Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Josie and the Last Post

I'm writing a skit based on a series of Luann comics, but changing it up a lot.  The book that the comics are in is Passion!  Betrayal!  Outrage!  Revenge!  My skit is called The Problems with Andrew Tanner and it's basically about a girl named Nora Talbot instead of Luann DeGroot.  Better name, don't you think?  Here's the synopsis:
The one thing Nora Talbot wants more than anything is to be asked to the 8th grade dance by Andrew Tanner, who she’s loved since the 2nd grade. After her brother accidentally deletes a complete file on the computer dedicated to Andrew, she finds a way to get it back, prints it out, gives it to Andrew for Valentine’s Day, and he loves it.

While waiting for Andrew to ask her to the dance, a nerd at the school, Rolf Liebkin, asks her, but she postpones her answer, in hopes Andrew will ask her. She starts thinking about the possibilities of having a relationship with either one of them.

After a while, Rolf explains he has someone else in mind to take to the dance, but doesn’t say much about her. After putting the puzzle together, Nora realizes he’s going with her best friend, Emily. While arguing, the head cheerleader, Jasmine Clemens, lies to Nora and Emily that she’s going with Andrew, but she eventually explains that "he didn’t exactly ask" her.

3 months later, Nora still hasn’t decided. Emily and Nora’s other best friend, Audrey get into a fight, Audrey saying she should give Rolf a chance, while Emily pushes her to go for her dream. In the middle of their argument, Andrew gets the guts to ask her, and she says yes.

At the dance, Nora has the time of her life, until Jasmine comes up and interrupts their dance, claiming the DJ needs a list of fast music. To get back at her, Andrew ends up kissing Nora.

Meanwhile, Ms. Tablot tries to give Nora some advice and that she shouldn’t limit herself to just Andrew.
After the dance, Nora tries to apologize to Rolf, who says he’s going steady with Emily. She foolishly confronts Emily and says that she should be able to claim Rolf, since they’ve been friends for a while. They end up having a big fight, so there ends up being this big triangle of anger, with Nora being mad at Rolf, him being mad at her, and Emily and Nora being mad at one another. Eventually, Emily gets Rolf to forgive Nora, and everything ends up normal.

Nora, Emily, and Audrey go to the mall and have Audrey explain the whole situation, but she’s not exactly the best since she recently broke up with her boyfriend. Later, Nora realizes that even if she wasn’t with Andrew, she would still have her friends there with her.

Ms. Talbot tells Nora that her friends have two tickets to Romeo + Juliet that they can’t use, but she can’t go because she has to go to a teacher meeting, so Nora asks Andrew if he would like to go with her. When they go, she notices there’s no chemistry whatsoever.

School is out later, and the Summer Dance is coming up, and Nora is trying to give several hints to Andrew, who remains clueless.

After a while, Andrew texts Nora and asks her to meet her at the food court in the mall at noon. When she gets there, he explains that there’s someone else he cares about, but it’s not Jasmine, and if they could just be friends. Emily and Audrey later try to think of all the possibilities. Nora talks to her mom, who gives her some more advice.

Jasmine asks Andrew to the dance, but when he refuses, she is in full outrage. Andrew gives Nora a text that maybe, in the future, they could be together, but not now. Nora realizes that she still has a chance in the big chase.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie is Kerfuzzled

You would not believe my hair today!  I took a shower last night and forgot to brush it out.  So, during school, when it was dry, it looked soft and fluffy, but on the inside it was gnarly and mangled. When I tried to get the tangles out with my fingers, it ruined the look.  Not to mention my bangs wouldn't lay down.  They almost showed The Spot.  So, I brought a hat to school with me to get the bangs to lay down.  ARGH!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Josie and the Locks that Won't Open

People can be so mean sometimes.  I have to admit, this was partially my fault, but still.

In band, I was getting my French Horn from the band lockers after school to take home, and I usually leave the lock unlocked so that it's easier to get out, and then I lock it while school's out.

Apparently someone had switched my lock with someone else, and then relocked it.  Nothing was taken, but why would someone do it?  It's just so rude!  Like I said, it was partially my fault, but I can't help it if I have an impatient grandmother?

