Monday, July 1, 2013

Josie Needs to Write a Story

I wanna write a story.  So, here it goes.

Kristi rested her head against the cold, hard ground of the stage floor.  She faced the dimly lit ceiling and wondered if Stephanie was right.  What if she was just normal?  Well, she didn't want to believe that, but, at the same time, even if she wasn't, she never believed in anything mysterious and haunting until her later life.  What if it didn't work?

She decided to try it.  She stared into the darkness that was the auditorium seats.  She noticed that the air seemed to visually swirl in front of her.  Her vision began to focus, and she could now see every individual seat as clear as day.  She moved her vision to the chair that was claimed to be Erik's, and found that a man was sitting there.  Not exactly a man, but a shady figure.  She called out, "Erik?"  The man relaxed in his seat, and she opened her book a different page than before.  She recited, "The Opera Ghost really existed.  He was not, as was long believed, a creature of the imagination of the artists, the superstition of the managers, or the absurd and impressionable brains of the young ladies of the ballet, their mothers, the box-keepers, the cloak-room attendants, or the concierge.  No, he existed in flesh and blood, though he assumed all the outward characteristics of a real phantom, that is to say, of a shade."  She paused, then snapped the book shut.  She shouted, "Am I psychic?"

She heard a dark whisper answer, "Yes,"

Bubbles says: Team Foreshadowers.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Josie is on YouTube

Okay, I actually have a VALID excuse for being absent over the summer!  I was on YouTube!


Okay, I know that doesn't sound very valid, but now, Mom's letting me upload my own videos onto YouTube!  How sweet is that?  It's ah-MAH-zing!  (Yes, you read that right.)

Anyway, now, I have a super amazing boyfriend, Dakota.  He is the cutest, sweetest thing ever!  He's nine days younger than me, which isn't much, but it does mean that I get to make age jokes about him if he makes short jokes about me.  I mean, I'm not that short, in fact, I'm not short at all, but this guy is even taller than Blake.  And more adorkable.  I mean, he's not proud, not big-headed, and not controlling.  He's perfect.  He's a little uneasy, with me being his first girlfriend, because he wants to be my white knight in shining armor and stuff like that.  I mean, I could tell, he thought he was supposed to be the one to ask if I actually wanted to go steady with him, and that he was supposed to hold my hand, instead of the other way around.  Now, I did that because, well, I thought it was supposed to be the more experienced one to do that.  So, sorry.  So, now, if he wants to take the lead, he's gonna have to be the one to kiss me, which means he's gonna have to get a whole lot of guts.

K-K and I are in health class together over summer school, and afterwards, we snuck into the school's auditorium to read to Clarence, the ghost.  Ever since I found out that they don't lock one of the doors (you just have to figure out which one), I've been going in and just hanging out and talking to Clarence.  Not like he ever replies, though.  I just usually sit and talk, or sing, or play piano (the piano for the talent show is still in there), or practice my Spanish.  But, the day I decided to bring the book The Phantom of the Opera and read it to him, they put up all the janitor's waxing equipment in front of the door.  So, I had to move it out of the way just so there was enough crawl space.  The next day, Kasiah came with me, and she got me really freaked out.  She wasn't used to the cold air and kept on getting chills.  Then we started getting really freaked out, and she only let me read one paragraph.  Then I realized, "Fudge.  We don't have school tomorrow!  That's upsetting."  But I'm gonna go Monday.  I wanna read him all of that book!  Besides, I think he'll like it.

Anyway, if you guys wanna check me out on YouTube, my account name is Singer Stalker.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Josie and the Real Dakotazilla

Last March, I started writing about this girl named Kristi who fell in love with a guy named Dakota, and his nickname was Dakotazilla.

I am dating Dakotazilla.

His name is Dakota, and we've been dating for about a month, and I was going to ask if he'd actually like to be my boyfriend after lunch, but he wasn't there.  We have SEs (Semester Exams), and he's exempt from A-days.  We had our fourth period tests today, and he didn't have to be in third period, so he just went home.  Now I'm depressed, cause I have to wait until tomorrow!

