Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Josie and the Big Bad Manager

To put it simply, CHEYENNE HAS TAKEN OVER!  I told her that she needs to lay off, because she was controlling everything we do, what name we pick, what music we play, what songs we cover, and what we do.  The worst part was, she made herself lead singer when she can't even sing that good!  It was completely aggrivating, so I told her that she can't do that.  She got a hold of the Book of Tips (which has the band rules in it) and wrote in pen,

8) The manager can fire whoever she (Cheyenne) wants.

Fine.  If we can't vote her off the island, then what if we all quit and made another band without her?  To Cheyenne, I'm sorry, but just because you are manager does not mean you are in charge.  We are one as a whole.  You're out.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

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