Saturday, March 10, 2012

Josie and the Virus

I'm at Grandma's.  Why?  Our computer crashed.  It's on, but the screen says that the computer has shut itself done to prevent any further damage to be done.  It says how to fix it, but even I'm not that fluent in geek.  Dork, yes, but I only know a little bit in geek.

Geek language is all about electronics.  I know what a USB drive is, an extension cord, SD card, hard drive, DVD-rom, CD, floppy disk, flash drive, toolbar, what most of the F1-F12 buttons do, the two reasons for tab, and how to work the computer without ever touching the mouse.  But this was just confusing.

Dork language is all about being awkward and slightly embarrassing.  I am fluent in this language.  A lot of it is on the post "What I Am Saying."  But I know the embarrassment of being posted on YouTube without your knowing of it, and the horrors of having people talk about you behind your back. 

Nerd is not electronics, it is education.  Especially math and science.  I know a*a+b*b=c*c, and all formulas for finding lateral and total surface area, perimiter, area, volume, interest, and the difference between the x axis and the y axis, but Geek is where I'm weak.  I mean, it's all Geek to me.  Or, as they say it in Greek,

It's all Geek to me!

* means multiply.
It's the good girls that keep diaries. It's the awesome girls that keep blogs.

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