I really, really like him!  He's such a gentleman!  He's super-sweet and super awkward and I love him to death!  He feels a little shy, probably because I'm gonna end up being his first girlfriend.  He's nine days younger than me, but does that really matter?  I mean, older guys are awesome, I have to admit (no Sugar Daddies, though), but he just kinda swooped me out from under my feet.  He asked me out at the band banquet.  I kind of thought he would ask me out at the band banquet.  We ended up dancing together (Kasiah and Trevor forced us to), and at the end of the song, he asked me out.  I just got this really big smile and nodded quickly.  He is just the CUTEST thing ever!


Bubbles says: Sorry we haven't been on in a while!  We'll be on a lot during the summer!  Don't worry!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Josie is Creeped Out by Google Maps

I'm really creeped out.

Go to Google Maps and search up 52.376552, 5.198303

Bubbles says: I pray to God they caught the guy.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Josie Loves Doctor Who

Today's the day!  Hip-Hip, Hooray!

Doctor Who continues today!  Do you know how excited I am?  I am on the season finale of Season 6, so I need to finish that episode before tonight.  I want to see if I can go over to my grandmother's house to watch it!

Bubbles says: More poeple have been liking my page, some of which I've never met. But, that's good! That way I get more people to like it and I end up as famous as Waldo or Cereal Guy! Woohoo! Keep the likes coming!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Josie Plays the Trumpets


Congratulations!  You have reached my personal blog!  And I have returned after such a long time!  I've decided to organize my time a lot more, so that means less free time to just lay around and watch TV.  Well, I mean, I'm watching Lie to Me* right now, but I'm writing whilst I'm watching.

Yes, I said whilst.  I'm becoming a much better writer, did you notice?  Mrs. Harmon is so helpful at that.

I'm trying out for section leader in band.  That means I have to teach three people how to march.  I'm teaching people that are coming into marching band either next year, the year after that, or a few years after I leave.  And they're all girls.  I'm going to be teaching by my sister/friend, Carissa.  She's trying out as well.  And I really need help with my marching.  My slides aren't the greatest, I can tell you that.  I swear, if you see me and compare me to some of the other freshman, you'll think I'm worth dog crap.  Mainly I'm doing this for experience.  And I want to be a teacher, so this might help if I actually do become section leader, or even drum major when I'm a senior.

Crap.  I forgot to bring my choir folder home.  We have a contest in a few days, and I need to work on my Russian.  It's pretty bad.  I also need to work on my vowels, breathing, and my Old English.  So, in all, I have two songs in Latin, two in English, one in Old English, and one in Russian.  I love the Russian.  It's so beautiful.  It's called Angel by Rachmaninoff (please tell me I spelled that right.)  Search it up.  It's very hard to find a choir that performs it at its peak, though.  You have choirs that sing like cute little middle schoolers, choirs that sing it too fast, but we're doing it just right.  I hope our Russian doesn't sound too crappy, though.

I went to UIL last Friday for Journalism.  I didn't do anything, though.  I was an alternate.  So was my Dad.  Well, not my real dad, but he plays my dad in the play (Cosette is my sister), not to mention he's more of a male parental figure than my biological father is.  I hate to say it, but when my parents were together, it was very hard to find a home video where they were together and happy.  He went on business trips a lot, and then when my parents divorced, he got the house, and we had to move in with Grandma.  I bawled and held onto Mom that first weekend I had to stay with him, thinking I was never going to see her again.  Then he moved to the other side of the country when I was four.  He complains that I don't call, but then the only time when he talks to me is if Jared calls Mom first.  So, Jonathan is Daddy.  I see him every weekday, and our family in the play already has lots of chemistry.  So, he works.

I've been writing a lot.  And we have the STAAR test in a few days.  I an going to ace the writing section.  We have to write three papers, either two literary and one expository, or one literary and two expository.  I pray that I get two literary (it's different with each person), but I'll still be good if I get two expository.  We did one literary and one expository before we left for Easter weekend, and I got the highest grade on both.  My first expository got a 3/4, and my literary before that one got a 4.  I think I'm covered.

