awesome.  Just the entire plot.

You know, now I'm not that happy.  I never really was.  I mean, I am happy, but not "I am so happy!" happy.  You know what I mean?

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Josie Can't Sleep

I think that the time on my blog account might be messed up, but as I am writing this, it is 3:55 AM.  Yeah.  Say it with me.  A.  M.  Yeah.

Happy Earth Day!

I'm at a sleepover at Kasiah's.  It's just me, her, Abby, and Morgan.  I saw The Wizard of Oz at Eastfield, and it was really good.  Toto (Jayden) was the cutest thing ever, the witch (Stephanie) was awesome (especially her hair), the tinman (can't remember his name) couldn't sing for crap, and one of the dancers (Kiosh) was absolutely BEAST!  I went to go see Abby as a poppy, snowflake, and monkey, and I sat next to her boyfriend Noah.  Then we came to Kasiah's and filmed ourselves dancing to Party Rock Anthem.  Morgan didn't want to be in it, though.  In it, I learned how to do the shuffle, the shuffle on one foot, learned never to wear briefs with low ride jeans, and cracked my toe.  Fricking hilarious!  Then, we got into pretty sundresses and performed songs.  Abby did a dance to Eet, Kasiah sang an Avril Lavigne song, and I did Skyscraper on Ukey, but this time in a fedora hat.  Yay fedoras!

After we posted those online, we got ready for bed.  We finished watching I Am Number Four, and then Kasiah turned on The Phantom of the Opera, which I had brought from my house.  Ms Weber (Dahlia) went to bed after I Am Number Four, then Morgan got knocked out sometime during the overture, then I think Kasiah went out (when?  Beats me) and when I looked over during "The Mirror", Abby was out as well, so I played with the cats, checked the time, acted goofy acting out all the songs, and wrote them all notes saying "U guys are a bunch of weenies!"  Then Kasiah woke up and said she had to turn off the X-Box or it would break down.  So we're gonna finish the movie in the morning.

Yeah.  Oh, by the way, Abby showed me the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared video.  Disturbing.  I was very scared.  And somehow Abby is creepy enough to know all the lyrics to a song.

Sore throat, stuffy nose, still sing good.  I rock!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Josie's 100th Post

You ready?  *clears throat* Drumroll, please!

MY COMPUTER IS BACK!  YAY!  And the best part: WE DIDN'T LOSE ANY OF OUR MEMORY!  WOOHOO!  That means Jared's drawing aren't destroyed, Mom's books and skits aren't history, and I DON'T HAVE TO REWRITE MY BOOK!  YEAH!  Unfortunately, I'm still kind of stuck at one section.  Sucks.  The last thing I have is "[Marie] suddenly felt as if her breakfast was about to come back up. How did he know her name? How did he know she was a prophecy? Why did he want her captured? All these questions needed to be answered quickly, or else it may be too late for Ben."

Yeah.  I don't know what to put there.  Should I move onto the next chapter or not?

Anyway, let's celebrate!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie Reviews a Movie

I watched the 1989 Robert Englund version of The Phantom of the Opera.

Two words: Gory and disturbing.  And I loved every minute of it!

I was tryng to find out where people got the last name Destler for Erik Destler since it was never in the book.  It was from the 1989 version.

It starts out with a sophomore or junior at Julliard who is auditioning for an opera in Manhattan.  This is Christine Day.  She goes through the music library looking for something fresh, and she comes across a sort of lullaby called "Don Juan Triumphant" by Erik Destler.  When they try to find footnotes, they find out that he was a murderer and kidnapped a young opera singer he was obsessed with.  After her best friend Meg's persuasion, she agrees to do the song.

In the middle of her audition, a sandbag falls on her, and she awakens 100 years earlier by a different Meg.  One of my first questions was, "Does she not notice she's in a different time period, or is she thinking that, but unable to do anything?  Is she just reliving the past?"

Instead of the usual France, this takes place in London, and Christine Day is an American who is playing one of the minor roles, but is also Carlotta's understudy.  They are performing Faust, however.

When Carlotta goes into her closet after a bath, she finds a skinned Joseph no-last-name in her closet and screams so much she loses her voice.  Five guesses who skinned him.  Christine gets to play Marguirite in Faust, but ends up getting a bad review.  He is skinned, too.

