Monday, November 19, 2012

Josie the Zombie

I had to post this.  It was just awesome.

Guess what?


I saw a boy on a bike yesterday.  White shirt.  Black pants.  Black tie.  They're back.

The Mormon Missionaries don't come to our neighborhood very often, because our neighborhood is so hidden, but when the do find it, they come by the dozens.

Mom's always been the ones to deal with them, and usually she shuts the door in their face.  I'm gonna do it this year.  They think Baptists are gonna go to Hell (according to Jaycie, who has been raised as a Mormon), and I'm a Baptist, but I'm gonna be nice.  I'm gonna give them some water, take whatever packet or book they have, and send them off.  Maybe I'll even read their book, and Watchtower, for once.  Just to see it.  I mean, Jaycie and Zara are Mormons (actually, Jaycie doesn't believe it), and Kasiah's dad's family is Jehovah's Witnesses, and Blake's mom is a Jehovah's Witness, even though she's the exact opposite of devout.

Anyway, back to the zombies.

Guess what?


I'm sick.  Again.

I had a temperature last night, and I knew I had to get better, and I sort of did, but I still feel really sluggish.  The only reason I actually attempted to come to school was to see Blake.  Yes, Blake.

Everybody in Journalism just found out I'm dating him.  Like, two minutes ago.  And they started asking me a bunch of questions.  It was weird.  One girl asked me if he was a good kisser.  He is, I guess, but he's the first guy I've ever kissed, so I wouldn't really have any past experience.  But that was just awkward.

I swear, I just want to go home and have a Dork Day.  Yes, a Dork Day.  That is when you do a bunch of nerdy stuff, like play video games, read, do homework, and watch nerdy TV shows.  Right now, I have Doctor Who (YESS!!!  I JUST STARTED WATCHING IT AND GOT TO EPISODE 4!  SHEER AWESOMENESS!!!), Heroes, Monk, Lewis and Simon Minecraft, and Yu-Gi-Oh!  Real Life.

This is what happens when you lock her in a room with a computer and a pair of big, black, square, bottlecap glasses.

Bubbles says: Awkward.

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