Saturday, July 14, 2012

Josie is Leaving Tomorrow

Just a quick note: I'm going to be gone until August, but don't forget to leave me birthday comments!  My birthday is July 21.  I'm turning 14!  I'm the youngest one out of Meghan, Cheyenne, and Kasiah!  Weird, huh?

I leave for Ohio tomorrow.  This trip I'm actually kind of feeling better about.  I mean, this time, everything's turning out great.  I don't have the pressures of the Dare Game which Aubrie and I always used to play, having to stay with somebody that's not Dad all day, Ms. Trish when she's not having a good day, Aubrie breaking the rules, and things like that.  I get to do fun stuff!  I get to go to the library every day, pick out four books, and read them all within a 24 hr time span.  Yeah.  It's fun!  But I also get to go swimming, practice marching, practice mellophone, things like that.  I want to see if Dad will let me turn my old room into a music room.  Really, I want to call it a recording studio, but if I said that, I'd have to explain that it wouldn't cost money.  But I'd like to place the keyboard up there temporarily so that way, whenever I want to play (which will be often), I can sing and play without bothering Dad.  That, and we need to do something with that spare, tiny room. 

Dad has lots of movies, a cool computer, and TV up in the attic, a huge backyard, a library within walking span, and some neighbor kids.  However, all of them are younger than me.  There's no girl my age that has lived within the area ever since Alayna moved out.

I'm bringing three movies with me: Rigoletto, The Pagemaster, and Love Bomb.  Love Bomb was that choir show that I was in with my church.  The one where I sang I Got You Babe with that one guy who felt really awkward, where I had to lead an a'capella group (and kind of sucked at it), played a drunkie in a skit, and did a short dance?  Yeah.  That's the one.  I still say we should create CD's of us singing.  It would sell out at concerts.

I have a show called The Aubrie and Josie Show, and as you can guess, I star in it with Aubrie.  At first, it was The Aubrie Show, then her mom said that she wanted me included in the title, so we made it all fancy, and if it were to be allowed online, it would be a hit.  Here's what I want to do: either if Ms. Trish ever gets persuaded to let us put it online, or whenever Aubrie moves out, we'll put it online.

Hey, but what if we created a private website on WebStarts where you can't search it up online, and you can only find it if you get the address?  That might work.  And then Aubrie's friends and my friends could come and see the show.

You know what?  I'm gonna make that website right now.

You just got PUNJABBED!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Josie is Back

I just realized, I never finished my thing about my trip to Chicago.  In all, it was moving.

Camp was AWESOME!  We went to Mt. Lebanon and had the time of our lives.  It was probably the most emotional thing I've ever been to.  On Tuesday or Wednesday, there was a big blackout during Worship, so they got some wireless speakers and used flashlights as a spotlight while Nick Thurmond played guitar.  And we were just singing and crying "And oh, I'm running to Your arms, I'm running to Your arms, the riches of your love will always be enough, nothing compares to Your embrace, light of the world forever reign." and eventually the lights came back on!

Shawn McBride was the speaker, and today was hilarious.  He showed us "The Ladder" in a relationship.  He had to have three guys hold the ladder while he was going up, and at the top, he started to tip over a little bit and he screamed.  Then the guy who let go held back on and he shouted, "Hold on!  Black man don't wanna die in Texas!" And we all started laughing our heads off.  But every second, people were walking up to me and saying that I look like Mandy Moore from A Walk to Remember.  Don't worry, I'll have tissues with me, because I cried at the end of The Boy Who Could Fly.  If Jamie dies in this movie, I'm gonna be bawling my head off!

Over all this week, over 100 people have been saved and recommitted.  And THAT'S a huge accomplishment!

