Friday, November 30, 2012

Josie and the Anniversaries

Technically, Blake and I have our monthly anniversaries at the end of the month, so that was today, but I didn't get to see him afterschool, which made me upset.

But I also realized I missed the blog's anniversary!  :(

It was the 13th of November, and now I'm sad!

I went to go see Eastfield perform Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and I didn't like it.  I didn't like Charlie, it wasn't the Gene Wilder musical, instead it was more like the Johnny Depp movie, which upset me, because no one sang, except for the kiddy Oompa Loompas who were rapping, and that got old real fast.  Other than that, the costumes were better.  All the minor characters were fabulous.  They walked out into the audience and started talking to you, and Agustus begged everyone for chocolate.

Afterwards, I went with Kasiah, HNBT, Saxon, and Ms. Weber to Spaghetti Warehous, but I forgot to tip the waitor, and I was kind of upset when I found out I didn't.

I get to talk to Booker T. tomorrow about my audition!  I'm super excited!

I should probably go to bed now. 

That's a good idea.

Bubbles says: Happy Anniversary!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Josie the Frickin' Gringo

Last night, Mom and Jared surprised me by taking me to a tiny traveling theme park.  It was... okay.  Some of the rides stank, but Jared was super hyper.  There was one ride, Cranium Shaker, that's basically a really fast rollercoaster and the cart can flip.  The little girl that was sitting next to me had coins in her pocket, and they all fell through the cracks.  When we went down and upside down, quarters and pennies went flying right by your face.  The guy I rode with the second time said it wasn't that scary, then I started flipping the cart (he didn't know) and he yelled "OH, F***!"  But we were the only white family there.  I'm dead serious.  This is typical and expected, considering we live in Texas and the theme park was right by a Hispanic bazaar.

I got my camera!  I love it!

Blake's coming over today.  Jared still wants to play video games with him, so Blake agreed to come over.  I'll tell him about the ring and the necklace THEN.

I went Small Business Saturday shopping.  It was great.  I found some French-speaking baby dolls, straight from Paris.  One of the words it had on there was Ouin.

I said, "What the crap does this say?"

Well, "ou" is "ooh," "oui" is "wee," and sometimes it's just a W, and "in" is "ah."

Wah.  Oh.  It's crying.  DERP!

I got a new hat!  I'll put a picture up later.  We're about to leave class.

My lips are chapped.  And, surprisingly, it ISN'T from kissing Blake.  It's from the cold weather.

I thought Texas was supposed to be hot!

Anyway, now that Thanksgiving's over, we finally put up the Christmas tree.  But when we opened the angel, it turned out to be European, which means different plugs.  Crap.

Well, bye for now!

Bubbles says: Why am I the only PURPLE person I know?

Friday, November 23, 2012

Josie and the Whole Lotta Dedication

How many times do I have to say this?  I love Blake.  And I am going to LOOOOOVE Christmas.

Blake: Guess what I'm getting you for Christmas.
Bubbles: When he told your mom, he was laughing.  Keep that in mind.
Josie: Is it clothing?
Blake: No.
Bubbles: Thank you!  We'll get that from Grandma.
Josie: Is it... Phantom related?
Blake: No.
Bubbles: Dang.
Josie: What is it?  Give me a hint!
Blake: (wraps his hands around my neck) Guess.
Bubbles: Girl, he's getting you a necklace!
Josie: Thank you! (hugs him)
Blake: What can I say?  Diamonds are a girl's best friend.

We have only been going out for three weeks, and he already wants to give me a FAMILY HEIRLOOM!  I mean, he said some stuff before that kind of freaked me out, but I love him.

But, honestly, I have to agree with him: How far will this go?

Bubbles says: Marriage before sex.  Keep that in mind, girly.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Josie and Jared

Jared's home, and he's very happy!  He's been playing Super Smash Bros.

I need to take a bath.

Before I open bottles of chocolate milk, I shake them up, first.  Well, yesterday at lunch, I thought my bottle was closed....

To put it simply, there was a huge brown stain over her left boob.

Blake and I wanted to go see Breaking Dawn Part 2, just to make fun of it, but we couldn't go, so we're just hanging out.  He's coming over on Thanksgiving, and he actually wants to help Grandma cook!  My hero!  Grandma always ends up cooking by herself, and Blake offered to help.


Jared thought he was pale, red-headed, and had freckles.  No.  I told him he's part Cuban, and he was like, "Does he still have freckles?"

They made a new terminal, and it was freaking amazing!  It had a huge touch screen where you could find out where everyone was, futuristic statues, it was CLEAN, for once, and everything looked nice and shiny!

I went to rehersal yesterday (even though it wasn't the day I was supposed to go.  I just like helping out), and I found out Cosette is a fabulous actress.  She plays Star-to-Be, and she got onstage and just projected loud and clear, and was all showy.  I loved it!

You're doomed.

I know I am.