I won't tell any more, you're just going to have to watch it for yourself.  But warning: it does have some sensuality, only one part had nudity (don't worry, it wasn't that much.  Sorry, Mom.  It was an accident.  And it wasn't huge, gigantic nudity, thank goodness), language (not the f*** word), extreme gore (such as Carlotta's head in a bowl of soup.  Oops!), violence, and murder.  If this wasn't rated R, then the rating people are messed up.  But the question I was asking Mom at the end was "How many times do you have to kill the guy?"

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Josie Writes Another Poem

The Diva -

One day there was a lady
A diva, I might add
When something minor happened
She got really mad

So a man taught her a lesson
So that when she sang on stage
She made a weird co-ak!
Now, let us turn the page

Now we see just after
The chandelier has fell
And a woman here is dead
So the diva doesn't feel well

The man fills a box with rats
And dumps them on her body
"As punishment," he claims
"For being awfully naughty"

The diva is replaced
With a much better star
And now the diva's broken
Until death came from afar

The man killed her love
Piangi was his name
So what happens?  Well, the diva
Finally goes insane

Then he kills her too
And that, I'm sorry to say
Is the end of the diva's troubled tale
Good night, and God bless you

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie Writes a Poem

A poem by me:

You ever get that feeling?
A feeling when someone is watching you
The feeling that someone has been watching you
And you just want them to keep watching you?
I love that feeling
The feeling that I get when I'm thought about
By someone
Right now
But who?
And why?
Who would bother to think about a nobody like me?
I'm nobody
I have never been loved
I am not loved
And I never will be loved
Of course, I have friends and family
But not any romantic love

I long for that feeling
Where you don't think you are thought of
But you are
And you embrace the feeling
The feeling someone loves you
The feeling someone longs for you
Someone wants you
Someone needs you
Someone craves for you
Someone obsesses over you
Someone writes music just for you
Someone draws your portrait
Someone is writing you a letter right now
Someone would do anything for you
Someone would kill anyone who keeps them from getting to you
But isn't that kind of creepy?
That someone would kill for you?

Sometimes I think that I have that feeling
When I really don't
Like now
Wait a second
That's not just me
I do have that feeling
Right now
But who in their right mind would kill for me?
I think I know.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie Knows

Okay, so we all know The Wizard of Oz, right?  Well, what if Glinda and her sister, whom I have come to call Cecilia, were really evil, and the West witch, who I'm calling Esmerelda and her sister, Amaria, were really good?  Well, here's how the story would work.

Dorothy would come back to Oz three years later, when she was fourteen, with Toto, to what looks like Munchkinland gets an extreme makeover from Hell.  It's not fire or anything, it's just all black.  But there's this one little four-year-old boy munchkin named Mickle who tries to help her, but then they get taken to Glinda's gothic palace where she explains her story:

When she heard about the silver shoes that Esmerelda made for her sister, Amaria, who had a twisted leg, and that the shoes had enough power to make her walk, Glinda wanted the shoes, so she came to Munchkinland, where Amaria was visiting, to kill her, but the house landed on her instead, so she started brewing a plan in her head.  She quickly told the munchkins to pretend that Amaria was really bad and that they were so ecstatic that Dorothy had killed the "wicked witch" so that they could attack her and kill her at the proper moment.  Whenever the shoes were in the hands of evil, they would turn ruby red.  So, Dorothy found them as ruby slippers instead of silver.

When Esmerelda received the news that her sister was hurt, she immediately went to Munchkinland to help her, but it was too late.  She was dead on spot.  So, the last thing she had of her sister were her shoes, so she wanted them in remembrance of her.  But Glinda zapped the shoes onto Dorothy, so she might be killed by Esmerelda, and then Glinda could kill her afterwards.  She, then, sent Dorothy on her journey down the yellow brick road, and when it was clear she wasn't turning back, she turned Munchkinland into something much more utterly depressing and dark.

The scarecrow was originally a farmer who was turned into a wimpy scarecrow without a brain, so of course, he would have no recollection of what really happened: Glinda turned him into a scarecrow because he grew wormy corn.  After Dorothy left, the Scarecrow was brainwashed into thinking wickedly.

The tinman was originally Amaria's husband, but he treated her badly and seemed to have a cold, black heart, so she turned him into tin and took away his heart.  The rusting was completely by rain, none of the witches' fault.  He did not want to do bad ever since he lost his heart, and ever since he gained one, so as punishment for not obeying her, she placed him under a waterfall until he was rusted brown.