I have the CD for Collide.  As far as I'm aware the tracks are:
  1. Love Story by Taylor Swift
  2. The Boys' Flashlight Song (don't know what it's called)
  3. Use Somebody by Kings of Leon (a skit)
  4. Everything by Lighthouse (my skit)
  5. Baby by Eleventh Hour
  6. Baby (the a'capella version) on piano
  7. An instrumental for something, but I don't know what it is.  I recognize it, but since it doesn't have someone singing with it, I don't know.
  8. For some reason, the exact same as #7
  9. I Got You Babe by Sonny and Cher
  10. The instrumental to I Got You Babe
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Josie and the GOOD Reason

I am so happy now.  I now realize that God did not want me in region choir because I had more important things to do.  I have four big parts in our church youth choir concert.  It's not youth choir, it's Collide.  That's the official term.  We're colliding with the rest of the world and one of them has to be taken over.  We're most likely going to change the world, not the other way around.  Anyway, my parts are:

  1. Playing a drunkie in a skit.  But I already said that.  If you want to see it, search up "Everything Skit" on YouTube.
  2. Dancing a kind of medival dance with Sarah in the "Girls' Only" song, Love Story by Taylor Swift
  3. Singing "I Got You Babe" with Heath which is gonna be kinda awkward considering that I think of him as kind of sort of a dude who's a friend, but we're not like really close.  It's making me feel so awkward that I just said "kinda sorta" and "like" in the wrong places.  Eeekers.
  4. A huge solo in the a'capella version of Baby by Justin Bieber.  Then again, I already said that, too.
I feel so special!  And with region, you can't spread the Word of God there, can you?  I mean, usually you sing Latin songs that have "Gloria in excelsis Deo" or you sing a song about jumping on the train to heaven, but no one ever means it.  They just choose it to make the Christians happy.  Hardly anyone in the choirs mean it.

Here, it means something.

I'm serious.

We're gonna make a major impression on people.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and the Mall

Aunt Leah is taking Logan out to eat on Friday instead.  We can't afford it, and Mom doesn't get paid before then, so since we're not having a party, I CAN GO TO THE MALL!   EEEEEEEEE!!!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and the Year of the Dragon

Apparently Cheyenne's right.  It's not my year.

Cheyenne's belief is in the Chinese horoscope.  I was born in the Year of the Tiger apparently, and ever since Chinese New Year (it is now the year of a dragon), I've had not-so-good and bad things happen to me.

I didn't get into All-Region Choir.

Last year I got into the Honor Choir.  5th chair.  As a 7th grader.

I didn't even get into the concert choir.

On top of that, I can't go to the mall with Kasiah today because my cousin, Logan, is having his 15th birthday party today at Grandma's and youth choir is at 3 PM instead of 5.  And the mall closes early on Sunday's.

Not my year.
 It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie Translated

For those people that don't know what I mean by certain things, here you go.

Kerfuzzled - when you're having a bad hairday.  "I'm all kerfuzzled; my hair won't lay down!"
Weenies - Army men who can't do jumping jacks.
MSO - the city symphony orchestra
Wait a second!  Wait a hot second! - pretty explanitory
Oh, my Rowling - To use when talking about Harry Potter
Oh, my Gods - to use when talking about gods of any religon
Oh, my God - never to use
Bible - the thing that Christians read at church
Dragonism - A belief that Dragons used to exist sometime before
Phrasing - How long you have to perform music without breathing
Transmogrify - to transform
Estamitation - another word for an estimate
HNBT - Her New Boyfriend Trevor
The Spot - Where Blake and I meet and where I first told him I like him
Sleeping Hillbilly - Blake's nickname
Houston Astrodome - The awkward lovey-dovey topic of proposal, engagement, and marraige

Dang it, I can't think of more!

If you find I word that I say that you don't know, leave it in the comments, and I'll put it in a blog.  Thanks!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and the Harp Lessons

My mom said that when all this custody thing is over with my brother, she might get me harp lessons.

You know Kasiah?  She's in the city's Symphony Orchestra (MSO for short).  She plays viola there, her friend Gabriel plays cello, and her friend Ariana plays violin.  They have two harpists and my mom thought about getting me harp lessons after Jared's custody thing is done.

Let me explain something about that.

My parents are divorced (then again, almost everybody's is) and my dad tried to file custody of Jared, my little brother, and I.  He won custody of Jared.  Now, my mom's trying to get him back.  He's been gone for two years and a month now.

Yeah, so we're all waiting for the day when we don't have to be penny-pinchers and can go out when we want and can do all these things.  Here's a list of some things I want to do:

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Harp lessons
  • Fix the fence so that it's higher up
  • A PUPPY!
Yeah.  I'm nuts.