While I was there, I stayed after Flight School (I'm on Blue School, 9th grade) every day to play piano in the chapel.  Then, after a while, I would go to lunch.  One day, I was playing, and about ten minutes through, this guy from Oragne School (10th grade) walks in to play the piano.  I was singing as well, and I was just like, Dear Lord, please do not have let him heard me sing.  ...Wait, what?  I let him play, and he was really good.  He doesn't know how to read music, but he watches people and copies.  He's really good!  He's trying to play The Show Goes On.  I showed him how I can play by ear, and we both thought that the other was pretty talented.  We saw eachother every day after that.  His name is Kenny, and he's super nice and not a jerk like most guys I know.  I mean, seriously!  He's talented and complimentary and nice and kind, but he goes to a far away church.  So I got his Facebook name.  Hope I get to see him next year!

I didn't get into Rockstar, unfortunately, but this one girl, Kira, who I am now friends with, actually WON the thing!  She has an amazing voice, and we saw eachother audition!  She thinks I look like Mandy Moore, too!

You know what?  Since everyone thinks I look like Mandy Moore, I'm going to sing Only Hope next year for Rockstar.  That might get me in!

I'm hungry.  What's for dinner?

You just got PUNJABBED!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Josie is About to Leave

I'm about to leave!  Bye, guys!

You just got PUNJABBED!

Josie Begs

I know I have daily viewers!  You need to vote really fast!  That first vote?  That was my brother.  My mom agrees with him.  I just needed to give it a little PUSH!  But PLEASE!  VOTE QUICKLY!

You just got PUNJABBED!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Josie in Ruins

Today was a semi-sweet chocolate chip day.  I went to a sleepover at Meghan's house, and Cheyenne was there.  Mainly we were all being dorks, talking about Avatar: The Last Airbender, giving our own commentary to MIB, and meditating like a bunch of monks.  Oh, and we made our own ice cream.  It's delish.  I wish I had more, only no chocolate chips.  Just ice cream.

We woke up today and created a small family of the three of us on Sims 3.  Then I turned on the Phantom of the Opera and Cheyenne got super excited whenever Gerard Butler got on screen, because apparently, "he's super sexy."  I have to admit, he's got a 9.8 on my Sexyness Scale.  Well, minus the stringy hair under the wig, and the weird disfigured half-face.  I mean, it wasn't that bad, but that's why he didn't get a full 10.  But with the mask, he blows up the Sexyness Scale.

I got my hair cut today, and now I look so cute!  But it started raining and ruined all the video cassettes that were left out from the garage sale, which is disappointing, because some of them she wasn't supposed to put out: Home Alone, While You Were Sleeping, Split Infinity, etc.  Those were good movies.  And now they're lost.  Forever.  Not to mention the Beanie Babies are all gone.  Pooh.

I have to leave for camp tomorrow, so I'm going to be gone for a whole week!  Can you believe it?  And hopefully, this time, I can get into Rockstar.  It's camp's version of American Idol.  I'm trying to decide which song to do.  Here are my choices:

  • Skyscraper
  • And I Am Telling You
  • Pure Imagination
  • At the Beginning
  • The Beauty Underneath
  • Love Never Dies
  • A Thousand Years
  • Dog Days Are Over
Of course, I'd be singing The Beauty Underneath in a higher key (it's too low for my voice) and Love Never Dies in a lower key (this isn't Operastar).  And I'm bringing my uke in case I might be able to use it.

You know what?  I'm gonna open a post saying which song I can do.  You guys vote.  But vote quickly.  I have until tomorrow evening!  AUGH!

You just got PUNJABBED!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Josie Goes to Houston

Crap!  That space shuttle is huge!

If you haven't guessed by now, I am blogging from my mom's phone in Houston.  It's really neat here!  Of course, Mom's probably going to get onto me for writing while walking.

Apparently not.

It's not very crowded here, so that should be good.  Jared has fits if it's crowded.

I was trying to read The Odessy on the way here, but little brother Jared wouldn't leave me alone.

It's very hard to breathe in the space station. And someone just took a picture of us while I was holding the phone.  Jared's not gnna let hat g, ?
They had a fear factory with 4 spaces, one with scary animals,

You know what?  This phone isn't working.  I'm gonna post later, at home, on a computer that surprisingly works better than this STUPID PHONE!

