Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Josie and the Day of Depression

This day has turned out horrible.

1) Jared and I were taking an acting class, and Mom is one of the teachers, and she doesn't want to take Jared back to the class because he was always being provoked and acting up.
2) I just watched S3: E1 of Kyle XY, which turned out terrible.
3) Nora Ephron, one of my favorite directors, has died.
4) Grandpa is going to die any time now, from the looks of it.

I've never had anyone die important to me in my life.  After all those times I complained that once he gets talking and never stops, how his teeth gross me out, how he takes forever in the bathroom, and how he's so lecture-y, I completely regret that.  I don't want to lose Grandpa.

You know, when I started taking trumpet lessons when I was little, Grandpa said that when he dies, he wants me to play some jazz at his funeral.  Now I wish I could do that.

I love you, Grandpa.

You just got PUNJABBED!

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