It would be cool to learn how to play harp (desperately trying to stay on topic here!) because it is THE hardest instrument in the world, the second being the keyboard/piano/harpsichord/organ.

If I could play any instruments I want to, I would play:

  • Piano
  • Organ
  • Harp
  • French Horn
  • Guitar
  • Ukulele
  • Bass Guitar
  • Bass Clarinet
  • Clarinet
  • Alto Saxaphone
  • Viola
Just to name a few.  Like it says in my profile, I would love to be a band director and compose music!  It runs through my veins!  Right now, there's a treble clef zooming around my body in my blood!  Kinda disgusting to think about.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie Gets Bangs

Does anyone remember me talking about my bald spot?  Well, my mom got me bangs to cover it.  I don't mean like Justin Bieber bangs, I mean like Mermaid Abbey bangs.  Well, here's a picture.

Yeah.  My hair looks like that in a darker shade.  The bangs are surprisingly kinda a pain.  They hover right over my eyes, nudging the edge of my eyelid.  And, since I have a bald spot, the bangs are uneven.  I mean, it's cute, but I don't see it on me.  At least it covers the Spot.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Josie Sucked

I did!

Everything went smoothly until the audition.  First, I sang A New Day and used up most of my energy on that.  I did use good enunciation and consonants, but on Lullaby Moon, the song I worked SO hard to get the phrasing right, I ran out of breath!  And for the sightreading?  It was easy.  But I definitely got disqualified for singing when I was supposed to practice.  I think if I sang, I was disqualified!  I sang!  I'm not gonna make it.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and Region Choir

Okay, I'm a little nervous, but writing always calms me down.  Why, do you ask?  I have region choir auditions at 1.  Why am I nervous about this?  Well....

1) I'm aiming to get first chair Soprano 1
2) I'm afraid I won't take a big breath before the big phrase and run out of breath, having it count against my grading
3) I might forget the dynamics.
4) I have an awkward bald spot that everybody can see clearly.

Okay, let me explain that last one.

In case you didn't know, I have the largest cowlick I have ever seen right splat center in the middle of my head, preventing me to have cute bangs.  Not swoop bangs like Justin Bieber (but I still can't have those), but the ones that go right above your eyebrow.

Cowlicks are really uncomfortable in the wrong position, and they're ALWAYS in the wrong position.  So, I thought it was just a hair that needed to be dealt with.  So I pulled out a few of the hairs, the ones that seemed to hurt.

Then I had a huge bald spot.

In no time, the hair started to grow back.  It kept on hurting, and it became a mannerism, so I ended up pulling more hairs out.  Now I have short stubby hairs in front, not hair further back, and then my for-real hair further back.  Mom said that a guardian is coming to do a home study and she didn't want a daughter looking like a mental retard with half her hair out.  Thanks, Mom.  No sarcasm!  She scared me so bad that I've stopped!  Yay!

But yeah.  I'm gonna have to wear my panda hat to cover.

Last night, I saw the high school's production of "Oliver!".  The guy that played Oliver was a freshman.  He was at my middle school last year and got into the state choir.  He's not the best actor, but he sounds like an angel!  I sware!

The guy that played The Artful Dodger was pretty good, although he had too low of a voice for my taste.


Nancy had THE best voice I have ever seen at this high school!  She was good at acting, and one of the best high school belters ever!

Bill Sykes was a total bully!  But brilliant, either way!

After the play, Kasiah's mom invited me to go eat with them, and I had caramel hot chocolate and onion rings at iHop with Kasiah's family.  On them.  They are the nicest family EVER!

Anyway, wish me luck at Region!
It's the good girls that keep diaries.  It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Josie and the New Look

I figured the place needed some... poof. I don't know.  I can't think of a word!

So...?  How does it look?

Josie is Determined

I have All-Region Choir Auditions tomorrow!  EEEEEE!

I'm kind of nervous about this one song, "Lullaby Moon" that has incredibly long phrasing.  Especially on the last verse of the cut.  You have to sing 8 measures in an extremely slow song in 3/4 time plus a 1 beat pick-up.  In case you don't know music, it's about 20 seconds long, not to mention having good air, support, vowels, consonants, dynamics, etc.

Last year, I got into region choir as a seventh grader.  I either got 5th, 6th, or 7th chair soprano 1 in the most musically talented region in the nation (we would be the best in the world, if Europe didn't kick our butts)!  This year, I want to get first chair.  Last year, the first chair over everyone was a dude, and he got to sing a good solo, but no one could understand what he was saying.  He sounded like a soprano, and he had a really good voice, but again, no one could understand him.  The first chairs of all the parts got to sing in a group in the same song.  It was the song where the people are smushed onto the risors to sing a song with everybody.  I WANT THAT SOLO!!