The lion's parents were killed by Glinda's obedient hunters who went to retrieve a lion steak whe she requested one when he was very young, so he was frightened of everything because there was nobody to protect him from the predators of the forest, so he grew up being a coward.  She took away his sense of humanity and turned him into a killing beast.

Dorothy and Mickle are thrown into a prison cell with a teenage boy, not that older than Dorothy, named Ranchard.  Together, with the help of Toto, they escape from her palace.

Ranchard explains that the Wizard never made it out of Oz -- Glinda made a thunderstorm that caught his balloon on fire and caused him to crash and burn to his death.  Then, she made a rule outlawing the colors green and yellow in any sort of form, so he was thrown in jail because of his sea green eyes.

Together, they lonely foursome tries to make their way to Emerald City, and then along the outskirts of Oz, trying to destroy Glinda and Cecilia and finishing what Esmerelda and Amaria had started, but they have a strong feeling that the other witches aren't dead just yet.

It's called Black is Slimming because that's why all the witches enjoy wearing black.  It is rather slimming.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie and the Great Recovery

The funniest thing happened with Meghan yesterday!  Okay, so, she's known for leaning against the risors, right?  Well, one of the screws gave out on what she was leaning on, and she fell backwards and hit her head.  I heard the bar fall and when I turned around, her legs were up in the air.  I'm sorry, but I burst out laughing.  Apparently she hit her head on the floor.  We all thought she was going to burst out crying, but she sprang up, a little dizzy, and shouted "I'm okay!" I was about to pee my pants!

We have a pep rally at school tomorrow, so I get to get out of class for a little bit for several reasons:

#1) To help set up chairs and bleachers
#2) To help assist with anything else
#3) To reherse for band
#4) To get my French Horn
#5) To practice for the choir flash mob
#6) To make sure what I'm supposed to do in the flash mob.  I'm still confused!

But don't tell anyone about the flash mob!  It's a secret!  Shh!

THE COMPUTER IS FIXED!  YAY!  Unfortunately, we have lost everything.  You know what that means?

All 106 pages of my book are gone.  Destroyed.  Sent out into an endless cosmic void, never to be read again.

Wait, I was going to rewrite them in the first place!  Oh.  Mever nine!

Grandma is having the hardest time with her e-mail.  She can't log in!  It just won't let her!  Even me, a genius at computers, cannot log her in.


Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Monday, April 16, 2012

Josie's/Jofie's German Chocolate Cake

My mom brought home some German chocolate cake from Aunt Leah's party yesterday.  I'm craving some right now.

I'm trying to think of a weird nickname like these examples:

Nadine: Mabine
Bethan: Befon
Josie: Jofie?

We did nothing at school today.

That is all.

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Josie and the Urge

Today, I don't want to go to Collide, mainly because I'm too hot to, I am sweating badly.  Of course, I would, if I wasn't in my grandma's house, but for some reason, even though she has the tempature up so high all the time, I cannot sweat in her house.  It's like she has AC on at the same time.

Anyway, I want to go to the mall, sit in the middle of the second floor so everyone can hear me, play my ukulele, and play random songs with a hat out in front of me so I can buy equiptment for the recording studio.  Or I want to go home and write a song.  Maybe both.

Ha ha, I just thought of some funny lyrics.  This is awesome!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie and the Recording Studio

I just had a brilliant idea!  What if the little extra "office" (according to my mom) became a recording studio!  I could put in a microphone set, keyboard, computer, find some beats online, bring in my guitar and ukulele whenever I like, and I could practice writing songs!  Crazy thing is, as good as I am a writer, I cannot come up with fricking lyrics!  I can think of a random melody off the top of my head, but cannot think of lyrics for anything.  Best I ever did was called Best Night of My Life and I wrote the lyrics on the computer, but of course, the computer crashed.  Bye bye, awesome lyrics.  It went something like "Kiss me now under the mistletoe, cause when you kiss me, I feel like I could fly, until the Fourth of July, and then I miss that time when you kissed me.  So kiss me again."  Of course, it rhymed, and it actually made sense, but how am I supposed to find that now?  The computer is with a guy whose trying to fix it obviously.  Wow.  That was incredibly lame.

