Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Josie and the Suckish Vacation

I have a horrible fever, my nose is all stuffy, my hair won't lay down, and on top of that I have to go on a plane to Cleveland at 2 PM.  Then after that, and I mean straight after that, I'm taking a super long road trip to Virginia.  And why?  Just so I can spend Christmas with my dad and his fiancee.  I really don't like them.  Last night, I was crying and begging not to go with them.  Oh, well.

Anyway, I won't be on until the 28th.  SOO SORRY!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Josie and the Platinum Minds

Okay, so Kasiah, one of my BFFs, wanted to create a rock band.  You know, one for Battle of the Bands or something, but not so emo and wierd.  But, since I play the piano really good, I said I'd be keyboards and vocals.  But, she's gonna be the vocals.  I hate to say it, but she's not the best.  I don't want to brag, but I was the 5th chair soprano, AND the whole English class wanted an encore when I sang.  We have it together, so she sang and played her clarinet at first, but you couldn't really hear her.  So, I'm going to coach her.

I'm going to open a blog about it, so look for it on my account.

Josie and the Purple Floor

Okay, so my mom was probably late to school, but when she was getting into the car, she forgot her drink.  It's basically iced tea with elderberry concentrate in it.  It keeps her from getting sick from kids at school.  But she dropped it all over the floor and on the cabinets and only cleaned the cabinets.  She said now we're going to have purple blotches on the tiles.  I have a feeling bleach won't work on nine-hour old stains....

Monday, December 5, 2011

Josie and the Lost Language

I probably should have copied the language down before.

So, as part of my book, there's a language called Mer-ish that I found on a blog,  So, I tried to get on it to copy the language into my book, because also I had written an entire song in it and couldn't remember the translation, and when I went to the blog, THEY HAD REMOVED IT!

Now, I have to go back and create my own language, or just stick with English.  Besides, someone did say that it was from a book.  But now, I am left with nothing.

Josie and the Referrals

The only places I was reffered from according to my stats was an info blog on dental implants and an inappropriate blog.  Must go to school, BYE!

Josie and Dad

Are you the other half of the views on my blog?  If so, please comment, and please, I'm fine on my own.  I don't need you hovering over everything I do on the computer, I need a little freedom!  Not like parental view is bad, but sometimes I don't need a man in his 50's stalking my blog.  Not like you're a bad thing.

If you're not reading this, I'm sorry, Russian and German people.  But you guys rock!

Josie and Mom

Whoever keeps on reading me in Russia, thank you for reading my blog regularly, unless you truly are stalking me.  But I doubt that a Russian will fly all the way to Texas and search every city and middle school and high school for a girl with the same description with almost every other girl: straight hair, fair skin, light brown hair, brown/hazel eyes, tall, exactly.  And there are how many cities including small towns in Texas?  It's the second largest state, for Pete's sake!  Now, if I lived on Rhode Island, I might be a little worried.

Sign:  Welcome to Rhode Island!  Thank you for coming to Rhode Island!

Josie and the Big Fat "Liar"

So I was awaken this morning by my mother storming into my room saying "Josie, you lied to me."  I was like, What the heck?  "You created a YouTube account,".  Of course.  Google was going to get me in soo much trouble.  So, I had to get onto YouTube and tried to explain the most complicated thing in the world (probably next to my Why Line Theory -- I'll explain that later) and when I'm trying to show her that under my Blogspot account I'm under an account that I have the ability to create, but it isn't official yet, but when I'm under her YouTube account, I'm under her Blogspot account, but when I opened another window for Blogspot, I discovered that I was still in my Blogspot account.

I swear, my heart jumped into my throat almost.  If it had been my dad instead of my mom, he wouldn't have believed me.  If it had been my stepmom, well, let's just say it wouldn't be pretty.

Mom rocks.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Josie and the Big Rip-Off

That's right.  I bought a PDA or whatever with a touchscreen: crummiest thing ever!  It would only let me set alarms for the year 2005 and before, the world currency thing was hopeless, I couldn't understand the world time, it took forever to set my own time, and on top of that the touch screen was so tiny you could barely read anything!  The only thing that did work was the calculator.

So, I tried to return it, but they said since I had stored data on it I couldn't get a refund or cash credit, but I couldn't store data on it!  So I just left.  One of the best stores in the world and my mother doesn't want me to go there again.  So I went into JCPenny's and tried to sleep on a bed when I saw my friend, Kasiah there with her family.  So I'm kinda okay.

PBJ for lunch.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Josie and the Results

When I was peeling the eggs, a few of them fell apart, and the mixture of six egg's yolk, one tablespoon of yellow mustard, two tablespoons of mayo, two tablespoons of sweet pickle relish, I realized that I had left paprika off the shopping list, my favorite part.  So, we, at first, ended up eating the ugly eggs without seasoning, and they were delicious.  Then, I got some salmon seasoning my mom's allergic to and finished the tiny bit off on half my eggs.  It's main ingredient was paprika, but it had chipotle as well, but I was in a spicy heaven.  And so now I am sitting here blogging and munching on something just as good as hot fries: hot pork rinds.