I'm going to try a dangerous feat.  I am going to play the movie version of Think of Me from the Phantom of the Opera on the French Horn.  IN ITS ORIGINAL KEY!  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Josie and Hazel Houdini

Hazel is my neighbor's chiuaua mix thingy.  She's always escaping from her house and my mom and I are always afraid she'll get hit by a car.  That's why we call her Hazel Houdini.  She jumps over the fence, which is basically plastic, and runs around the neighborhood until someone finds her and brings her back.

Meghan's mom was dropping me off at home, and she ran up to me.  I'm not allowed to leave the house when I'm home alone, so I brought her in.  I crumpled up some crackers and put them in a bowl, and then I got another bowl and filled it with water.  I don't know why, but she responds to Chica more than Hazel.

Hazel has been been restless, never sitting down for more than a minute.  I'm afraid that if I scratch her tummy, it'll hurt, because she got spaed about two weeks ago at the most.

Either way, she's cheered up my day.  It's been raining cats and Hazel since last night, and this morning, my journals for school fell in the flowing puddle by the curb.  You know, where the water gathers up and creeps downhill?  But it was huge.  My song-writing journal is falling apart as it is, some of my science notebook pages bled a little bit, my composition notebook for English is very bendable now, compared to its unyielding self, my journal of tips fell into the wet grass, so its not completely ruined, but the tickets I was selling for the church youth choir concert got partially wet.

On top of that, my allergies are acting up again.  Either that, or it's the cold.  If it is, I better rest my voice for All-Region choir auditions are this Saturday.

Also, Corrine's oldest dog, Petey, died last night.  He was a good dog.

The worst thing that's happened is that I left my packet of tickets in 3rd period math.  I hope somebody saw it and thought it was something boring.  It's in a plain, manilla folder.  But if I did lose them, then I owe the church $100 bucks.  I'm broke.  You do the math.

I can ask Dr. Barrett, the chess coach/counselor/anouncements regulator if he can say on the anouncements if anyone has found a manilla folder with the word Collide, my name, and 10 dollars/tickets on it to return it to the office or me at once.  If I did lose them, I could sure use $200 bucks.  The first 100 to pay off the tickets, and the rest to buy the ukulele I've been wanting since forever.  Mom said she'd buy it as soon as she gets her income tax thingy.


That was Hazel's typing!  I'm so proud of her!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Josie and Miki

You're my first member/follower/whatever thingy!  Thank you SOO much!

My mom, however, is being protective and not letting me chat with anybody, because she thinks that someone's stalking me and they're gonna find out where I live and kidnap me and rape me and murder me.  But here's what I found out.  The chance of a minor being kidnapped by a stranger is 1 in 560.  That means I am more likely to be autistic than to be kidnapped.  The chances of being autistic are 1 in 150.  So that means, at the high school I feed into, about five kids are bound to be kidnapped, and about eighteen kids are autistic.  Mom said "Don't be one of the five."  I mean, come on!  It's not like there's something wrong with me that the government could find out or someone trying to kill me, right?

Or is there?  Mom did say that I was different.


Josie and the Better Bieber

Okay, I'm not sure if I posted this earlier, but I was in a youth choir at my church.  This year, it's a little different: they added all these different things.  Drama, skateboarding, stomp, singing, hip hop, a'capella, stuff like that.  Our concert is in six weeks.  I got sick to my stomach thinking about how we hardly got anything done last semester, but I was wrong.  We got a LOT done.  Especially in the A'Capella group, or "Sing Off."

On the actual show Sing Off, there was a group called Eleventh Hour.  Adam, the director, called up the arranger for them and got the actual Baby music.  You know, Baby by Justin Bieber?  Turns out it was written by him.

Anyway, so I ended up getting this HUGE solo where I sing the first verse.  This other girl, Charity, she got the second verse, and then the other parts we sing together.  We've gotten a lot of stuff done!  This is gonna be a hit!

Josie and the Funny Emoticons

I know that I said that I don't put emoticons in serious writing, but this had to be done!  They're hilarious!

