Friday, February 3, 2012

Josie and Some Strange Religions

Okay, I have found out that there are a lot of really weird religions out in the world, and I thought I would talk about a few of them.
  • Hymn of One: This was a cover-up for a cult known as The Order.  People who were part of the Hymn of One often lived in communities that were completely moderated and controlled.  They use brainwashing techniques and torture treatments when it is nessecary... however you spell that.  Most of the members are very naive and do not know about The Order.  They recruit people throught their seminars.  They believe in the Eternal Hand, which no one is completely certain about what it is.  All female babies born within the Hymn of One have to have their DNA tested.  Some of them have what is known as Trait Positive Blood and are put in controlled homes.  When the time comes, they are put in a ceremony, but murdered instead.  They have six known holidays: The Day of Eternal Song (April 7), the two Solstices, the two equinoxes, and the solar eclipse.  The FBI revealed them as a cult and disbanned the Hymn of One in 2009 and banned the members from the country in the same year.
  • Dragonism: This is the belief that dragons either once existed, do exist, and will exist in the future.  Few people believe in this, as this religion was created on 2008.  Some Christians believe that the serpent in the Garden of Eden might have been an early version of a dragon, and that a dragon with seven heads comes during the end of the world.  Their only known holidays are December 21, The Day of the Final Dragon, and Chinese New Year, whenever the year of the dragon comes into play.
  • Jediism: Obviously created by the world's greatest Star Wars fans
  • Universe People: Ivo Benda can supposedly telepathically communicate with aliens orbiting around earth, looking for people good enough to transport to another dimension.
  • Nuwaubianism: This is a really weird religion.  I'm not even gonna talk about it.  Just look it up.
  • Mormonism: I'm sorry, but this religion is so weird.  No offense intended to any Mormons, but what is the purpose of Holy Underwear?  And Polygamy?  It's a sin.  If you would read the Bible once in a while instead of this, you would see that polygamy is a sin.  Also, it says in Revalation that anyone who tries to write another book to the Bible will be cursed.  Think it over.  He was either high, schizophrenic, or ate some funny mushrooms
Yeah, that's all I have!  The other ones were to weird to tell.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

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