Josie and the Void

Blogspot is my new Youtube and my Facebook.  I keep on posting, hoping someone will acknowledge to comment.  Even if you don't have an account, you still can.

Mom has been gone for a while, I am busy cleaning the bathroom, and I have had to put the eggs on warm.

I am to be my 50th viewer.  How sad is that?  I can't come to my blog and see that I have 55, meaning that I've missed it, meaning I don't have to be the 50th viewer, which is really sad.  Suddenly I feel like Julie Powell, sending her post out into this empty cosmic void.  Well, goodnight, void.  Probably won't be my last time posting tonight.

Josie and the Big Deal

So far 10 Americans, 8 Russians, and 1 German total have viewed my blog!  And this is why I have enabled the Russian translation.

When I get into French 1, we have to mail a Frenchie.  I keep on thinking he's a beautiful, smart, hansome, musical, artistic French named Laurent who finds me intriguing (if I spelt that right) and doesn't mind correcting me in my French and would love to meet me and we become the best of friends.  Oh, well.  Dream on.

Josie and the Devilled Eggs Made by a Christian

If you are a Wiccan or a Pagan who has come across my blog, I am sorry to inform you that I am a Christian making devilled eggs.  They might just be my favorite healthy snack besides cottage cheese.  I have brought six eggs to a boil and they are sitting.  My mother, however, is getting mayonaise, sweet pickle relish, and hot fries in the pouring rain.

Hot fries are my favorite unhealthy snack.  They are Chester's Flamin' Hot Fries, made by the Cheetos company.

Now, I am to clean our incredibly claustrophobic bathroom (we only have one) by the time Mom gets home.  She didn't want to go out in the rain, but she wants devilled eggs as much as I do.  Well, probably not as much, but close.

Josie and the Happy December

Happy December!  Our Christmas tree's set up, we need to get a new star and train set, the stockings are up on the wall, and we're counting down until Christmas!  Now, I need to do the chores while Mom is at class.  Au revoir!

Josie and the Schedule

So, in English, I am supposed to be planning a schedule (well, actually, I'm still confused, so everyone else is moving on while I have to come after school) for high school.  In 9th grade, I have to take:

  • English 1 Honors
  • Algebra 1 Honors (maybe)
  • Biology
  • World Geography
  • Choir
  • Band
  • French 1
  • Band
Yes, that's right.  I have to take band TWICE!  Which really angers me because then I'll have a hard time with my classes in my senior year. 

There are mainly 5 reasons I want to take French: Julia Child, the French are awesome, I love French food, you get to mail someone in France that's your age, and so that I can understand the Aurore movie (it was made in Quebec, but it's still entirely in French, and I want to hear Marianne Fortier's real voice, not the English badly matching up version.

Now for the sophomore year:

  • English 2 Honors
  • Geometry
  • Chemistry
  • World History
  • Theatre
  • French 2
  • Animation
  • Choir
I've decided that if I'm going to take all the classes I want to take in my senior year, I can take private lessons from Mr. Clark.  I mean, he's awesome.  Junior:

  • English 3 Honors
  • Algebra 2
  • Physics or Tech
  • U.S. History
  • Choir
  • Communication Apps. / Health
  • Theatre
  • Creative Writing
I love writing, and I hate that we can't write about what we want in English, so Creative Writing should be a cinch!  Last, but certainly not least, here's my Senior Year:

  • English 4
  • Government/Ecenomics
  • 4th credit of allowable math
  • 4th credit of allowable science
  • Theatre
  • Choir
  • Creative Writing
  • Band
I am probably going to take Government/Ecenomics during summer school so I can have my extra period of band.  This can only happen if I take private lessons from Mr. Clark.  Which kinda stinks.

Josie and Removal

I've decided that two blogs are plenty.  I should just have one for my life and one for travelling, since that's all I may do when I get older.  And cook.  And perform.  So, my question that I am sending out into the empty void that should be filled with readers (about 45 views right now, so that's pretty good) is how do you remove a blog?  If you're embarrased with what is on it or are tired of it, shouldn't you be able to remove it?

I am seriously going to have to get my own YouTube account on my own e-mail, because when I try to get on my mom's and comment, I can't because my e-mail is connected to Google and so is Blogspot, which really angers me.

Why is it that all the blogs I have found so far when you click the "Next Blog" button are about retirement villages, organizations for cancer, Wicca, horses, and full of REALLY good pictures of someone's family?  What I'm really looking for is a blog like mine, that's about a teen's life.  Or the Julie/Julia Project (which I cannot seem to find ANYWHERE!)