_/\_\o/_ (shark attack)
_/\_*\o/*_ (cheerleader shark attack)
:-.)B (Marylin Monroe)
7:^) (Ronald Reagan)
=:o) (Bill Clinton)
*<|:-) (Santa Claus)
//o-o\\ (John Lennon)
5:-) (Elvis Presley)
~(_8^(I) (Homer Simpson)
@@@@@=) (Marge Simpson)
:-###.. (Sick)
%-) (Drunk)
%-###.. (Extremely drunk)
8:)] (Crazy frog)
8:)]~~~* (Crazy frog eating a fly)
(:3= (Walrus)
o<:0) (Clown)
8-B (Nerd)
\m/[(>.<)]\m/ (rocking out to headphones)
..V,(^_^) (Peace)
f(O_o)f (zombie attack)
(=^;^=) (cat)
( '}{' ) (kissing)
3:(:)) (cow)
:]~~~* (frog eating a fly)
=8-0 (someone who saw a vampire)
<|:~. (witch)
do<-<[: (skateboard kid)
~)))'> (armadillo)
><(((0*> (fish)
..._(:)-0 (scuba diver)
(:-P) (rasberry)
})i({ (butterfly)
<:::::::|==0 (sword)
(:::():::) (band-aid)
(_(_) (a butt.  What else?)
>:(~ (THERE'S the vampire!)
~~)_)~~ (toilet paper)

That's a lot, isn't that?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Josie and the No-Good Blogs

Does anyone know a good blog that somewhat like mine?  I mean, I hit the "Next Blog ->" button a dozen times and found nothing.  Well, there was this one Asian chick, and she seemed good, but I couldn't find her first blog.  I always like to start at the beginning.  Which is tedious if you're trying to watch all the lonelygirl15 videos in order.  Speaking of which....

I'm curious.  How do you react if a person likes the video?  I mean, it could mean they liked the plot, or it could mean that they enjoy watching that dude die.  I mean, the possibilities are endless!

Anyway... my stomach hurts after eating too many sugar foods.  Let's think back.  I had (in order):

  • A chunck of white macadamia nut cookie dough
  • Chilli
  • Three s'mores cups
  • Two cups of extremely sugary tea
  • The SWEETEST brownie in the world with vanilla ice cream on top
  • Chicken
  • Tortillas from Taco Cabana in cold hot sauce
  • The rest of the Jell-o
  • One-and-a-half bowls of pudding
Maybe I should stop eating like this....

Josie and the Stalkers

Overall, I have had 49 views in the US, 39 in Russia, 2 in the UK, 7 in Malaysia, and 9 from Germany!  I'm famous!  EEE!!!

Mom thinks it's kinda creepy that I have a lot of fans, but I just tell her, "What's not to like?"  Ha ha, I'm hilarious!

But seriously.  Thank you, stalkers!

Ten points to Josie for being on a roll!

Josie and Chapter Zero

Okay, so the book is called "The Memories" and it's the first book in a series of about, (counts) SEVEN books, from the summer in between 6th and 7th grade, then 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and finally, 12th grade.  Yeah, I know, right?

Anyway, this is the first "chapter" of my book.  Here it is!

Chapter Zero
The Man With the Looking Glass
Fourteen years ago....Damon Vampir stared into the mirror, taking a peek into the future while of his old age. He wanted the next generation to see what was coming. The next generation, the next Dark Demon. But this one would be a part of the stuck-up water cities, with all their strange styles, their strange culture, their ways were strange.

Damon was sitting on a rock, looking into a wide mirror, almost a full-size television. He sighed and stood up. "Show me the reincarnation," he commanded the mirror. He was busy viewing a terrorist attack that would happen in 4 years. He couldn’t take his eyes off of the scene. Damon never thought of looking at the reincarnation of himself.

Before him appeared a mere teenage girl, looking fragile and delicate, standing in front of a class, giving an oral report. She had a light British accent, long, straight, platinum blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, and a fair complexion, not to mention her incredible height.

Aloud, she read, "The Memories: who are they?" Damon sat forward in his seat, intrigued. He recalled hearing the prophecy of the Memories, but never became particularly interested in it. Now, he could finally learn more. "They are a male and a female from each of the four countries, air: vampires, water: mermaids, earth: werewolves, and fire: dragons." He could see that there were eight children in the room, paying close attention to her, that seemed to be shocked at her story. "In the Memories Prophecy, they were destined to bring peace to their countries and the humans as well, but they failed in the process, and a mysterious, yet tragically beautiful friend of theirs, the Dark Demon, killed them all, and with the help of a merfolk king, Neptune, ruled the five countries: vampires, mermaids, werewolves, dragons, and, most importantly, humans, who they killed off, as they were an abomination to the rest of the countries." At that moment, the eight students from before sprang up and shouted at the girl. The teacher behind the desk chuckled, then slowly applauded. "Very good, Miss Demon. Very good." The teacher tipped over his glass of water, then, using powers, increased the amount of water he had, and flung it at one of the girls, who blocked it with her own powers.