Next rehersal is Monday, and that's for the Easy Street scenes in Act 1.  Then, the day after that, we have to have our lines memorized, and we're running Act 1 from top to bottom.  This should be hard.  I mean, when it came to the play, we did our blocking for Scene 1, then we did it memorized the next day, and then we'd go to the next scene, and when we had finished all the scenes, we'd run Act 1.  No.  You have one day for your blocking, and then we go all out of order from then on.  We did Scene 1, Scene 4, Scene 2, Scene 3, Scene 5, Scene 6, Scene 8, Scene 7, then Act 1.  Memorize on your own time.  Then after this I think we go to the choir room.  Oh, boy.

I wrote a parody based on The Phantom of the Opera.  It's called Phantom Rhapsody, based on Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.  I sang some of it to Blake over the phone, and he started laughing his head off.

Speaking of Blake over the phone, Monday night, for some reason, we ended up reading a Taurus to Cancer compatability thingy.  Now, we don't believe in horoscopes, but this was really weird.  It matched us exactly.  It said our relationship was adorable, Taurus can be stubborn and bad-tempered, Cancer can be musically inclined and have mood swings, and we were laughing our heads off reading it.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Josie the Zombie

I had to post this.  It was just awesome.

Guess what?


I saw a boy on a bike yesterday.  White shirt.  Black pants.  Black tie.  They're back.

The Mormon Missionaries don't come to our neighborhood very often, because our neighborhood is so hidden, but when the do find it, they come by the dozens.

Mom's always been the ones to deal with them, and usually she shuts the door in their face.  I'm gonna do it this year.  They think Baptists are gonna go to Hell (according to Jaycie, who has been raised as a Mormon), and I'm a Baptist, but I'm gonna be nice.  I'm gonna give them some water, take whatever packet or book they have, and send them off.  Maybe I'll even read their book, and Watchtower, for once.  Just to see it.  I mean, Jaycie and Zara are Mormons (actually, Jaycie doesn't believe it), and Kasiah's dad's family is Jehovah's Witnesses, and Blake's mom is a Jehovah's Witness, even though she's the exact opposite of devout.

Anyway, back to the zombies.

Guess what?


I'm sick.  Again.

I had a temperature last night, and I knew I had to get better, and I sort of did, but I still feel really sluggish.  The only reason I actually attempted to come to school was to see Blake.  Yes, Blake.

Everybody in Journalism just found out I'm dating him.  Like, two minutes ago.  And they started asking me a bunch of questions.  It was weird.  One girl asked me if he was a good kisser.  He is, I guess, but he's the first guy I've ever kissed, so I wouldn't really have any past experience.  But that was just awkward.

I swear, I just want to go home and have a Dork Day.  Yes, a Dork Day.  That is when you do a bunch of nerdy stuff, like play video games, read, do homework, and watch nerdy TV shows.  Right now, I have Doctor Who (YESS!!!  I JUST STARTED WATCHING IT AND GOT TO EPISODE 4!  SHEER AWESOMENESS!!!), Heroes, Monk, Lewis and Simon Minecraft, and Yu-Gi-Oh!  Real Life.

This is what happens when you lock her in a room with a computer and a pair of big, black, square, bottlecap glasses.

Bubbles says: Awkward.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Josie and the Big Problems

This is the song that Blake dedicated to me, by the way.  I'm in love with it now, as well as him.

People are making such a big deal out of us.  Like, today, Blake and I kissed in class, and (Okay, I know, no PDA in class) Tatiana started going, "Aw, gross!  Stop!"  I mean, we're going out.  This happens.  And then when I went into the band hall to get my stuff, he kissed me goodbye, and it was long and passionate (I guess) and I loved it, but straight after, Zaria said, "Oh, my God, Josie!  Woohoo!"

Apparently, the first long kiss we had, I raised my leg.  You know that, right?  Well, yeah, I did that.  I don't remember.  Kim told me.  Maybe I did, but just barely.

We've got early release tomorrow, so I'm gonna see if I can go over to his house tomorrow.  But Mom's gonna be a lot more nervous, considering we're kissing now.  But her rules are:

  1. No going out alone.
  2. No closed doors.
That's gonna be easy to follow.

Bubbles says: Hi. Goodbye.

Josie and the Forever Hand Question

I figured out what to do with my hands!

Is it just me or does every girl in the world wonder what they do with their hands?  Please tell me I'm right!


Blake kissed me.  OH MY FREAKING GOSH!

As usual, here's what happened.

Blake: I'm gonna go with her.  I'll be back. (He walks, off, but comes back) Can I do something real quick?
Bubbles: Is he about to do what I think he's about to do?
Josie: Sure.
Blake: (quick kiss) I'll be back. (leaves)
Bubbles: ....
Josie: (waits until Blake leaves) Kim!  Kim!  Catch me, qucik!
Kim: Why?
Josie: Cause I'm about to faint!  That's why!
Kim: (catches me) What happened?
Josie: You didn't see that?
Kim: See what?
Josie: COSETTE!  You didn't see that?
Cosette: See what?
Josie: Blake kissed me!

There were several shrieks after that.  But, later, I told Blake "NO PDA IN UNIFORM!"  Because he was in his full JROTC uniform.  So he walked up to me and said, "You know what I think about 'No PDA in Uniform'?"  And he gave me a big kiss.  And Bubbles started singing, "The dreams that you wish will come true."

