Sunday, November 11, 2012

Josie and the Drama

I love Blake.

I can openly say that.  I love Blake.

But Dad found out.  He found out I have a boyfriend.  He found out he's two years older than me.  He doesn't approve.  Just wait until he sees he's black.

I don't want to say African-American, because he's not.  He's mixed, and it's not even African-American, it's Cuban.

But I still love him.

On the dark side, drama has been brewing by some terrible evil witches, if you know what I mean.

Blake's ex-girlfriend is trying to sabatoge our relationship.  First, she tried getting Blake to break up with me, and now she's gonna spread more rumors.

The other witch is Brandy.  Yep.  Brandy.

She started hitting on Blake.  And he told me this.

Blake: You know your friend, Brandy?
Josie: Yeah?
Blake: Well, she messaged me over Facebook and said, "I know you have a girlfriend, but I think you're cute."
Bubbles: (jawdrop) That &!+?#!  Oh, my gosh.  Girl, for once in your life, SLAP HER!
Blake: And I just said, "..."
Bubbles: Thank you for being an amazing boyfriend and telling her instead of cheating on her.

Yeah, so she's gonna get something of me.

Besides that, things are swell, things are great.  Here are the list of things that are great in my life:

  • I have an amazing boyfriend.
  • Day of Infinity (12/12/12) will be during 3rd period, which is good either day.
  • I got to go to Blake's house today.
  • Collide has started back up.
  • I'm in the musical with Blake.
  • I got new books.
  • I get to interview Grandpa for journalism.
  • We're reading Romeo and Juliet in English.
  • Blake makes mean scrambled eggs.
  • Blake and I are entering the talent show with The Point of No Reuturn from The Phantom of the Opera.
  • Blake took me to the park yesterday.
  • It's Veteran's Day.
I could go on, but the list would be too long.  So, if you asked me what I would wish for for the Day of Infinity, I would say, "Superpowers.  I wouldn't want one thing changed in my life besides that, cause I've got everything I need right here.  But you gotta have superpowers."

Watch out for that TREE! You just got PUNJABBED!

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