Saturday, December 3, 2011

Josie and Removal

I've decided that two blogs are plenty.  I should just have one for my life and one for travelling, since that's all I may do when I get older.  And cook.  And perform.  So, my question that I am sending out into the empty void that should be filled with readers (about 45 views right now, so that's pretty good) is how do you remove a blog?  If you're embarrased with what is on it or are tired of it, shouldn't you be able to remove it?

I am seriously going to have to get my own YouTube account on my own e-mail, because when I try to get on my mom's and comment, I can't because my e-mail is connected to Google and so is Blogspot, which really angers me.

Why is it that all the blogs I have found so far when you click the "Next Blog" button are about retirement villages, organizations for cancer, Wicca, horses, and full of REALLY good pictures of someone's family?  What I'm really looking for is a blog like mine, that's about a teen's life.  Or the Julie/Julia Project (which I cannot seem to find ANYWHERE!)

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