"THAT’S ENOUGH!" Damon shouted. He couldn’t believe his future self would be a simple teenage girl. Stunned, he sprang up out from under the ground his home lay in, and flew about the forest, still in his natural form. When he sprouted out beyond the canopy of pine trees, he could feel the burning heat of his sun. He sprawled his hands out in front of him, and he could see that they were slowly fading to ash. He could even see that his nose had crumpled away, leaving a simple black spot of where it used to be. He crash landed into the forest, desperately trying to get to safety. He was stunned; vampires weren’t supposed to burn up in sunlight. At least, not the real kind. They just didn’t like bright light.

His arms slowly began to weather away as the wind blew and carried it to somewhere unknown. Suddenly, he legs crumpled beneath him, and he fell face forward onto the ground. As he rolled over, he cried, for he was dying. The remains of him slowly turned into ash and eroded away in the wind, and as he gasped for air, he realized that he would be born again a teenage girl. And then he really began to cry.

He he, hilarious, right?  It's the chapter before the first part.  That's why I called it Chapter Zero.  Very creative.

Hey, do you guys think that I should audition for Rockwall's Got Talent next year or move onto something more serious?  I mean, I sang a depressing song about break-up, maybe I should do something a little more upbeat.  That might help.

Okay, I am BEGGING you guys to do this!  If you could PLEASE leave a comment, do so!  You don't even have to have an account, you just type in what you want me to call you or whatever.  I need to know that there are some people who are interested in what I have to say!  PLEASE!  I AM ON MY KNEES!  I'M DESPERATE!  WHAT MORE EVIDENCE COULD YOU NEED?!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Josie and Her Jar of Hearts

Okay, I totally forgot to say that I auditioned for "Rockwall's Got Talent" last Sunday.  At the audition, I sang and played "Jar of Hearts" on the piano.  I was shaking so bad, I messed up in several spots, and I went over my time limit, deducting 10 points.  30 people in 100 auditions made it to the semi-finals.  I was one of them.  So, you had to play the same song you auditioned with, and I had to cut it a little.  I wasn't shaking so badly this time, but my mom said that I needed to look up and add emotion to it.  And I didn't crack on the high C!

There were several auditions, and a lot of them weren't good.  They had a mother and her six-year-old daughter bellydance, a Swan Lake dancer, a brilliant sign language person who had so much flowing emotion apparently, the contestants couldn't watch.  But a lot of the singers, like a cutesy duo singing Dynamite in the style of China Ann McClain, were off-key, or so it seemed, and were always behind the music, and you could tell they heard it.  I mean, I was right after them, and I was off-stage, but I could hear it just fine.

So, after 30 people had gone, they chose the top 20.  I was not one of them.  SAD FACE!!!!  I would put a little frowny face emoticon here, but I'm a serious writer.  There are no emoticons in serious writing.

Anyway, they chose the top 20, leaving the bottom 10 to suffer in the cold.  They chose the Dynamite Duo.  Why, you may ask?  Probably because of the "cute factor," not to mention they brought a lot of people.  Which probably means that I'm going to slap Meghan for delibrately not coming.  Just kidding!  But I'm serious, my best friend in the entire world had to stay at school until 5:00, and she wanted to relax at home.  HELLO!  Anyway, so the only people that came to see me were Mom and Sherry.  DOUBLE SAD FACE!!!!

Yeah, so no roses, either.  I can't blame Mom, though.  She just got me roses for region band.  Which, by the way, when AH-MA-ZING!  At least I get the video put on YouTube.  If you have the time, search it up.  It's "Josie Singing Jar of Hearts" probably.  This would be the first real singing video I will put on.  The other one was my "annoying singing" below.

Yeah.  Impressive, huh?  So far, there's been one comment that wasn't mine.  I don't blame them.  I mean, come on!  Either people just think I'm deformed, or they've heard it before.  But that last note is a milestone for me!  FRICKING HIGH F#!  And I went SHARP at the end!  Then again, I was being completely retarded.  Tee hee!