I am determined to have something after school every day.  Monday will be choir, Tuesday will be for extra instrument lessons, Wednesday will be band, Thursday will be marching, Friday will be for... well, that might be a free day.

We got a puppy!  Her name is Millie.  Well, she's not a puppy, but the way that she acts, her size (she's a Terrier Mix), and the fact that she chews up everything she can get her paws on, she's more of a puppy.

Now, all the instruments I have: French Horn (well, I play it, and it's at home with me, but I don't own my own yet), piano, recorders, pan-flute, train whistle, flute, guitar, ukulele, flute, trumpet, clarinet, and a few little child-like versions of percussion.

Well, I guess that will be all for now.

Bubbles says: We're all back!  Bye!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Josie is Sicky-Sick!

I am sicky-sick!  And, again, sorry I haven't posted in a while.

The good news is, I get a YouTube account!  It'll be here soon!  I'm probably gonna call it ShutUp_ImWritingHere!  For obvious reasons.  I'll have videos for Bubbles and all that sort of stuff!

Bubbles says: Guys, I'm on Facebook.  Like, A LOT.  I just keep on posting and posting, so I recommend that you go like my page.  I'm on that more than Blogspot.  The website is

I post a lot of random stuff on there.  I show quizzes, funny videos, and updates on the Pianist War!  So, please, like the page, subscribe to me on YouTube, and yeah, all that stuff!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Josie and the Big Buffet

I'M IN ANOTHER PLAY!  Again!  As an understudy.  I have sunken so low since Marigolds.  At least I was a principle in Annie.  Not that I have a problem with being an understudy.  In fact, I'm glad I don't have to kiss this complete stranger (Cosette does), but it would have been nice to be one of the roles.  Still, there were only two of each gender.  Two of my friends got big roles.  Cosette plays a fully-grown, mature, adult lead (not some twelve-year-old quiet nerd), and Jonathan plays her dead father.  But now I have something to do!  Woohoo!

Blake took me to Cici's yesterday.  I felt like I ate like a king, while Blake had 12 slices and a plateful of noodles.  We were talking about Titanic earlier, and when I came to the table and saw his plate, I sang "UP SHE GOES!" very loudly.  He shook his finger at me while getting MORE food and said, "Down the hatchet, first."  Meanwhile, his 92-pound mother ended up with 15 slices, a bowl of salad, and cinnamon buns.  But I loved it.  I got to spend time with my Slenderman!

Bubbles says: He got alfredo sauce in her hair?  Oh, he is gonna pay!  Let me at 'im!  LET ME AT 'IM!  Grrr!!!!  One of these days....

Monday, February 4, 2013

Josie's Random 10 Facts

For the basics about me and any newcomers to this blog, here's 10 weird/random facts about me:

  1. I have a conscience, and his name is Bubbles.  He is a tall, purple man who wears an orange shirt, green pants, and yellow shoes.  The style may change, but the colors sure don't.  He also has a brown Mario mustache and is completely bald.  I created him on October 30, 2012, while walking to school to tell my crush (now boyfriend) that I like him.  You can tell he's talking whenever the text is purple.
  2. In all honesty, I have trichotillomania and am being very forward about it because I'm trying to get rid of it.  :)
  3. I am a virgin and intend to keep it that way until after marriage.  Unless, of course, I get raped by Slenderman or something like that.
  4. My school is haunted by this guy named Clarence.  He's the Phantom of the Skeeters, which got me all excited.
  5. If you were to compare my life to a book, I would have two: Twilight (unfortunately) and The Phantom of the Opera (NOT unfortunately).
  6. When it comes to piano, I will never be one of those wicked good concert pianists, which is disappointing because if I ever wanted to audition for something for piano, I wouldn't be able to.  When it comes to piano, I am a COMPOSER.
  7. I live in Fairview, Texas.  Lie.
  8. I have an amazing boyfriend named Blake.  Also names for him are Edward, Edward Scissorhands, Edward Rockhands, Slenderman, Bob, Sleeping Beauty, and Sleeping Hillbilly.
  9. I looooove Keurig hot chocolate.  It is by far the best!
  10. There is never a time where I won't be involved in SOME type of production!  Whether it's a play, musical, movie, concert, or anything like that.  Except during the summer.  That's an exception.

