Friday, March 9, 2012

Josie and the Trivia

This is for anyone who enjoys reading my blog.  Post these list of questions on your blog!

Q: What is your nickname?
A: I have several.  My brother calls me Jojo, Skinnibones, some people at a camp in Virginia would call me Lucky or Lucky Day, and people at school call me Flapjack.

Q: If you could pick your own name, what would it be?
A: Hmm... that's a tough one.  Probably Christine.  It's so pretty.

Q: What's your favorite expression?
A: When life gives you lemons, make apple juice, then sit back, drink it, and watch the world wonder how you did it.  Or if you don't want them in the first place, thow 'em back.

Q: What's your favorite thing about yourself?
A: My voice, my writing abilities, and my random style.

Q: What are you the most proud of on the list of things above?
A: Everything.

Q: Will you draw a self portriat?
A: Later.  When it comes out, I'll have a page for it.

Q: Who is your B.F.F.?
A: I don't care if they say you can only have one.  Mine are Meghan, Cheyenne, and Kasiah.

Q: What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
A: Play music or Rock Band.  Or just chill.

Q: Who have you been friends with the longest?
A: Meghan.  Oh, my gosh!  We go way back!

Q: Where did you meet?
A: Mrs. Shaw's first grade class.  Well, really, in the girl's restroom.

Q: How many years have you been friends?
A: Almost eight years, now!

Q: Who is your newest friend?
A: Probably Bree.  I met her at Rockwall's Got Talent.

Q: Has a friend ever let you down?
A: I don't want to list names, but there was this one girl that showed everyone my diary at school.  It was full of mermaid stuff for a book I was writing and everyone thought I was absolutely nuts.  Now, she's one of my friends, and we have every class together.

Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?
A: Let me put it this way: If it were real, I would have had a boyfriend by now.

Q: Do you have a secret crush?
A: I don't think so....

Q: Where will you be in 5 years?
A: College

Q: What will you be doing?
A: Getting a degree in some sort of music.

Q: How about 20 years?
A: I will be married with adopted kids, living in either New York, LA, or Miami Beach.  I will have a lot of birds and a few dogs.  I will get lots of money from my music and books, and I will be teaching music.

Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: Pshycologist, you know, Lie To Me stuff, or a composer.

Q: How many kids do you hope to have?
A: I don't want to have kids, but I want to adopt three.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
A: Well, I want to go to the Carribeans, New Zealand, France, Australia, Japan, China, Russia, Germany, England, Quebec, and Argentina, just to name a few.

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
A: Probably Miami Beach, Florida.  Or LA.  But I prefer warm water beaches to cold ones.

Q: How would you rank Health, Wealth, and Happiness in order of importance?
A: Happiness first, because if you're healthy, wealthy, and miserable, then you're a huge wreck,  health second, because I'm poor and I'm healthy and happy, and wealth last, because, true, it would be better to not worry about how you're going to pay the bills.

Q: What is your favorite store?
A: I have several!  Hot Topic, Rue 21, Forever 21, Claire's, Justice (I use their dresses as shirts and they work fine!), Sephora, any book store that's non-smoking and has good, new books, and farmers' markets.

Q: When you want to do some serious shopping, do you cruise the mall or cruise the net?
A: Mall, so that way I can get some excersize and not be stuck inside all day.  But if it's something I'm probably not going to find anywhere, I cruise the net.

Q: How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A: Well, let me check! *goes to find shoes* Twelve, including the rollerblades.

Q: If you had to wear only one kind of shoe for the rest of your life, what would you pick?  Flip-flops, sneakers, or high heels?
A: Sneakers, because the other two can't hold my inserts.  Flip-flops would give me blisters in between my toes and hurt during a long walk, and I suck at high heels.

Q: Sketch your dream outfit?
A: No.

Q: America's Next Top Model or Project Runway? 
A: Project Runway, all the way!

Q: Favorite fashion trend?
A: Plaid skirts are cute, leather boots rock, and funny graphic tees are awesome!

Q: Sweatshirt or sweater?
A: Sweater.  Althoug, I think that sweat-er isn't a very good name for it.