I kissed a guy and I liked it, the taste of his cherry chapstick.

Ha!  Funny story, there.  He actually DID have on cherry chapstick.  Usually, my lips are really chapped, and then afterward, they're greasy with chapstick.  Gotta love that.

Watch out for that TREE! You just got PUNJABBED!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Josie and the Drama

I love Blake.

I can openly say that.  I love Blake.

But Dad found out.  He found out I have a boyfriend.  He found out he's two years older than me.  He doesn't approve.  Just wait until he sees he's black.

I don't want to say African-American, because he's not.  He's mixed, and it's not even African-American, it's Cuban.

But I still love him.

On the dark side, drama has been brewing by some terrible evil witches, if you know what I mean.

Blake's ex-girlfriend is trying to sabatoge our relationship.  First, she tried getting Blake to break up with me, and now she's gonna spread more rumors.

The other witch is Brandy.  Yep.  Brandy.

She started hitting on Blake.  And he told me this.

Blake: You know your friend, Brandy?
Josie: Yeah?
Blake: Well, she messaged me over Facebook and said, "I know you have a girlfriend, but I think you're cute."
Bubbles: (jawdrop) That &!+?#!  Oh, my gosh.  Girl, for once in your life, SLAP HER!
Blake: And I just said, "..."
Bubbles: Thank you for being an amazing boyfriend and telling her instead of cheating on her.

Yeah, so she's gonna get something of me.

Besides that, things are swell, things are great.  Here are the list of things that are great in my life:

  • I have an amazing boyfriend.
  • Day of Infinity (12/12/12) will be during 3rd period, which is good either day.
  • I got to go to Blake's house today.
  • Collide has started back up.
  • I'm in the musical with Blake.
  • I got new books.
  • I get to interview Grandpa for journalism.
  • We're reading Romeo and Juliet in English.
  • Blake makes mean scrambled eggs.
  • Blake and I are entering the talent show with The Point of No Reuturn from The Phantom of the Opera.
  • Blake took me to the park yesterday.
  • It's Veteran's Day.
I could go on, but the list would be too long.  So, if you asked me what I would wish for for the Day of Infinity, I would say, "Superpowers.  I wouldn't want one thing changed in my life besides that, cause I've got everything I need right here.  But you gotta have superpowers."

Watch out for that TREE! You just got PUNJABBED!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Josie and Sabotaginess

Lots of drama, but I'm still happy!

Blake came over last night.  I was super happy!  We started talking a bunch of random crap with Mom, and then we practiced singing The Point of No Return for the talent show, and, oh, my gosh, I was having a heart attack.  I mean, there's this one part in the choreography where he wraps his arms around me and holds me from behind, and I could have just had a heart attack right there.  And then we practiced singing, and I could have kissed him there and then.  But it's a little too soon in the relationship, for one thing, and also, right as I could have, the doorbell rang and his mom picked him up.

L's spending the weekend with me while her family's out of town.  This should be fun!

Blake's ex, Samantha, is apparently trying to sabotage our relationship.  She did seem a little too nice at lunch.  I don't know.  I just want him to wrap his arms around me again!

Oh, man.  If he saw this, HA!


Watch out for that TREE! You just got PUNJABBED!

Josie and the Interview

I am interviewing Grandpa for my interview for journalism.  Here are the ten questions I'm going to ask him.

1) When did you first realize you wanted to write?  Why?
2) How did you come up with the idea for your first book?
3) What was your immediate reaction when you found out that your book was to be published?
4) What did you do career-wise?
5) Are you working on anything now?
6) For any young writers out there, what advice would you give them? (I can imagine he'll say "Don't do anything stupid, and get off my lawn."
7) What is one of your biggest problems with writing?
8) If you could go back in time like in Stranger on the Land, what would you do and why?
9) Have you ever considered writing a memoir?  Why would you/Why not?
10) What made you keep writing?

Watch out for that TREE! You just got PUNJABBED!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Josie and Bubbles

For those noobs reading my blog, Bubbles is my conscience, NOT an actual person.  No.  That'd just be weird.

October 30, 2012:

Blake over Facebook:  Josie, would you mind meeting me at McCoy's room tomorrow morning? I want to talk to you.  I think you might like what you're going to hear.

October 31, 2012 (Halloween):

Josie over Facebook: kk!
Bubbles: Ooh! He's gonna ask you out! I just know it! Girl, prepare yourself! Breathe deeply! Breathe!
Blake at The Spot: So... I was wondering, do you wanna start going out?
Bubbles: Um, sweetie?  Let me cover this one for you.  YES!
Josie shaking: Yeah.
Blake: Oh, my gosh!  You're crying!
Josie laughing: No, this is just the first time I've done this!
Blake surprised: Are you serious?
Josie: I was a lonely child!
Bubbles enjoying Blake hugging Josie: Ahh.  There we go.  After you two, I'm gonna watch more sappy romantic movies.  THIS IS TOO FRIGGING ADORABLE!

Best.  Week.  EVAH!

Watch out for that TREE! You just got PUNJABBED!