Bubbles says: Um, is it just me or does NO ONE CARE?

Josie at the Super Bowl

So, the Ravens won?

Yup.  Pretty much.

That's cool.  I like Edgar Allen Poe.


I was at a Super Bowl party last night, at my church.  I got Blake to come, which I was very happy about.  We also met this one girl who went to Timberlawn named Lily.  She's freaking amazing!  I mean, she's really hyper, but the good kind of hyper.  I just wanted to stalk her.  Plus, I think she might trichotillomania, too.

The commercials weren't as good as last year, though.  Pooh.

Bubbles says: LILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Josie Can't Sleep

I can, but during the day.  In class.  Which makes my teachers mad.

She woke up in journalism with a puddle of drool on her arm.


 Anyway, I've been up all night stressing.  I just have.  Can't say how, but I've been trying to find Wendigo spottings or two bodies found at a nearby park.

Bubbles says: Any help?  Please?

Josie and the "Freedom"

The musical is now over, so now I have more time to blog and do what I want!

This is weird.  I keep on having the weirdest dreams.  But they're not really dreams.  I allow my mind to go blank and visions come to me.  But it's not like daydreaming; no, my "visions" are too vivid.  But Blake and I have been trying to figure out what's been going on....

Bubbles says: Everything is not what it seems.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Josie and Opening Night

I am so, so, SOOOOOOOO SORRY I haven't blogged in forevah!  I've been super busy with Annie!  And, here's the thing:


Anywho, I've been filming the backstage events for a while, and I'm going to make it into a big documentary kind of thing and put it on Facebook, YouTube, and on here, of course.

My costumes are weird.  I have several layers.  It gets sweltering hot.  First, I have white tights, then tan tights with holes in the bottom that I can roll up for Boylan Sisters, then bloomers (my dress is not a dress.  It's a shirt), then the dress, then the overcoat, then the cardigan, then the smock, and to top it off, jazz shoes and two pigtails.  But I love it!

Blake and I are going to go to Jack in the Box after school.  Hopefully.  I need to go eat, and I don't like to walk alone.  : ) 

This morning, we were walking to school, and we surprisingly had a lot of fun.  This time, nobody offered for a ride, so we just walked and talked and it was a lot of fun.  We talked about when Josie has kids that she'll have someone make a little "Bubbles" doll and make little picture book about my great adventures.

Sir Bubbles and the Great Walk

by Josien O. Behning and Bubbles T. Conscience

       Once upon a time, there was the fair Princess Josie, who lived in the country of Wildwood in the little town of Oak, on the island of Fairview.  Often she would travel to Skeeterland to visit people from other countries.  But more than anything she wanted to marry the valiant Prince Blake of Homesdale, whom she would sing with.  But she could only see him in Skeeterland, which was the longest of distances away, and she was forced to walk.
       Luckily, the brave, bold, and dashing Sir Bubbles, the strongest and most enduring knight in all of Oak, vowed to go with her and endure her pain.  They safely avoided the zombies in the royal graveyard, crossed the Creek Crossing, traded with the Walker, and safely followed traffic laws and didn't jaywalk, just in time to tell Prince Blake that she liked him, which Sir Bubbles assisted with.

Bubbles says: And, so, once again, Sir Bubbles saved the day!  The end.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Josie and the Super-Fantastical Annie Video

I talked to Mr. McCoy about making a little video about our time with Annie, but I figured I needed his permission first.  So I asked him, and he said I could start filming next week.  Yay!  It's gonna be so much fun!  I get to show people that I named my dead mouse Lucky!

Bubbles says: Derpette.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Josie and Terminator

I'm BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Bubbles says: And she's moody.