Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Josie and the Love Bomb

Okay, I seriously need to pull myself together!  I have five days until the youth choir (Collide) concert, I need to sell more tickets, and I need to buy a lot of things, but on Friday (don't let me forget this!), I need to bring:

  • Collide shirt
  • Red shirt
  • Hippie shirt
  • Blue jeans
  • Bell bottoms
  • Beanie
  • Blue dress
  • Dress shoes
  • Flat iron
  • White keds (screw that, they don't fit anymore)
  • Better tennis shoes (preferably rainbow converse)
  • Makeup set
  • Teddy
  • Hairbrush
  • Camera
  • Rubik's Cube
  • Toothbrush & toothpaste
What?  You think I'm getting ready for a sleepover?  Of course not!  Now, if I brought this last year, which I needed to bring my PJ's for the girls' song last time, then maybe people would have start to get some ideas....

It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Josie Isn't Dead

Just to let you know, I have not died, but here's a little catching up I need to do.

If you love horror movies, bring your favorite teddy bear to the movies, because The Woman in Black is the scariest I've seen!  Even my mom said that!  I was shoving my face into my mom's stomach and covering my ears.  I even screamed at one point.  Beware!  But it does end semi-happy.

I GOT MY UKULELE!  I've been figuring out the chords to my favorite songs: Over the Rainbow, Skyscraper, The Rainbow Connection, The Dog Days are Over, Don't Stop Believin', stuff like that.

I'm keep on hearing this guy that sounds like Josh Groban saying, "Brava," over and over again whenever I get close to the choir room.  It's really creepy.  And when I'm in choir, I hear him coaching me.  I keep on feeling like he's in the big ensemble room, and so I tried to go in there yesterday, and it was locked, but I heard rustling coming from there!  Is this the end?  AUGH!!

I am having a major Phantom of the Opera obsession.  I'm not surprised, though.  For years, I had an obsession over Peter Pan, then Annie, then Wicked, then The Wizard of Oz, then back to Annie, then back to Peter Pan, then Oliver, then Once Upon a Mattress, and now this.  I have to admit, I have a sort of obsession over musicals.  Anyone else find that creepy?

I'm so happy I'm back online!  I need to write!  YAY!

I'm talking to Grandpa!  I haven't in so long!  But he's talking veeerryyy slooooow....  I think I should post this and talk to them.  Bye!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Josie Gets Grounded

Okay, a lot of you know that I usually post at least once every other day, and I haven't recently.  Well, this is why:

Mom called while I was home alone, watching A Very Potter Musical for the third time and eating two burritos.  She told me to get dressed and do my chores when I was done eating.  45 minutes later, I was still eating and on the computer, but I was dressed, so she grounded me from the computer for two weeks.  But I'm posting from my grandma's house, so I have nothing to do but be on the computer.


I just got back from Solo and Ensemble, and I probably got a 1 on both.  Yay!

I saw Kallin in the cafeteria, but Lizbeth never came.  Typical.  So, we did our solos first, and I played Rondeau.  He said that we must have had some good teachers, because everyone from our school did excellent; we got rhythms right, our notes were right, we hardly made any mistakes, we didn't miss slurs, and dynamics were PERFECT!  But for some reason, I couldn't hit my high Fs on my song.  I didn't hurt to hit them, like it used to (you have to have your lips SUPER TIGHT and it hurts!), I just couldn't hit it.

For ensemble, the French horns played Courtly Dance.  Lizbeth had the melody, but since she didn't show up, we had to play without her.  He said it was cool.  I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but I guess we'll find out what we got tomorrow.

We had tests yesterday and today, so we were on block schedule again.  The history test was pretty average, but I finished right before time.  So I probably got the last few questions wrong.  On the math test, almost every question had two or more parts to it, so I was carefully reading each problem.  Band was average.  Science was easy.  Surprisingly.  I mean, Mrs. Lopes can be mean, but she's a pretty good teacher!  Now if I can just remember the difference between optical and celestial....