Q: Jeans or skirt?
A: I feel so uncomfortable in a skirt!  Jeans, definitely!

Q: How do you usually wear your hair?
A: Usually I just brush it out, find my part, fix my bangs, and leave it alone.

Q: What's in your locker?  Or if you don't have a locker, what's in your backpack?
A: Well, I recently cleaned it out, so there was a pair of socks and an empty bookbag, but now there's the pair of socks and a cow-patterned hat.  Oh, shoot!  I forgot I was supposed to get the hat out before I left school!  Now it's spring break!  Crap!

Q: What's your favorite scary movie?
A: The Woman in Black was fricking creepy!

Q: Funny movie?
A: Arthur.  Best guy ever, even though he's a serious drunk.  "Sometimes I just think funny things!"

Q: Romantic movie?
A: Phantom of the Opera and Love Never Dies.  My mom and I have the hugest disagreement.  She was Team Raoul, and I was Team Erik/Phantom.  I don't know why.  The Phantom's just awesome.

Q: Best movie ever?
A: When Wicked turns into a movie, it will be that.  But for now, Spiderwick.

Q: Best movie based on a book?
A: The Phantom of the Opera, Love Never Dies, Temple Grandin, Bridge to Terabithia, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Spiderwick, Wicked, Hunger Games.

Q: Did you like the book or the movie better?
A: Haven't read the book, haven't read the book, haven't read the books, movie, movie, haven't read all of the books, haven't read the book but based on what people say I say the musical, haven't seen the movie yet.

Q: If they made a movie of your life, who would play you?
A: Sierra McCormick, Abigail Breslin, or Peyton List.  But most likely Abigail.  She is me.  I've loved her since I was six.  As a fan.

Q: Best song of the year?
A: Stronger.  Even though it came out last year, I didn't know until recently.  So, that.

Q: Best song of all time?
A: Suddenly I See by KT Dunstall and/or Beauty Underneath by Ben Lewis and Jack Lyall.

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a kid?
A: Where Did Josie Go?  It was the only book I had ever found with my name in it.

Q: What is currently your favorite book series?
A: The Memories by MEEEE!  I'm just kidding.  The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Q: Design a new cover for your favorite book!
A: How 'bout this: I'll design a cover for my book and put it on my drawings page!

Q: What is your favorite school lunch?
A: Spicy chicken sandwich, hot Cheetos, a slushie that isn't cherry-flavored, and Jell-O.  Ooo!  And a cookie!

Q: Grossest school lunch?
A: Spinach wrap, cooked spinach, fried green beans, vanilla milk, and packaged apple slices.

Q: Do you like food fights?
A: I avoid them at all costs.

Q: Chocolate or vanilla?
A: Depends on my mood.

Q: Gummy bears or M&M's?
A: Gummy bears!

Q: Plain pizza or pepperoni?
A: Plain rocks, so I'm going to have to say pepperoni. *pause* Did I confuse you?  I'm kidding.  I love pepperoni.

Q: Mexican or Italian?
A: Both!  As it turns out, I love foreign foods more than American.

Q: Sweet or sour?
A: Again, depends on my mood, but I despise sweet&sour sauce.

Q: Who is your most popular teacher this year?
A: Mrs. Behne, the band director, definitely.  Everybody knows and loves her.  Or Mrs. Page, the theatre teacher.  It's the same with her.

Q: Teacher who gives the most homework?
A: It's a tie between Mr. Kilgore, history, and Mrs. Flores, math.

Q: Coolest teacher?
A: Mrs. Behne, Mrs. Page, and Ms. Carrasco, choir.

Q: Class clown?
A: Samuel is the biggest class clown, well, actually the smallest, yet funniest guy I have ever met!

Q: Braniac?
A: Cheyenne.  She's never gotten less than an A in middle school.  Elementary's a different thing.

Q: Most musical?
A: Kasiah!  She's first chair viola, now recently promoted to first chair second clarinet, AND she plays viola for MSO!

Q: LAST QUESTION!  Who is the future star at you school?
A: Well, to tell you the truth, MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Pass it on!
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

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