Friday, November 25, 2011

Josie and The Wimpy Kid

More people are viewing my blog every day!  So happy!

I was looking at some videos and somehow got led to this:

"I Googled Her!"

I honestly didn't think that Google should know that much.  So, I googled myself up.  I found out (though I already knew this) what school I go to, that I'm in the middle school band, I play French Horn, I made Region Band, I was in Set Construction/Move-in in "A Murder, a Mystery, and a Marriage", that my mom did the keyboards for it, that somehow (now I was not aware of this) Gay, McCall, Isaacs, Gordon, & Roberts P.C. represent me, I've commented on my 7th grade reading teacher's blog, I'm on KidzWorld, my aunt makes statues of horses for a living, she's on Facebook, so is my mom, and then she saw what I was doing and kept on opening windows that were about my aunt and it was kinda creepy, but then she said that she wanted to know her.

I guess it's different with Holly since she's an all-star soccer player and a professional model.  The real person, Peyton List, actually was for Justice.  I actually pictured her for the role of the main character in my book.  If I ever meet her, I'll be sure to tell her that.

Josie and the Problems with Google

Not much, except that when I'm trying to get on YouTube and I'm on my Blogspot account, I don't have an account under my email, but I use my mom's.  Now, I don't use her Blogspot account, so I can't be on both at the same time.  Crap.  Sooner or later I'll fix that.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Josie and Her Senior Trip

Yes, that's right!  I hope!  My mom knows someone in New Zealand, and we've always wanted to go, and my mom said that if she's still friends with him when I graduate, she'll take me as a graduation present!  YAY!  So excited!  Stay friends with him!  PLEASE!

What sights are there in New Zealand?  I know they have nice beaches, but what, really?  I could visit Wellington, since he lives in Wellington.  Once, he actually ran for mayor!  I think I'm gonna like it here!

You know what?  To separate my four main topics: Writing, Travel, Surviving, and Strange Experiences, I'm just gonna create a blog for all of them.

Josie and the One Country

I'm going to be the first one to visit all 196 countries of the world, even if I'm old and crippled when I'm finished!  I'm gonna get a passport, and the next country I want to visit is Japan, or at least Canada or Mexico.  I REALLY want to go to Buenos Aires, Argentina.  The weather's always nice, their culture's interesting, everything!  No one has visited all countries.  The most visited was 192.  LET'S BEAT THAT!

So far:

United States of America

Yeah.  That's it.  Pretty suckish, right?  You'd expect someone like me, daring, adventurous, and curious, to have at least been overseas, right?  Closest I've been out of the country is flying over the Pacific Ocean, but then turning around and heading from LA to Dallas, and swimming in Lake Eerie.  When I get older, I am going to be... oh, what's the word...


Josie and the Everything

So, my church is doing a bunch of skits and I wanted to be in one, so I had to choose which thing separating a girl from God I wanted to be.  Hannah and Sarah were already bad celebrities, I couldn't be the boyfriend, Emily was the demon, so I tried to do the drug dealer.  I sucked.  Amy was better.  So I picked the drunkie.  Guess I better study up on Ke$ha.  Oh, boy.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Josie Gets a Standing Ovation

I just sang to my English class!

We had to perform a song that had some literacy in it, and I chose Rolling in the Deep by Adele.  Everyone started clapping to it and all that and then at the end, they all started clapping.  I was shaking so bad!  Then they wanted me to do an encore, and everyone started filming it!  I was so scared!  I was afraid they'd laugh at me, but even when my voice cracked on one of the high notes really bad, they still thought it was good!


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Josie and the Music

Mrs. Behne gave me my All-Region Band music!

In case you didn't know, I made 14th chair French horn.  Unfortunately, that's last chair.  Luckily, I got into the same band that my friend, Gordie did.  He plays trombone.  Unfortunately, I didn't get in with Christopher.  He's in the top band, I'm in the lower band.  But the songs are too easy here!  It's like, "Oh, my gosh!  Mrs. Behne chose harder music than this!"  Not trying to put down the music selecter.  But then again, two of the songs look kinda hard rhythm-wise.

I came up with an awesome idea!  In the spring, what if the orchestra and band joined together for one concert to become one big proffesional sounding orchestra!

But then you face a problem.  Like with Kasiah.

She plays viola and clarinet.  She'd most definitely choose viola over clarinet, but still, some people can't choose!  But, yeah!  You could have people choose which one they want to play and then become one big happy orchestra!  We could play "Flying" from Peter Pan!  In case you haven't heard it, here it is!

Josie the Schystophrenic

Okay, you know how I said that I couldn't remember what happened in chess?  Of how I was losing and then I won?  Well, it was the opposite here!  I was winning, I hit my head on the king, and I was in checkmate.  WHAT HAPPENED!?!?

I have to sell 15 tickets to Calvin Ubisheti's horrible metal concert!  He plays his music too loud, has a horrible voice, and is making little kids sell tickets for him!  At first, I had to sell 10 tickets for $15 each, but there was this one little kid at our school that was really smart, and he's like nine, and he had to sell 5 tickets.  I felt sorry for him, so I took them off his hands.  I hope I don't get in trouble.  Calvin's a big pain the the you-know-what.

I had a weird dream.  I dreamt of this pyramid shaped necklace with the eye of Anubis on it, and me with two personalities.  Meghan thinks that it has something to do with Yu-Gi-Oh.  Well, everything in my dreams relates to it!