Yeah, so when the video does get online, you get honest answers.  Of course, everyone you know is going to say you sound great, and sometimes select judges aren't the best people, but the people that truly know what is and isn't good are not afraid to say so.  I mean, look at Rebecca Black!

So, as soon as the video is put up, I will post it so that you may all enjoy it!  Toodles!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Josie is "Different"

In case any of you older people recognize this, it's that old movie Pufnstuf.  Does anyone else notice the Nazi mouse?

Anyway, I'm not here to talk about dragons or magic flutes that talk and have the completely wrong shape.

Confession: I have no idea how to straighten my own hair.  My mom does, however, and yet her hair is ridiculous when straightened.  So, I'll sit in front of her on the couch and she straightens my hair before school.  We were watching I Am Number Four and we came to the part where John was having a "scar attack" as I like to put it.  When one of the other aliens dies, the others get a scar that starts to glow as the dead one's symbol, and he was trying to get onto the shore of the beach.  There was one girl there that was with him and ran away saying "He's some kinda freak!"  I told Mom that I would go and help him, see what's going on and if he's hurt.  Guess what Mom said?

"That's because you're different."

Excuse me?  What did she mean?  I mean, she didn't say it like I was a pest or anything, but I just thought that was kind of weird.  Then she changed it right after she said it to "That's because you're kinder."  I have to admit, I'm a lot more nicer than some people.  But that was just kind of weird.  Why did she say "different?"  What did she mean by "different?"  I mean, she doesn't talk like that.  She'd say "kinder" if she meant kinder.  Is she hiding something from me? (psst!  play the video below to get the real feel)

Yeah.  The Shower Scene theme.  MWAHAHAHAHA!  I tried to find the one where all the fish in Finding Nemo scream "DARLA!" but the only one there was, well, it was one of those videos where they record their TV or computer with their camera.  Crappy quality.

Any ideas?

Monday, January 16, 2012

Josie and Certain Neighbors

Guess what got a leak yesterday?  Our water heater.  It sprung a leak while my mom's friend, Sherry, was over fixing me up for a talent contest.  Then it sprung a leak and we had to get our neighbor, Matt, over to help us fix it.  Bad mistake.  He has people begging on their knees for his help.  Which he likes.  I mean, I think he's desprate for my mom.  Which is kind of disturbing, considering he's like ten years younger than her.  But he's kind of a jerk.  He likes to see people suffer.  Last night, we only had a bucket and a pot full of water that we had to flush the toilet with.  I got Kool-Aid all in my hair, and I only had filthy water to clean it with.  Now, we do have water, but it's not cold.  So, I brushed my teeth this morning.  He said that he'd be home to fix it last night, but he left and didn't come back until this morning.  Now, he's left again.  Typical.  But, he left not his daughter, but EIGHT kids at his house including myself in the hands of three of the eight's mother.  Now, Adeline (his daughter) is rambling about some tornado coming and she's trying to find their cat, who is constantly roaming around the neighborhood.  I checked the weather radar, and nothing showed up.  Although, the fact that the outdoor tempature is 66.6 degrees Farenheit kinda scares me....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Josie and the Rollerblades, White Crayons, Sore Throats, and Thunder & Lightning

When I was helping my mom put away some stuff from a garage sale on Sunday or Monday, I found a pair of size nine rollerblades.  My mom thought they were size nine for men, but they fit me fine.  The thing is, the only place I had to practice them was in the kitchen and dining room, and that isn't very big.  Not to mention she didn't want me sliding around the house with them.  So, today I tried the driveway.  I forgot that the reason I didn't learn how to ride a bike in the driveway was because it had a big slant in it.  So, I tried to go uphill and barely got anywhere.  Then, when I got to the top and went down, I was scared half to death, so I turned early and went on the walk to the porch, but I was tripping on the bricks and stones.  Maybe if Mom was feeling better I could go rollerblading and try to balance on her arm.  I am such a wimp.

In Theatre class, we were working on our monologues.  We chose a monologue to perform, and we're working on it to perform it on the cafeteria stage.  I was stuck with a monologue about white crayons.  It's called Common Ground by Brenden Votipka.  It's a teenager explaining his current state of mind.  We have to rewrite it onto some paper.  Here's all I have written so far:

TEENAGER.  I've been trying very hard to put into words the way I'm feeling right now.  But I'm drawing a blank.  "Blank" is almost something, but I fear it may be nothing.  Nothing is is an awful feeling.  It's the absence of feeling.  I don't feel nothing.  Nothing is not what I feel.  I feel something.  Definitely something.  I don't feel the absence of feeling, but I think I may feel the absence of color.  Until I got out my art supplies from kindergarten, I couldn't decide what it was.  Then, it hit me.
I feel like a white crayon.  No, I don't.  I am a white crayon.  Exactly.  I am completely and totally a white crayon.  I guess I always identified with the white crayon.  The thing is, the white crayon just sits in the box.  You following me?  I mean, I know that all the colors sit in the same box.  Back in grade school, when you bought your school supplies at the beginning of a school year you could be sure that every color would be present.  But while you can be sure they're all there, does it matter that every color is in the box?  Does it matter if you have a white crayon?  No.
The other colors get so much more action.  Of course they get more action.