Anyway, I'm typing really fast cause I'm watching Musicalbethan and she talks really fast or at least it seems like it because of how she edits her videos and I just love her accent, but I'm typing really quick because I'm imagining her reading my blog as I am typing this and she talks really really fast and I'm trying to keep up with her.  I'm so weird.

I should get to my writing when I get home.  Of course, Mom's probably going to want me to do some chore of some sort which will keep me from writing, but, then again, that just determines me to write more.

ARGH!  I cannot write a song when I want to!

I have some lyrics stuck in my head that I need to add a melody to.  "When the angels sing, when heaven's bells ring, when the sky starts tumbling down, down, down, I'll be waiting"  Wait, I might just have a melody for that.  Of course, I'm going to have to sort out the rhythm, but my adreniline's pumping in my mind because I'm so hyped up and my heart beat is going so slow!

Thank you for embracing my weirdness! -Katy Perry

Josie and One Direction

I have just discovered One Direction.  They're pretty good!  Whose the guy with the long curly hair?  He's cute!

I'm not totally obsessed with them, because I wasn't shocked with their voices.  I was shocked with Greyson Chance, though.  I was thinking, Whoah, crap!  #1, who the heck is this guy, and #2, where can I find his number?  Seriously.

Today in history:

1755English lexicographer Dr. Samuel Johnson publishes his Dictionary of the English Language.
1784The first balloon is flown in Ireland.
1813U.S. troops under James Wilkinson siege the Spanish-held city of Mobile in future state of Alabama.
1858At the Battle of Azimghur, the Mexicans defeat Spanish loyalists.
1871'Wild Bill' Hickok becomes the marshal of Abilene, Kansas.
1861President Lincoln mobilizes Federal army.
1865Abraham Lincoln dies from John Wilkes Booth's assassination bullet.
1912With her band playing on the deck, the ocean liner Titanic sinks at 2:27 a.m. in the North Atlantic.
1917British forces defeat the Germans at the battle of Arras.
1919British troops kill 400 Indians at Amritsar, India.
1923Insulin becomes generally available for people suffering with diabetics.
1923The first sound films shown to a paying audience are exhibited at the Rialto Theater in New York City.
1940French and British troops land at Narvik, Norway.
1945President Franklin D. Roosevelt is buried on the grounds of his Hyde Park home.
1948Arab forces are defeated in battle with Israeli forces.
1952President Harry Truman signs the official Japanese peace treaty.
1955Ray Kroc starts the McDonald's chain of fast food restaurants.
1959Cuban leader Fidel Castro begins a U.S. goodwill tour.  And my Aunt Leah's birthday.
1960The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) organizes at Shaw University.
1971North Vietnamese troops ambush a company of Delta Raiders from the 101st Airborne Division near Fire Support Base Bastogne in Vietnam. The American troops were on a rescue mission.
1986U.S. warplanes attack Libya.

Oh.  And Income Tax Day.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Josie and the Big Dead Ship

I just got home from seeing Titanic with Kasiah in IMAX.  I tried to cry, who knows why, but I couldn't.  She did, though. 

The reason we saw the movie today was because today was the anniversary of the beginning of the sinking.  The 100th anniversary.  To think that innocent men, women, children died because of one man: Bruce Ismay.  I could just take his big lanky neck and crack it so hard he'd be dead before he could scream.

Naw, I'm a nice person!  I wouldn't kill him!  I would bring back the dead from their watery grave and have them torture him to his death!

You know that one song that Jack and Rose would sing?  Come, Josephine, in my flying machine, and up she goes, up she goes.  Well, I amended it for the anniversary.

Swim, Josephine, from this sinking machine, 'cause down she goes, down she goes....

R.I.P. the innocent passengers of the R.M.S. Titanic.  May your bodies safely rest in peace at the bottom of the ocean while your spirits sail free in the skies of heaven.  God bless you.
 It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Josie and the 400 Views Post

Happy 400 Views!  Here's an update:

FYI, I'm posting this from a laptop that belongs to my mom's school.

I just got back from UIL for band.  You know how in choir we got straight 1's?  Well, we got straight 2's here.  I mean, I thought someone might have given us a 3 at sightreading.  I find it unfair.  We have to sightread a Level 3, which means you've been playing for about three years.  Well, all the middle schools that don't have 6th -8th grade and just 7th and 8th have to go at a faster pace to be up there with the Level 3's.  I just find it unfair.  However, I was probably the one that got us a two on stage because my tone was about as bad as it was in 7th grade, and it was pretty bad.  That, and I was offkey and had slow air.