Okay, that was yesterday.  Now it's today.


Did you know that they have flight simulation in Houston?  It's six bucks a person, but it was worth it.  First time I was by myself, and you get to turn yourself upside down!  I was talking nonstop, and they have TV's outside that show what's going inside the capsule.  People were laughing at me.

Second time, Jared and Mom were supposed to go, but Jared got scared, so I took his place.  As it turns out, Mom's screams are louder than her sneezes.  And her sneezes are loud.


You just got PUNJABBED!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Josie and Canada Day

Even though there are absolutely NO Canadian people reading my blog, I want to at least say it.  Maybe just the mention of it will bring it up on Google.

It's two days until Independence Day, 20 days until my birthday, all this stuff is happening, I can't stop!  I'm going to Houston tomorrow, so, yeah.

Something's up with Kasiah.  My mom received two updates from Kasiah on her status.  One of them said that she was going out with HNBT (Her New Boyfriend Trevor---That's what I've been calling him, because I thought that they were going out when they weren't and it kind of stuck.) and then shortly after, she changed her status to single.  I need to call her and see if she's okay, if she's going out with HNBT or not, if not, who broke up with who and why, and then come over with a plate of breakup cookies.  She's my best friend!  I'm not going to leave her alone during an act of sadness!


Happy Canada Day!

You just got PUNJABBED!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Josie and July

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I've been... busy.

I went to an improvisation camp over the week and it was so much fun!  We got to perform monologues and play improv games like Taxi, Freeze, Questions Only, Ru Ru Ru (which is sort of like Scenes from a Hat, only simpler), Pillars (which is like Improv MadLibs), Props, and Party Quirks.  It was so much fun!  I made lots of friends, Carla, Miranda, Aayush, Landshark, Fuzzy Buddy, BAC, Kristen, Brittnae, Johanna, Sky, and Gabby.  Jared was having a hard time, because this one kid Paul was being a bully, and so Mom said it was best if he stay out the rest of the week.  I felt really bad for him, because after he left, a bunch of people wanted him to come back.  Oh, well.

I've bought a lot of books!  I got Dork Diaries 3 1/2: How to Dork Your Diary, Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, and yesterday I got a package containing The Oddessy of Homer.

Okay, apparently Jared's losing at his game.  That explains the drastic screaming from the other room.

I have to read that last book for Pre-AP English.  Summer homework.  Ugh.

I went to a party last night at Kasiah's.  There were a lot of people there, but of course, no drinking.  We played Rock Band, Taboo, Apples to Apples, then watched Tucker & Dale vs. Evil.  I laugh while watching The Phantom of the Opera (1989) which is extremely gory and violent, and I start laughing my head off in the middle of it, but this one, kids end up accidentaly killing themselves by a twig through the chest, stake through the chest, jumping into a wood grinder and his legs are the only thing that stays, it's gross, but hilarious!

I need to write out my birthday wish list.  Hmm.... I guess I'll start here.

  • A puppy!  As always
  • A ton of fiction books
  • The 21 Soundtrack
  • Camera that can hold an SD card, not lose a ton of memory if you erase a lot of stuff, and actually TAKE pictures.  Dad didn't think that I wanted to do photography.
  • For Aubrie to get caught red-handed.  I'm sorry, but she's been going behind everybody's back.  It would be nice for her to get caught once and not be looked at as Little Miss Perfect Princess.
  • Flash mob in my honor.
  • For Brittnae to get her lucky Star Wars card back.  Sorry, girl!
  • For Dario Argento's Phantom of the Opera to be banned from the world just from it's crappiness.  Not to mention rat sex.  I didn't see the movie, I saw a review of it.
  • Laptop with iMovie.  Then I can write and edit movies whenever I want.
  • Hard cold cash.  That's what every kid wants, right?
  • Calvin and Hobbes.
I'm in the mood for writing a song!
You just got PUNJABBED!