The next day, I came into theatre knowing we were watching a movie.  Kasiah had told me, who said that we couldn't tell anybody about the movie we were watching unless we were in theatre, too, or Mrs. Page will get fired.  But no one at school reads my blog, so I think I'm safe.  Besides, it's an old movie.  It's an Alfred Hitchcock movie.  I'll give you a hint: it has lovebirds in it.  Give up?  It's The Birds, and I sware, it's pretty good.  My mom said that after I watch it, I'd flinch every time I hear a bird, but it's just cool how they got all those birds to attack children.  English was kind of hard.  I couldn't find the answer I wanted to a lot of questions, so I found the one most like it.  And in choir, I got kind of mad.  Miss Carrasco kept on saying that we were going flat on all our a'capella songs, when we were CLEARLY going a key up.  I even had her checked.  For sightreading, our piece was in the key of F.  By the end of it, we were in F#.  I don't think that's flat.  And she thinks that I'm flat.  I'm never flat.  It's the soprano 2s that are sharp, and the altos can quickly go along with it, but Katie was out, so I was the only soprano 1 and trying to keep them in F.

Does anyone know how to solve a Rubik's cube?  Like, is there a pattern that you can do to solve it?  Miki?  Do you know?
 It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Josie and Dakota Blue Richards

Just found out about The Secret of Moonacre.  It looks really good, but I found out it has Dakota Blue Richards in it, the same girl from The Golden Compass, a satanic movie.  According to Christian reviewers, this is an okay movie, maybe even Christian.  I cannot find out a lot about it, for some reason.  If it is Christian, I guess this girl will do whatever!  If someone has seen it, will you comment and tell me whether it is or not?  What about you, Miki?  Do you know?
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and the Big Bad Manager

To put it simply, CHEYENNE HAS TAKEN OVER!  I told her that she needs to lay off, because she was controlling everything we do, what name we pick, what music we play, what songs we cover, and what we do.  The worst part was, she made herself lead singer when she can't even sing that good!  It was completely aggrivating, so I told her that she can't do that.  She got a hold of the Book of Tips (which has the band rules in it) and wrote in pen,

8) The manager can fire whoever she (Cheyenne) wants.

Fine.  If we can't vote her off the island, then what if we all quit and made another band without her?  To Cheyenne, I'm sorry, but just because you are manager does not mean you are in charge.  We are one as a whole.  You're out.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and the Guardian

Apparently both Mom and Dad are trying to impress the guardian.  A guardian is a person that visits both the homes of divorced parents while all the kids are at the house and determines whose is best to live in and why.  Dad has been trying to persuade Jared with toys and things like that, or at least, that's what I've heard recently.  In reality, if he wants the slightest hint of approval, he'll have to throw out the junk that clutters the basement.  I mean, I have some proof that it's not just cluttered, but an absolute MESS!

Now, Mom's trying to fix our home, as well.  She woke me up at 5 this morning, leaving me with 6-7 hours of sleep (ARGH!), made me take a 15 minute shower, I mean, I know, that taking a shower's neccessary, but doesn't she know that me taking a shower before school is an absolute wreck?  At least I persuaded her to let me take one at 9.

I found out why she really wanted me to get bangs: so that way I don't look like a freak when the guardian comes.

I know this part sounds dorky, but I like sitting on the couch with the heating blanket, Mom sitting next to me, and eating dinner while we watch a nice family movie (or at least, a movie both of us like), like The Postman, Temple Grandin, etc.  Mom's thinking about having us eat at the table.

I don't know.  Right now, I don't want change unless it's me, meaning me ALONE, changing MY ways, or Jared coming home.  *sigh*  Maybe something will happen.
 It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Josie Hates Lucas

What is it with Lucas at our school!  Everyone eats it all the time, they hide it from the teachers, they're so ridiculously addicted to it, and they pass it around if someone doesn't have it.  Personally, I say it tastes like crap.  I tried some today in English.  I like sweet and salty, sour and salty, and sweet and sour, but mixing the three together is ridiculous.  I see at my school that one or two people eat it all the time, but at my school, it's disgustingly addictive and I don't know why!  It's like I go to a school full of potheads!  Everyone's chainsmoking, smoking in general, yadayadayada.

