Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Josie is "Different"

In case any of you older people recognize this, it's that old movie Pufnstuf.  Does anyone else notice the Nazi mouse?

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about dragons or magic flutes that talk and have the completely wrong shape.

Confession: I have no idea how to straighten my own hair.  My mom does, however, and yet her hair is ridiculous when straightened.  So, I'll sit in front of her on the couch and she straightens my hair before school.  We were watching I Am Number Four and we came to the part where John was having a "scar attack" as I like to put it.  When one of the other aliens dies, the others get a scar that starts to glow as the dead one's symbol, and he was trying to get onto the shore of the beach.  There was one girl there that was with him and ran away saying "He's some kinda freak!"  I told Mom that I would go and help him, see what's going on and if he's hurt.  Guess what Mom said?

"That's because you're different."

Excuse me?  What did she mean?  I mean, she didn't say it like I was a pest or anything, but I just thought that was kind of weird.  Then she changed it right after she said it to "That's because you're kinder."  I have to admit, I'm a lot more nicer than some people.  But that was just kind of weird.  Why did she say "different?"  What did she mean by "different?"  I mean, she doesn't talk like that.  She'd say "kinder" if she meant kinder.  Is she hiding something from me? (psst!  play the video below to get the real feel)

Yeah.  The Shower Scene theme.  MWAHAHAHAHA!  I tried to find the one where all the fish in Finding Nemo scream "DARLA!" but the only one there was, well, it was one of those videos where they record their TV or computer with their camera.  Crappy quality.

Any ideas?

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