Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Josie Goes Shopping with Weirdos

Watch out for that TREE! You just got PUNJABBED!


Not really.


I had band practice at 7, but no school Monday.  YAY!  I got to get out at 8:50 with Brayden, who plays Eugene in the play, go wait for Ms. Shanks, Kevin, Maggie, Tiffy, and Jordan.  We all went to Wal-Mart and bought our costumes.  We couldn't find all of our things there, so we went to Goodwill, went back to Wal-Mart, and went home.

Tuesday, we had rehearsal.  Brayden has two different personalities, apparently: serious snare Brayden and neurotic nerd Eugene.  He's hilarious.  Maggie's a super drunk in the following scene.  Also hilarious.  But me, I can't paint a picture with the science fair monologue, so it's even harder to memorize then the cloud chamber one.  I've got The Past, The Present, and The Future, and no picture to paint.  Unless it was something like Sunday in the Park with George, where a bunch of different things were happening.

Today is Wednesday, and Kevin wasn't mad at me because I butchered it.  I had it right before I walked onstage, and I lost it.  And tomorrow we do the finale, Saturday we do Act 2, and Sunday we do the whole thing.

Mrs. Syblik, my Journalism teacher, wants to comes see the play, but she'll be in San Antonio for something for speech class.  So she's gonna see if the Journalism class can come and take pictures for the newspapers or something.  That would be a good excuse to see a dress rehersal.

I don't know why I decided to, but while I was writing an essay for English, I started listening to the original soundtrack of Love Never Dies, and it wasn't as bad as people say it is.  I actually enjoyed the music and kind of imagined it as a movie, and I tried singing along, and since the one I know was rewritten eventually, I was off completely.

Now, for some reason, I'm listening to Faust, the song Winslow Leach sings in the horrible Phantom of the Paradise.  Beautiful music, horrible plot.  This guy doesn't have a good voice, but the song is still beautiful.  Well, for now, I gotta go.  Bye!


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