Thursday, February 16, 2012

Josie Gets Grounded

Okay, a lot of you know that I usually post at least once every other day, and I haven't recently.  Well, this is why:

Mom called while I was home alone, watching A Very Potter Musical for the third time and eating two burritos.  She told me to get dressed and do my chores when I was done eating.  45 minutes later, I was still eating and on the computer, but I was dressed, so she grounded me from the computer for two weeks.  But I'm posting from my grandma's house, so I have nothing to do but be on the computer.


I just got back from Solo and Ensemble, and I probably got a 1 on both.  Yay!

I saw Kallin in the cafeteria, but Lizbeth never came.  Typical.  So, we did our solos first, and I played Rondeau.  He said that we must have had some good teachers, because everyone from our school did excellent; we got rhythms right, our notes were right, we hardly made any mistakes, we didn't miss slurs, and dynamics were PERFECT!  But for some reason, I couldn't hit my high Fs on my song.  I didn't hurt to hit them, like it used to (you have to have your lips SUPER TIGHT and it hurts!), I just couldn't hit it.

For ensemble, the French horns played Courtly Dance.  Lizbeth had the melody, but since she didn't show up, we had to play without her.  He said it was cool.  I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but I guess we'll find out what we got tomorrow.

We had tests yesterday and today, so we were on block schedule again.  The history test was pretty average, but I finished right before time.  So I probably got the last few questions wrong.  On the math test, almost every question had two or more parts to it, so I was carefully reading each problem.  Band was average.  Science was easy.  Surprisingly.  I mean, Mrs. Lopes can be mean, but she's a pretty good teacher!  Now if I can just remember the difference between optical and celestial....

The next day, I came into theatre knowing we were watching a movie.  Kasiah had told me, who said that we couldn't tell anybody about the movie we were watching unless we were in theatre, too, or Mrs. Page will get fired.  But no one at school reads my blog, so I think I'm safe.  Besides, it's an old movie.  It's an Alfred Hitchcock movie.  I'll give you a hint: it has lovebirds in it.  Give up?  It's The Birds, and I sware, it's pretty good.  My mom said that after I watch it, I'd flinch every time I hear a bird, but it's just cool how they got all those birds to attack children.  English was kind of hard.  I couldn't find the answer I wanted to a lot of questions, so I found the one most like it.  And in choir, I got kind of mad.  Miss Carrasco kept on saying that we were going flat on all our a'capella songs, when we were CLEARLY going a key up.  I even had her checked.  For sightreading, our piece was in the key of F.  By the end of it, we were in F#.  I don't think that's flat.  And she thinks that I'm flat.  I'm never flat.  It's the soprano 2s that are sharp, and the altos can quickly go along with it, but Katie was out, so I was the only soprano 1 and trying to keep them in F.

Does anyone know how to solve a Rubik's cube?  Like, is there a pattern that you can do to solve it?  Miki?  Do you know?
 It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

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