Down with the bloody big L!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Josie and YouTubers

Okay, so here are my favorite YouTubers, in case some of you were wondering.
  • Dave Days (davedays)
  • Bethan Mary Leadley (musicalbethan)
  • Luke Cutforth (LukeIsNotSexy)
  • Christine (teenie989)
  • Emma (soccersinger1212)
  • LG15 (lonelygirl15)
  • AJ (mermaidabbey
  • Joshua (thecomputernerd01)
  • The Jay Cousins (TheForestWondersShow)
  • Lucas Cruikshank (Fred)
  • ME!  Or at least soon (DontTryMe7)
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Josie Saves Bloody Harry

I went to the park today for a walk and to feed the ducks with some stale bread, but when I got there, there was a beat-up duck in the water.  Two other ducks were sitting on top of him, trying to drown him, not to mention scratching at his head with their bills.  The duck underneath him was desperately trying to get out from under them but they wouldn't let them.  It was on and off again every five seconds, usually to change birds.  So, I ran over to the house (which took FOREVER!  Or so it seemed) to get Mom to get some help.  She said that she couldn't do anything, but eventually, I begged long enough that she came to see the duck.  Lucky for him, he had waded over to the side.  Mom could see he was half-way in the water, instead of sitting on top of it.  She picked him up and tried to see if he was okay, but he couldn't fly and couldn't stand that well.  So, he sat in my lap while we tried to take him to Samuell Famrs to see if they could take care of him.  They weren't open, so we took him to Animal Control.  On the way there, he... well... I don't know what he did.  Birds are supposed to have poop nor pee, just sort of a mix, well, he did it in the car.  It was basically disgustingly warm water with a white tint to it.  Well, at least he had is energy back.  He started fluffing his feathers, picking off gunk that was on him while in the water, and cuddled up next to me.  He really liked me.

When we got there, they said that a group of bird people would take him in, and then when he was back to his proper health, they would release him back to the park.  I think.  Or somewhere else.  I named him Bloody Harry because he had this long cut from where the other ducks were biting him, and several spots that were bleeding.  Yay for Harry!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and the Perfect Song

Whenever I'm making up lyrics as I go while playing random chords on the piano that seem to go, and even when it's a positive and happy song, I get all teary-eyed and it feels like my diaphram started sinking and is pushing on my stomach and my body feels sad, but not actually me.  It's like, when your boyfriend just broke up with you and you just can't stop crying and you have the urge to hug someone or just collapse on your bed which doesn't do you much good because then you just feel like your sinking down, down, down, to the bottom of the sea and all the water is filling up your lungs because aparrently your bedroom is right above the ocean and you're Kitty Pride from X-Men or something like that who can walk through walls and you fell through the floor and into the ocean and finally you can't hold your breath anymore and just inhale and all the water comes into your lungs and by the time you reach the bottom, you're dead, but you go through the ground and to the center of the earth where the heat instantly brings you back to life, but this time you're all cheery and then you wake up and you're in your bed and it's time for school and you're so happy and you have no idea why and all you want to do is sing, and then you end up not getting teary-eyed, but you end up feeling great about yourself.

I love writing music.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie Makes an Estamitation

While writing my book, I realized that the part I am currently writing on, Part 3: Water, was going to be about 100 pages long.  With just that alone, it would be the size of a Junie B. Jones book.  That is why I decided to add the three more parts to it.  If they are around the same length, depending on the size of the text, I might have a book the size of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!  Just what I wanted!  A nice, thick, interesting book that draws people in and makes the readers want more.

My mom's friend, Matthew Edwards, has written a book.  I kind of sort of reviewed it.  I didn't give a professional review of it, but I was supposed to read it and give feedback.  That was in the seventh grade.  Don't worry, I've finished it long before.  Apparently I was his youngest reader so far.  I told him that the title needed to be something that would catch someone's eye if they passed it in a library (his title was The Sleeper Wakes, same as the name of one of the chapters near the end) and that the beginning was a little slow.  However, it is very good.  He was trying to explain how children don't imagine any more.  They always play video games and watch TV and their imagination is growing dimmer in a way.  It is also a Christian book.  He sent his book off to some big publishers in Disney or something, but they didn't want to publish it.  They said it was too similair to The Chronicles of Narnia.  What?

