Friday, June 28, 2013

Josie is on YouTube

Okay, I actually have a VALID excuse for being absent over the summer!  I was on YouTube!


Okay, I know that doesn't sound very valid, but now, Mom's letting me upload my own videos onto YouTube!  How sweet is that?  It's ah-MAH-zing!  (Yes, you read that right.)

Anyway, now, I have a super amazing boyfriend, Dakota.  He is the cutest, sweetest thing ever!  He's nine days younger than me, which isn't much, but it does mean that I get to make age jokes about him if he makes short jokes about me.  I mean, I'm not that short, in fact, I'm not short at all, but this guy is even taller than Blake.  And more adorkable.  I mean, he's not proud, not big-headed, and not controlling.  He's perfect.  He's a little uneasy, with me being his first girlfriend, because he wants to be my white knight in shining armor and stuff like that.  I mean, I could tell, he thought he was supposed to be the one to ask if I actually wanted to go steady with him, and that he was supposed to hold my hand, instead of the other way around.  Now, I did that because, well, I thought it was supposed to be the more experienced one to do that.  So, sorry.  So, now, if he wants to take the lead, he's gonna have to be the one to kiss me, which means he's gonna have to get a whole lot of guts.

K-K and I are in health class together over summer school, and afterwards, we snuck into the school's auditorium to read to Clarence, the ghost.  Ever since I found out that they don't lock one of the doors (you just have to figure out which one), I've been going in and just hanging out and talking to Clarence.  Not like he ever replies, though.  I just usually sit and talk, or sing, or play piano (the piano for the talent show is still in there), or practice my Spanish.  But, the day I decided to bring the book The Phantom of the Opera and read it to him, they put up all the janitor's waxing equipment in front of the door.  So, I had to move it out of the way just so there was enough crawl space.  The next day, Kasiah came with me, and she got me really freaked out.  She wasn't used to the cold air and kept on getting chills.  Then we started getting really freaked out, and she only let me read one paragraph.  Then I realized, "Fudge.  We don't have school tomorrow!  That's upsetting."  But I'm gonna go Monday.  I wanna read him all of that book!  Besides, I think he'll like it.

Anyway, if you guys wanna check me out on YouTube, my account name is Singer Stalker.


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