Saturday, July 7, 2012

Josie in Ruins

Today was a semi-sweet chocolate chip day.  I went to a sleepover at Meghan's house, and Cheyenne was there.  Mainly we were all being dorks, talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender, giving our own commentary to MIB, and meditating like a bunch of monks.  Oh, and we made our own ice cream.  It's delish.  I wish I had more, only no chocolate chips.  Just ice cream.

We woke up today and created a small family of the three of us on Sims 3.  Then I turned on the Phantom of the Opera and Cheyenne got super excited whenever Gerard Butler got on screen, because apparently, "he's super sexy."  I have to admit, he's got a 9.8 on my Sexyness Scale.  Well, minus the stringy hair under the wig, and the weird disfigured half-face.  I mean, it wasn't that bad, but that's why he didn't get a full 10.  But with the mask, he blows up the Sexyness Scale.

I got my hair cut today, and now I look so cute!  But it started raining and ruined all the video cassettes that were left out from the garage sale, which is disappointing, because some of them she wasn't supposed to put out: Home Alone, While You Were Sleeping, Split Infinity, etc.  Those were good movies.  And now they're lost.  Forever.  Not to mention the Beanie Babies are all gone.  Pooh.

I have to leave for camp tomorrow, so I'm going to be gone for a whole week!  Can you believe it?  And hopefully, this time, I can get into Rockstar.  It's camp's version of American Idol.  I'm trying to decide which song to do.  Here are my choices:

  • Skyscraper
  • And I Am Telling You
  • Pure Imagination
  • At the Beginning
  • The Beauty Underneath
  • Love Never Dies
  • A Thousand Years
  • Dog Days Are Over
Of course, I'd be singing The Beauty Underneath in a higher key (it's too low for my voice) and Love Never Dies in a lower key (this isn't Operastar).  And I'm bringing my uke in case I might be able to use it.

You know what?  I'm gonna open a post saying which song I can do.  You guys vote.  But vote quickly.  I have until tomorrow evening!  AUGH!

You just got PUNJABBED!

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