That's all I have written down.  Why we have to rewrite it I have no idea.  Either way, the dude who sits next to me, Cordell (well, I call him Coffee), he thinks it's rascist.  But what else was I supposed to do?  There were five packets with the same color paper and the same scripts.  They have humorous and non-humorous ones, and highest-grade-you-can-get-is-an-A ones and highest-grade-you-can-get-is-a-C ones.  I wanted to do a humorous A one. 

The first one was a maniac teacher.  I can't do mad scientists laughs.  That's out.

Next was a popular, senior, student body president nominee who had been turned into a freshmen.  Wasn't that funny.

The others were non-humorous.  Like the Frankenstein one.  It was Frankenstein mourning over his wife, who had been killed by his creation.  No.

The other ones were all C's.  I had to battle another dude in rock-paper-scissors to get the part.  How challenging is that?  No one beats me!  I figured out how to win most of the time!  It's all a matter of thinking!

So, yeah.  I'm stuck with a boring, rascist monologue.

I woke up with a sore throat.  And I have to sing this song in choir that's mainly high notes.  And we were finally sight-reading it today.  She let me go an octave lower.  And whenever I drink something, the itchiness just spreads.  This sucks.

I came up with a logo for our band.  It uses a lightning-ish, Harry Potter font in dark blue, on either sides of the letters are lightning bolts in yellow, and it's surrounded by a cloud of grey with two lightning bolts sprouting from it in yellow.  Underneath it is:

Strenghth.  Determination.  Merciless.  Forever.

That's the name of our band.  SDMF.  Although, Cheyenne thinks that it's too much like ACDC.  The logo, I mean.  I gotta admit, I couldn't stop thinking about lightning, though.  I mean, I've been watching Harry Potter, laughing at Harry Potter, listening to Harry Potter, and lightning stands out now.

Anyway, I'm gonna get some water.  My throat is KILLING me!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Josie and the Allergies

Guess who feels horrible?  Dis girl!  I had a cobpletely stuffed up doze, and it was just ridiculus.  I got sobe pepperbint gub frob Beghan, add it helped a little bit, but I was sneezing like ad idiot, my eyes were huge and wateridg, and it looked like I was crying.  But I wasn't.  Eider way, I still get to auditiod for regiod choir.

In order to be able to go to the region choir auditions, we have to get through Miss Carrasco, our choir teacher.  She only let three of us eight girls go.  So, I got through first, then Katie, who sits right next to me (I think, she left for early release straight after), and Leah, an alto, but Katie's best friend.  Apparently Meghan didn't get through because of her small vowels and sloppy consonants.  She told me that!  I warned her, but she wouldn't listen!

I'm sorry I haven't been on in a while.  I have several blogs aside from this account, and my dad said that I had said some nasty things about him and my stepmom.  I gotta admit, they would give the fifth degree about every subject there is in the world.  The longest lecture was after my mom had called the police because we hadn't called in forever and she left tons of voicemails on Dad's phone, so I got talked to for two hours about various different topics, and I had written about stuff like that on my blog.

Apparently Mom put that blog in court.

Blogs, especially mine, are not supposed to be involved with court cases.  Doesn't anybody know that?

Anyway, the reason I hadn't posted was because I was afraid Dad was reading this blog.  But when he was talking about what all I had put on there (my first name, the state I live in, my school schedule, etc) -- yeah, he has paranoia.  I mean, doesn't he know that Aubrie goes behind her mom's back and puts pictures on the thing on her new iPod Touch?  She got 60 followers overnight.

And they said not to put anything about her online.

I think it's a little too late for that.

Yeah, so when my dad was talking about how people might have already knew my last name because of my mom's book, then I realized it wasn't this one.


Now, I just gotta remember not to mention it again and I'll be safe.

I am going to tend to my birds now and watch A Very Potter Musical.