Yesterday I was in a frenzy.  I had let my birds out to fly around the house because I thought they might feel like they were claustraphobic.  So they sat on my finger watching TV and snuggling with eachother, until Romeo flew away.  Then Juliet followed, and I was able to catch her because she can't fly well.  But Romeo can fly fast and fly high, and not to mention I didn't see where he flew off to.  I knew he flew to either Mom's room or the kitchen, but I couldn't find him for about 30 minutes.  So I started to play piano, figuring he'll chirp along like he usually does.  I sat Juliet on the overhead light, and after a few songs, I took her back into her cage, and she pooped liquid onto "Think of Me".  I tried to wipe it away, but that just made it worse.  So I put her in her cage and tried to find him, but alas, I couldn't.

When Mom came home, we searched and found him in the closet.  But Mom couldn't catch him, so I tried to hold the cage up to him for him to fly into, but the bath fell back and spilt stinky water on me.  So I took a warm shower and went to bed.  He did go in, though, thank goodness.

Mom and I were going to see a concert with some Christian singers performing, but we were too tired.  Now, there's nothing to do, and Mom and I are both too tired to make something for dinner.  She's as dead as a log on the couch.  The last two Harry Potters really knock her out.  I don't know why, but it's always the most recent ones.  Some time I am going to have a Harry Potter Movie Marathon Sleepover.  I'd invite Kasiah, Meghan, Cheyenne, Abby, Leah, Katie, and maybe Rachael if she's allowed.

Tomorrow, Kasiah and I are going to see Titanic in 3D, since it's the anniversary of when Titanic first began to sink.  I think yesterday was the anniversary of the voyage.  What's really special is that Kasiah and I will be seeing it on the 100th anniversary.  R.I.P. Jack Dawson.  I made a promise to Mom that I would close my eyes during the drawing and car seen, and anyway, if Kate Winslet does have saggy boobs, I'm not sure I'd want to.

I'm sorry this was soo long.  Does anyone like long posts?  Or sort of in the middle?  Eh.

You know, if you enjoy my blogs, you can comment even without an account.  I do it all the time at school.  SOMEONE COMMENT!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Josie and Easter

Happy Easter, everybody!  I was super excited today because this is the one holiday that Christians don't disagree on (except for Canadians, I think they have Easter Monday).

Yesterday and Friday, my mom had this huge garage sale that a lot of people went to.  There were some really rude people, though.  So I tried to stay inside as much as possible, playing piano and singing for the attendees' entertainment.  They didn't really hear me sing until I sang the last, very high note at the end of The Phantom of the Opera.  Yes.  It is a high, high E.  Here is an example:
If you don't want to listen to it all, just skip to like 4:00 or something.  It's a really tricky cadenza.

Anyway, I woke up today and my body was sore.  Jared was sick, but he still wanted to talk to me.  He's so sweet!

I found a dress that I could wear to church for Easter, and it worked out perfectly.  However, I can't sit in it comfortably in it.  Bummer.

Now, there's nothing to do.  The family can't come over, I'm too old for Easter eggs (but never too old for Easter egg CANDY!), and so I don't know what to do, now.

I wrote a skit based on a picture book.  The book is The Composer is Dead by Lemony Snicket.  A while back, Jared and I got presents from him, because I think one of my mom's friends is his secretary or something, and so he gave us those straight from his personal collection.  Sweeeet.  I got A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Bad Beginning and Jared got The Composer is Dead.  I grabbed it off the shelf and began to read, and I realized this would be brilliant as an Indy Movie or a one-act play, so I started to write.  I finished it last night.

The book is about a dead composer, and an Inspector, in my script, his name is Inspector Penway, thinks someone in the orchestra he writes for killed him.  He's very stupid, though.  The violins were playing a waltz, the cello and bass provided accompianiment, the violas were feeling sorry for themselves, the flutes were practicing bird imitations, the clarinets, bassoons, and oboes flattered Inspector Penway's jacket, the French Horns were taken out by the trombones to a club because they were feeling down, the trombones had too much to drink, the percussion was with them and was too beat to commit murder, the tuba was playing cards with the harp and the bass clarinet, who was never in the book, (now, the following were never included in the book as well) the alto saxes performed a trio at a jazz concert of some sort, the tenor sax was ill, the baritone sax was sorting music for the next concert, and the baritones were practicing, but we never found out what the conductor was doing.  Then the orchestra siad that when theirs orchestra, theirs murder, and that's that.  Later, they find out it was the French Horn.  Tee hee!