Narnia is fricking short!  When I read it, the four children had gone to the house, and WHAM!  Lucy is in Narnia!  A little too short.  All the books in one big book was the size of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  Pretty good, but the books are too darn short.  Good message, but make them a little bigger.  I want something I can't read in one day unless I try really hard.  His book was a whopping 435 pages!  Why do I not find that surprising?  Then again, the text was HUGE!  It was in zoom 147%!  That's ridiculous!


Now, about finding me a publisher....
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Josie and the False Alarm

Apparently I don't get my braces off until at least after my next appointment.  This sucks.  WHEN AM I GOING TO GET MY RUBIK'S CUBE?!  OR MY BRACES-FREE TEETH?!?!  ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and Some Strange Religions

Okay, I have found out that there are a lot of really weird religions out in the world, and I thought I would talk about a few of them.
  • Hymn of One: This was a cover-up for a cult known as The Order.  People who were part of the Hymn of One often lived in communities that were completely moderated and controlled.  They use brainwashing techniques and torture treatments when it is nessecary... however you spell that.  Most of the members are very naive and do not know about The Order.  They recruit people throught their seminars.  They believe in the Eternal Hand, which no one is completely certain about what it is.  All female babies born within the Hymn of One have to have their DNA tested.  Some of them have what is known as Trait Positive Blood and are put in controlled homes.  When the time comes, they are put in a ceremony, but murdered instead.  They have six known holidays: The Day of Eternal Song (April 7), the two Solstices, the two equinoxes, and the solar eclipse.  The FBI revealed them as a cult and disbanned the Hymn of One in 2009 and banned the members from the country in the same year.
  • Dragonism: This is the belief that dragons either once existed, do exist, and will exist in the future.  Few people believe in this, as this religion was created on 2008.  Some Christians believe that the serpent in the Garden of Eden might have been an early version of a dragon, and that a dragon with seven heads comes during the end of the world.  Their only known holidays are December 21, The Day of the Final Dragon, and Chinese New Year, whenever the year of the dragon comes into play.
  • Jediism: Obviously created by the world's greatest Star Wars fans
  • Universe People: Ivo Benda can supposedly telepathically communicate with aliens orbiting around earth, looking for people good enough to transport to another dimension.
  • Nuwaubianism: This is a really weird religion.  I'm not even gonna talk about it.  Just look it up.
  • Mormonism: I'm sorry, but this religion is so weird.  No offense intended to any Mormons, but what is the purpose of Holy Underwear?  And Polygamy?  It's a sin.  If you would read the Bible once in a while instead of this, you would see that polygamy is a sin.  Also, it says in Revalation that anyone who tries to write another book to the Bible will be cursed.  Think it over.  He was either high, schizophrenic, or ate some funny mushrooms
Yeah, that's all I have!  The other ones were to weird to tell.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and Project: Transmogrify

Project: Transmogrify is where I use spring break to completely redo myself.  I mean, get my hair dyed blonde and/or get strawberry highlights, contacts, get rid of all my acne, get a better haircut, exercise to get rid of the excess chub, work on my make-up skills, organize my stuff, rearrange my room, get some new clothes, work on my sense of style, stop biting my nails, stuff like that.

Why am I doing this, you ask?  The 8th Grade Dance.  I can gurantee you that if I stay the same as I am now, dishwater blonde or mouse brown hair, cover-up bangs, The Spot, big dorky glasses, got some chub, tons of zits all over my face, a messy binder, a room that hasn't been redone since I was seven (pink and white walls), wearing just what's comfy, no make-up, biting my fingernails, etc.  A lot of people say I look pretty without my glasses and they keep on telling me to work on my looks a little bit more, but I'll do it in a good way.  This will be my first dance, and even if I don't get a date, I can still go with Meghan, Cheyenne, Kasiah, and/or Meagan, the new girl.  She used to be in elementary school with us.  I think.  I honestly forgot.