I got punched in the face yesterday!  Don't remember anything after that.  Except there was this one dude who was running around thinking he was seeing in mosaic.

I've decided to write a book about the weird things that's happening to me.  I'm calling it Millenia.  I don't really know what it's gonna be about yet until I know what's goin on.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Josie and the Big Game

It's like, one moment, I'm playing a ranked game in chess, and I know I'm gonna lose, and suddenly, I've got a paper in my hand saying that I won, when I don't even remember playing!  I don't know what happened, and it happened again when I was leaving chess!  I hit my head on the counter, and then I'm in my driveway!  What the heck is going on?  It's really kinda creepy.  I black out for about three seconds, and then I'm somewhere else.  Strange thing is, my grandpa told me when we were in the driveway, he said, "Stop with the 'not being mad' attitude."  When was I mad?  Was I mad?  Am I going mad?  There are some things that need to be answered.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Josie and the Frenchies

I got into All-Region Band.

Yeah.  That's it.

In case you haven't read my profile, I play French Horn.

A few months ago, I auditioned for All-City Band but got disqualified because I accidentally had my scales open when I was supposed to use them.  Mr. Clark said that if they didn't have me re-do them with the book closed, then I got disqualified.  So much for that.

Now, I'm in All-Region.  There's fourteen French Horns total.  Guess what place I got?  Fourteenth.

And there were fourteen people in the second round!  A lot of them were worse than me.  Everyone says "At least you got in."  My friend, Cheyenne, the awesomest bookworm ever, didn't get in because she had algae in her trumpet.

How do you get algae in your instrument?  Apparently there was too much spit in it.  Poor Cheyenne.  She's always thought that the person she was before this lifetime played trumpet, which is why it comes so natural.  I don't believe in reincarnation.



Josie and the Crazies

I was talking to Meghan about my new blog, and she was like, "Well, why didn't you join that blog that I told you you'd like?"  It's a website for artists.  I'm not an artists.  Okay, I draw really bad anime.  But from what it sounded like, it sounded like it was for kids.  I mean, the girl still watches Lazy Town!  And she never gets off her butt!  Plus, she never told me the website.  I like Blogspot because it's for mature people, strictly for writing, and most people are on here.  And she was like "You know, friends do the same stuff other friends do with eachother."  She was going to start a stupid argument over a website!  So I just had to shout, "MEGHAN!  IT'S A FRICKIN' WEBSITE!  FOR PETE'S SAKE, GET A GRIP!"  Luckily, Meghan is one of those girls that gets her feelings hurt easily by everyone else but her friends saying something.  Sometimes, I wish she was more mature.  Why can't I have my dream friend?  That's probably Kasiah or Cheyenne mixed together.  One who's not camera shy, loves books and anime, has awesome parties, will stick with me no matter what, as excited about things as I am, loves music, won't make fun of me because I like mythical creatures like mermaids and fairies and dragons and vampires and werewolves, and one that definitely won't make fun of me for having the biggest crush on Jack Wild.

We have to make a movie in theatre about us.  FINALLY!  I get to work on iMovie!  On my computer, I have lame Windows Movie Maker.  iMovie is everything!  Not to mention, if I get iMovie for this one webshow I'm wanting to do, I can get special effects for super powers and stuff like that.

Does anyone know where I can read the first manga episode of Yu-Gi-Oh?  I'm trying to find the episode that first shows the millenium puzzle. 

Funny joke:

It's not global warming, my dad has anger issues!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Josie and the Back Rocks

I'm sorry if this is kinda gross, but sometimes my mom thinks that I'm too sensitive.  Physically.  Like today, she was getting something out of my back!  She kept on squeezing this "mole" and it FRICKIN' HURT!  She told me to man up, but it HURT!  She said that I should toughen up and she told me that her mom used to do stuff like this all the time and she didn't cry.  Well, maybe 50's the age where you start talking about when you were young "I never did it with boys or sat in a parked car with boys or cried when my mom was squeezing the crap out of my back!"  I'm sorry, but that's just what it sounded like.  And now, I gotta go to the doctor cause I got something black inside me.  Life is hard.  Mines is harder.  Well, sometimes.

Josie and the Blog

Okay, I know nobody's reading this, but Hi!  I'm Josie!  I hope to be an author someday.  That's where I got the title.  Because also, a lot of times people will interrupt me during my writing and I get really annoyed and so I just yell "SHUT UP!  I'M WRITING HERE!" but a lot of times they get mad.  So, I thought that I could talk about my book on here without anyone saying I can't do it.  I think.  Well, the internet has nice people on it, right?  Well, mostly I've seen haters.  This sucks.

So, basically my book is about a girl named Marie that lives basically a normal life and goes on a summer vacation with her family to an island near Miami beach known as Chircolo Island.  It has a hollow volcano on it and inside that volcano is a pond leading to the ocean.  Marie has an asthma attack and she gets thrown into it by her dad.  Now, she can do stuff that others can't (but I'm not saying what!  Gonna have to read the book!  Hahahaha!  I'm making it hard for lazy people!) and then someone's hunting her.  Instead of kidnapping her, they take her dad and she thinks that it's her fault.  I don't know.  It's good in my opinion.

This blog isn't just for my stuff about my book.  It's about my life, too.  So I'll talk about stuff that no one wants to hear in my life, but people will listen online!  Hey, if they'll listen to Rebecca Black, they'll read me!

Dad, you better not be reading this.