Saturday, January 21, 2012

Josie and Chapter Zero

Okay, so the book is called "The Memories" and it's the first book in a series of about, (counts) SEVEN books, from the summer in between 6th and 7th grade, then 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and finally, 12th grade.  Yeah, I know, right?

Anyway, this is the first "chapter" of my book.  Here it is!

Chapter Zero
The Man With the Looking Glass
Fourteen years ago....Damon Vampir stared into the mirror, taking a peek into the future while of his old age. He wanted the next generation to see what was coming. The next generation, the next Dark Demon. But this one would be a part of the stuck-up water cities, with all their strange styles, their strange culture, their ways were strange.

Damon was sitting on a rock, looking into a wide mirror, almost a full-size television. He sighed and stood up. "Show me the reincarnation," he commanded the mirror. He was busy viewing a terrorist attack that would happen in 4 years. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the scene. Damon never thought of looking at the reincarnation of himself.

Before him appeared a mere teenage girl, looking fragile and delicate, standing in front of a class, giving an oral report. She had a light British accent, long, straight, platinum blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a fair complexion, not to mention her incredible height.

Aloud, she read, "The Memories: who are they?" Damon sat forward in his seat, intrigued. He recalled hearing the prophecy of the Memories, but never became particularly interested in it. Now, he could finally learn more. "They are a male and a female from each of the four countries, air: vampires, water: mermaids, earth: werewolves, and fire: dragons." He could see that there were eight children in the room, paying close attention to her, that seemed to be shocked at her story. "In the Memories Prophecy, they were destined to bring peace to their countries and the humans as well, but they failed in the process, and a mysterious, yet tragically beautiful friend of theirs, the Dark Demon, killed them all, and with the help of a merfolk king, Neptune, ruled the five countries: vampires, mermaids, werewolves, dragons, and, most importantly, humans, who they killed off, as they were an abomination to the rest of the countries." At that moment, the eight students from before sprang up and shouted at the girl. The teacher behind the desk chuckled, then slowly applauded. "Very good, Miss Demon. Very good." The teacher tipped over his glass of water, then, using powers, increased the amount of water he had, and flung it at one of the girls, who blocked it with her own powers.

"THAT’S ENOUGH!" Damon shouted. He couldn’t believe his future self would be a simple teenage girl. Stunned, he sprang up out from under the ground his home lay in, and flew about the forest, still in his natural form. When he sprouted out beyond the canopy of pine trees, he could feel the burning heat of his sun. He sprawled his hands out in front of him, and he could see that they were slowly fading to ash. He could even see that his nose had crumpled away, leaving a simple black spot of where it used to be. He crash landed into the forest, desperately trying to get to safety. He was stunned; vampires weren’t supposed to burn up in sunlight. At least, not the real kind. They just didn’t like bright light.

His arms slowly began to weather away as the wind blew and carried it to somewhere unknown. Suddenly, he legs crumpled beneath him, and he fell face forward onto the ground. As he rolled over, he cried, for he was dying. The remains of him slowly turned into ash and eroded away in the wind, and as he gasped for air, he realized that he would be born again a teenage girl. And then he really began to cry.

He he, hilarious, right?  It's the chapter before the first part.  That's why I called it Chapter Zero.  Very creative.

Hey, do you guys think that I should audition for Rockwall's Got Talent next year or move onto something more serious?  I mean, I sang a depressing song about break-up, maybe I should do something a little more upbeat.  That might help.

Okay, I am BEGGING you guys to do this!  If you could PLEASE leave a comment, do so!  You don't even have to have an account, you just type in what you want me to call you or whatever.  I need to know that there are some people who are interested in what I have to say!  PLEASE!  I AM ON MY KNEES!  I'M DESPERATE!  WHAT MORE EVIDENCE COULD YOU NEED?!

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