Or, I could ask one of the comers.  The Comers are the dudes that come to my mom's house to get piano lessons.  I could ask Ben!  But he hasn't come in a while.  I could ask Addison, but he's not a comer, and he goes to the high school.  Christopher, but I hardly know him.  But I would like to get to know him better.  He does seem like a nice guy.  My top canidate is probably Gordy, but also, the guy is supposed to ask the girl, and I wouldn't have the guts to, anyway.  Why is it that every guy at my school think I am a total dork, while the ones that don't think I'm pretty cool?  What's up with that?

Don't let me forget I have until March 10 to March 18 in all to do this, so when the time comes, do me a favor, comment me, and FRICKIN' REMIND ME!!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and the Happy Braces

I'm supposed to be getting my braces off in Febuary, and later today, I have an ortho appointment!  I hope they take these babies off!  I want my teeth back!  I want to be able to chew on the right side of my mouth without having the thing around my last tooth stab my gum!  Once I get my braces off, I get a prize from this huge room.  A lot of them aren't that good.  I've seen jewelery makers, dry erase boards, stuffed animals, gift cards, footballs, soccer balls, but they have the one thing that I do want:


Ever since the Rubik's cube rap, it sort of showed me how to solve it, so as soon as I can get my hands on it, it's mine!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Josie and the New Movies

There are a lot of movies that all you people should watch this year.  I haven't seen them yet, but I'm going to once they come out!

The first one is The Hunger Games.  Of course, almost EVERYBODY is going to see that.  I just can't believe they got a woman who just turned 21 to play 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen.  I'm afraid to find out how old Peeta Mellark's actor is....

If you guys don't know what The Hunger Games are about, or you think it's a "macho man book," let me clear things up.  It focuses around a sixteen-year-old girl, Katniss Everdeen.  They live in what used to be North America.  I'm not sure if it's all North America or just the United States.  Anyway, there was this big war about 80 years ago, and the US was destroyed and Panem was created.  Instead of states, they made 13 districts.  When the districts rebelled against Panem, they were beaten down.  District 13 was destroyed, and all the others were forced to have the Annual Hunger Games.

The Hunger Games are where each child in between the ages of 12 and 18 must put their name in a raffle, then a person from the capitol comes and picks one boy and one girl, and they are to fight to the death in an outdoor arena, where they are broadcasted live all the time on all the televisions, not to mention kill all the other districts' duo.  The twelve year olds only have to put in one, while the thirteens have to put in two, fourteens put in 3, and so on.  But if you want a years worth of grain and oil for your family, you multiply how many "rations" you want (one for each family member at the most) times the number of

I would explain it, but being me, I can't.

Another movie I want to see is Titanic in 3D!  I love Titanic, but I'm not allowed to see any of the nudity.  Mom doesn't want me to get... *shudder* images.  However, Kasiah is allowed to see it.  But she's kind of older than me, and a little more mature.  But honestly, I don't even want Kate Winslet's boobs engraved in my mind.  But that got me to thinking that some people are just going to come to see Kate Winslet's boobs in 3D...  *Shudder* Talk about images.

Kasiah and I promised eachother we would go with one another to see it.

Movie #3 is Star Wars I in 3D.  I figure, if I'm ever going to watch it, why not start with the first one and work my way up?  Besides, I want to see Natalie Portman.

There are lots of movies being remade in 3D: Finding Nemo, Beauty and the Beast, Star Wars I, Titanic, etc.  A little too much, don't you think?

Movie #4 is Breaking Dawn Part 2.  I don't necessarily prefer Kristen Stewart's acting, I mean, she always acted bored or something.  She did good when she was being attacked and stuff, but, hey!  I could have played her!  I mean, my hair's dark and I'm pale (and I live in Texas) and I can act at least 10 times better than her!  I think that's what brought Robert Pattinson down.  Either that or the director.  Although, I don't think I could deal with all that kissiong....

I don't know why, but I just played and sang Colors of the Wind.  Now my left hand's hurting because of having to play an 8ve in every chord.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Josie and the Stolen Tickets

Does anyone remember how I needed to sell tickets for Collide?  You do the math.

Someone stole 11 tickets!  They're each worth $10 bucks!  I have to admit, it is my fault since I left them under my desk in math, but I found the envelope under my desk today and the tickets were gone!  $110 that could have gone to my mission trip fund!  I have to find them!
 It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.