Monday, November 26, 2012

Josie the Frickin' Gringo

Last night, Mom and Jared surprised me by taking me to a tiny traveling theme park.  It was... okay.  Some of the rides stank, but Jared was super hyper.  There was one ride, Cranium Shaker, that's basically a really fast rollercoaster and the cart can flip.  The little girl that was sitting next to me had coins in her pocket, and they all fell through the cracks.  When we went down and upside down, quarters and pennies went flying right by your face.  The guy I rode with the second time said it wasn't that scary, then I started flipping the cart (he didn't know) and he yelled "OH, F***!"  But we were the only white family there.  I'm dead serious.  This is typical and expected, considering we live in Texas and the theme park was right by a Hispanic bazaar.

I got my camera!  I love it!

Blake's coming over today.  Jared still wants to play video games with him, so Blake agreed to come over.  I'll tell him about the ring and the necklace THEN.

I went Small Business Saturday shopping.  It was great.  I found some French-speaking baby dolls, straight from Paris.  One of the words it had on there was Ouin.

I said, "What the crap does this say?"

Well, "ou" is "ooh," "oui" is "wee," and sometimes it's just a W, and "in" is "ah."

Wah.  Oh.  It's crying.  DERP!

I got a new hat!  I'll put a picture up later.  We're about to leave class.

My lips are chapped.  And, surprisingly, it ISN'T from kissing Blake.  It's from the cold weather.

I thought Texas was supposed to be hot!

Anyway, now that Thanksgiving's over, we finally put up the Christmas tree.  But when we opened the angel, it turned out to be European, which means different plugs.  Crap.

Well, bye for now!

Bubbles says: Why am I the only PURPLE person I know?

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