Sunday, January 29, 2012

Josie and the GOOD Reason

I am so happy now.  I now realize that God did not want me in region choir because I had more important things to do.  I have four big parts in our church youth choir concert.  It's not youth choir, it's Collide.  That's the official term.  We're colliding with the rest of the world and one of them has to be taken over.  We're most likely going to change the world, not the other way around.  Anyway, my parts are:

  1. Playing a drunkie in a skit.  But I already said that.  If you want to see it, search up "Everything Skit" on YouTube.
  2. Dancing a kind of medival dance with Sarah in the "Girls' Only" song, Love Story by Taylor Swift
  3. Singing "I Got You Babe" with Heath which is gonna be kinda awkward considering that I think of him as kind of sort of a dude who's a friend, but we're not like really close.  It's making me feel so awkward that I just said "kinda sorta" and "like" in the wrong places.  Eeekers.
  4. A huge solo in the a'capella version of Baby by Justin Bieber.  Then again, I already said that, too.
I feel so special!  And with region, you can't spread the Word of God there, can you?  I mean, usually you sing Latin songs that have "Gloria in excelsis Deo" or you sing a song about jumping on the train to heaven, but no one ever means it.  They just choose it to make the Christians happy.  Hardly anyone in the choirs mean it.

Here, it means something.

I'm serious.

We're gonna make a major impression on people.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

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