I want to produce it, though, as an Indy film.  Should I or shouldn't I?

Well, I guess that's all for now.  Happy Easter.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Josie and the Sweepstakes

Computer still isn't fixed.  Bummer.

Happy Good Friday!  Well, then again, it isn't a real happy thing.  I mean... well... ARGH (this is me pulling my hair out)!

We finally had UIL for choir.  It sounded on stage like we sucked, but really, we didn't!  I mean, I felt sick, and I thought I was going to faint, so I tried to use all of my energy, knowing that after three songs I can go home and rest.


After that, we did sight-reading.  That's where you read a piece of music and have to perform it in either 6 or 9 minutes.  Or 7.  Give or take a few.  The song was called The Scorpion, and the lyrics were weird.  It was talking, obviously, about a scorpion, but I thought it was a song to scare children from playing around with large bugs and other things like that.  Anyway, we were so close to being disqualified, and no one knows who it was that almost got us disqualified.  She sang when we weren't supposed to!

I knew we got at least one 2 by the way Miss Carrasco (our teacher) came out with the principal.  She is a very good actress.  She said, "Well, ladies... YOU GOT ALL ONES!"

All ones?  That's like acing every STAAR test you take!  We were so psyched!  We were all cheering!  We got ones from all six judges (aka, Sweepstakes)!  And we were the only 3-part choir that got Sweepstakes as far as I'm aware!  And there are some pretty good choirs out there within our district!  And Miss Carrasco is a first year teacher!  How about that?!

As a reward, the principal, Mrs. Gallagis, said we get to wear jeans on Monday, as long as we wear our choir shirt, and we get to have it untucked.  And Mrs. Carrasco said she's going to throw us all a party!  Best.  Day.  EVAH!

I just said, "'S'cuse me, I footed."  ???

Mom's having a garage sale today and tomorrow.  UGH!  At least, when people donate books, I pick ones that I want and so now I have some more.  I have two famous books for being banned: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which is the #1 most banned book in America for rascism, and To Kill a Mockingbird, which was banned in Mississippi for a while for who knows why.  I just want to read it because it was a banned book.  I also got some books at the library: The Power of Six by Pittacus Lore, Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry, Princess in the Spotlight by Meg Cabot, and Lost by Margaret Peterson Haddix.  By the way, those are HUGE books!  The other books I got in the garage sale was two Goosebumps books I didn't want to sell that Grandma put into the garage, Hotel for Dogs, and a book about dragons.  I forgot what it was about.

Kasiah and I agreed that we're going to see Titanic in 3D together.  I want to go see it on the 14th, because that's the day Titanic sank.  But, don't worry, I have to close my eyes for the "drawing scene".  Although, some people are going to see the movie just to see that part in 3D, I bet you.  But, hey!  If it's in 3D, maybe they'll actually see the iceberg!

Video of the day:
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Josie and the Skyscraper

Yes!  I am finally back to put Skyscraper on!  Here it is!

Aw, crap.  I forgot, it never finished uploading.  So we will have to wait.

While we wait, I have written another song!  It is called Psychopath.  It is very creepy sounding.  So, now, all the pieces I've written are:

  • Waterlillies
  • Love is a River
  • Psychopath

It's halfway done loading!  Here's a random, yet true story.

There was one girl in her early 30's who went to a party and was dared to eat 10 pieces of bubble gum.  She ended up swallowing it.  Then, later, she farted, and it made a huge bubble.  And it POPPED!  Right there in her pants!  So she had to call up her mom and tell her to come over and take her home.  She was screaming in the phone shouting "Can you come over and take me home?  I GOT FRICKING BUBBLEGUM ALL OVER MY BEE-HIND!"

And this was all true.

The videos done.  Let's go!


I can't put it on here, yet, but here is the link to the website:

Don't forget that = at the end!  That's important!

Video of the day: That Skyscraper video!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.